Given A Second Chance: Time for Revenge!

Chapter 808: Metamorphosis, even the most dangerous people have weaknesses

"That\'s not right. Even if Pei Yi didn\'t see you, didn\'t Tang Yuqing tell him? If it wasn\'t for you, Tang Yuqing was still locked in the laboratory, and the ghost knows if he can wait until Pei Yi appears and be played by that perverted doctor first. Now. You are her benefactor, so she will repay her revenge like this?" Ye Hanjun frowned tightly.

Fu Yihuan whispered, "Maybe she was frightened by the situation at the time, and she forgot to tell Pei Yi, which was not sincere."

"But at that time, Pei Yi already knew through Xu Fan that the eldest lady and Tang Yuqing escaped together, and seeing Tang Yuqing, she should ask where the eldest lady is." Gu Yian said, "I didn\'t ask, or asked, Tang Yuqing. Didn\'t you say?"

Ye Hanjun said in a deep voice, "Even if Tang Yuqing can play tricks, everyone knows who Pei Yi is. If he really asks about A Bao\'s whereabouts, Tang Yuqing\'s tricks can\'t deceive him."

"Although I don\'t know what\'s going on, I can tell from a woman\'s point of view that Pei Yi can hold Tang Yuqing." Fu Yihuanfeng said analytically.

Ye Hanjun looked back at her, "Huh? Do you still know things?"

Fu Yihuan murmured silently in his heart. Just like when I first contacted you, I knew that I would definitely not be able to make waves in front of you, and you could hold me.

"So what can be confirmed now is that Tang Yuqing did not take the initiative to tell Pei Yi of Abao\'s whereabouts, either because he was frightened or with ulterior motives. The dispute is whether Pei Yi forgot to ask, or whether Tang Yuqing lied and didn\'t tell. He..." Gu Yian now understands why the eldest miss doesn\'t want to see Pei Yi anymore.

There was a sneer on Su Zibao\'s lips, "I don\'t care, it\'s over. Pei Yi went to the Maldives for Tang Yuqing, and he came to Isa International to save Tang Yuqing. The person who found her left, it\'s normal and there\'s nothing to say. , even if you forget to ask me a question, it\'s nothing."

"If I take you to heart, the first thing I see when I see anyone is to worry about your safety, and I will never forget to ask you. And that Tang Yuqing, since she dares to go out and plan to solve the three problems by herself, as for the frightened Did you forget that Ah Bao is nearby?" Ye Hanyun\'s voice gradually became colder, "Tang Yuqing\'s mind is very certain, there are search chasing soldiers all around, the sound of gunfire will attract the enemy, it is already very troublesome to bring her Pei Yi, plus The last seriously injured A Bao, they are in danger. Regardless of A Bao, it is the safest way to leave directly. As for what Pei Yi thinks, I don\'t know. "

Gu Yian said, "Do you want to ask?"

"Who to ask, Tang Yuqing? There are too many excuses for listening to Han Ruoyan\'s disgusting and nauseating reasons. I\'m not interested in listening to the next one." Su Zibao said lightly. She didn\'t mention Pei Yi at all, indicating that she really didn\'t want to have any contact with him now.

"This account can\'t be counted like this! You ran away with Tang Yuqing, but she left you alone. It\'s too hateful to repay kindness and revenge." Ye Hanjun said coldly.

Su Zibao looked at him, "So I want to apologize to you, I\'m sorry, because of my own willfulness, both you and Ian are in danger."

"Why do you say such polite words? When you planned to go inside to save people, you made the worst plan." Ye Hanjun smiled, "Aren\'t we all right? It\'s you..."

"My body doesn\'t matter. Second Young Master, I have something to discuss with you: the Sakura Organization." Su Zibao said in a deep voice, "Now you are the only person around me who knows something about this organization. I guess Fei Ying and the Sakura Organization have something to do with each other. The great relationship may be one of them."

Ye Hanjun

Nodding, "It can be seen from the fact that she kidnapped Tang Yuqing. This organization is very dangerous, Bao, I hope you can avoid them. Don\'t have anything to do with that Fei Ying in the future."

"Even the most dangerous people have enemies, and even the most dangerous people have weaknesses." Su Zibao\'s lips were slightly raised, and there was no trace of warmth. "Your family should have collected a lot of information about them."

Ye Hanjun instantly understood what Su Zibao wanted to do, she actually wanted to attack Fei Ying!

"A Bao, after I found out that Fei Ying and the Sakura Organization may be related, I will go back and check the information. From the data, if she is really a member of the Sakura Organization, she is most likely the leader of the Sakura Organization, codenamed Sakura." Ye Hanyun Her face became serious in an instant, "I heard that Sakura never misses any task she personally took on. She has an international reputation for being ruthless and notorious for her ferocity."

Su Zibao\'s expression did not change, "But she is also a human being, and she is still a woman. I used to be led by her nose because she pinched my weakness. But now, it\'s my turn to play chess."

Her weakness is Pei Yi. She was provoked several times by that woman. Even if she knew that Pei Yi went to her to save Tang Yuqing, she still couldn\'t bear it when she thought about the bed photos.

In order to save Tang Yuqing, he used a handsome man\'s trick? Hehe, she\'s just stingy, she can\'t be generous. She Su Zibao is not a kind and good person. The life and death of the woman who will repay her kindness and vengeance is none of her business, Su Zibao.

Even if you sleep with that woman in order to save the whole human race, you are still sleeping.

Fei Ying is indeed stuck in her dead end everywhere, because Su Zibao cares about Pei Yi too much and loves him so much that he will be fooled by just a few provocations. But now, even if Fei Ying hooked up with Pei Yi in front of her, her eyelids wouldn\'t blink.

The trick that Fei Ying used to deal with her is now ineffective.

"Are you sure?" Ye Hanjun stared at her and asked.

Su Zibao smiled, "I just need you to help me check the information, and I will do the rest myself."

"What nonsense, I, Ye Hanyun, are not afraid of anything. Could it be that I am afraid of a woman?" Ye Hanyun said, and laughed first, "No, I am indeed afraid of a woman. I am afraid of you, and the person I am most afraid of in the whole world is You. But I\'m only afraid of you, I\'m not afraid of Fei Ying. I will continue to collect information, and I will notify you as soon as there is progress, you can rest assured."

Gu Yian said, "But when it comes to Cha Feiying\'s information, Pei Yi must be the one who knows the most."

The three of them looked at Su Zibao with six eyes.

Su Zibao was the only one who wanted to find out the news from Pei Yi.

"Well... Yes, after all, the old lover must know a little more. Just this time I should thank him and take a look at his tone by the way." Su Zibao\'s tone was calm, and he nodded in agreement.

Gu Yian originally thought that Su Zibao would rather not know Fei Ying\'s information and ignore Pei Yi, but now she said such a sentence calmly. It sounds like good news that you are willing to meet Pei Yi, but you are no longer jealous of your old lover and your childhood sweetheart. You can calmly talk to your old lover and talk to you. This attitude is really serious.

She can make such a rational decision to make judgments and no longer be emotional, that is because... emotional, at least she has to have feelings.

It\'s over, it\'s serious.