Given A Second Chance: Time for Revenge!

Chapter 807: How can a phone call be the same as a meeting?

In the afternoon, my parents went back to Su\'s house to look for grandfather\'s relics, hoping to find something to prove the origin of Su Zibao\'s mother.

Su Zibao had eaten millet porridge and was lying on the hospital bed. Originally, the patient should have a good rest, but when she woke up, she had to face too many things, and she couldn\'t rest at all.

"Miss, haven\'t you seen Pei Yi? He has been watching over you since you were sent to the hospital, until now. Oh, by the way, it was he who discovered your position." Gu Yian stood aside and said.

Su Zibao\'s face instantly turned cold, "Yian, have you forgotten what I said?"

She just said it this morning and didn\'t want to hear anything about Pei Yi.

Gu Yian didn\'t say much, just nodded slightly, "Does the eldest miss take a nap?"

"No." Su Zibao said, looking at Gu Yian, with a smile, "I didn\'t target you just now, I\'m really glad that Yian is safe and sound. I also generally understand that this time the crisis was able to The solution, thanks to Pei Yi\'s help, everyone should really thank him. I also thank him, but I don\'t want to see him. "

Thanking him but not wanting to see him at all, it sounds contradictory, but Gu Yian already understands the meaning contained in it.

"Help me pick a gift for Mr. Pei Yi to express my gratitude." Su Zibao added lightly, his face returned to normal without any ripples.

Gu Yian bowed slightly, "Yes."

"Is Second Young Master Ye seriously injured? Thanks to him when I was in the building, I want to go see him, and by the way, apologize to him." Su Zibao said with pursed lips. If it wasn\'t for her insisting on taking Tang Yuqing with her, Ye Hanjun would not have shot and broken the window, alarming the searchers.

Otherwise, they still have a second way to go.

"The eldest miss\'s physical condition does not allow you to get out of bed for the time being, and Ye Ershao is also inconvenient to move, why don\'t you... make a phone call?" Gu Yian put forward an unreliable suggestion.

At this moment, a smiling voice came from the door, "Tsk tsk, Gu Yian, you are too confused, how can a phone call be the same as a meeting. It\'s not as good as me if you say 10,000 words about your health. See for yourself."

"Second Young Master!" Su Zibao looked at him in surprise.

I saw Ye Hanyun at the door wearing the same blue and white striped suit as Su Zibao, sitting in a wheelchair, with a thick plaster cast on his left leg and a bandage around his head, behind him was Fu Yihuan who pushed him in.

"A Bao." Ye Hanjun moved to the side of Su Zibao\'s hospital bed and looked at her up and down, "Although you are tied into a mummy, it\'s fine as long as you wake up. There will be solutions to any difficulties, don\'t be afraid."

Su Zibao hummed, looked at him and said, "How is your injury?"

"It\'s alright, I can\'t die." Ye Hanjun waved his hand in disapproval, "I\'ve been born twice, and now I\'m more used to sitting in a wheelchair than the first time. It only takes a few minutes to come and see you, which is very convenient."

Fu Yihuan chuckled. No, after the last time he was injured under the mine, he was also in a wheelchair.

"I heard that something happened between you and Pei Yi again?" Ye Hanyun said, "Pei Yi went to the Maldives to find Fei Ying because Fei Ying kidnapped Tang Yuqing. You should know all this, right? Why haven\'t you? reconciliation?"

Su Zibaodai\'s blue eyebrows wrinkled and she just said, "For the thing he saved us, I have asked Yi An to prepare a gift to express my gratitude."

Seeing that Su Zibao was reluctant to mention Pei Yi, Fu Yihuan took it up and said, "I really don\'t know who Fei Ying is, why did she kidnap her?

Tang Yuqing. Tang Yuqing probably didn\'t have a grudge against anyone. "

"Fei Ying is Pei Yi\'s old lover, and Tang Yuqing is Pei Yi\'s childhood sweetheart. The old lover wants to rekindle with Pei Yi, and can\'t stand other women around him, so it\'s normal to take action." Su Zibao said lightly.

Ye Hanjun nodded slightly, "A Bao is right. First he kidnapped Tang Yuqing, and then used Gu Yian as an introduction to make you fall into a trap. You two have solved it, then there is really no one around Pei Yi."

"Tang Yuqing... She also has this idea?" Fu Yihuan said in surprise.

Tang Yuqing looked different from Han Ruoyan and the others. Han Ruoyan is the daughter of a wealthy family. It is normal to pretend to be hypocritical and gentle, but it is a required course for celebrities. But Tang Yuqing, although showing a hostile attitude towards Su Zibao, makes people feel very sincere.

It\'s the attitude of "I just don\'t like you" on the table, and I don\'t know what to do, so even though she knew she liked Pei Yi for a long time, Su Zibao never regarded her as a rival in love.

Su Zibao curved the corners of his lips and smiled coldly.

Gu Yian and Su Zibao explained in detail why she was infected with germs, because the shrapnel of the bomb stayed in her body for too long, and it was fortunate that they finally found her, otherwise, if they continued, Su Zibao would lose too much blood. die there.

Even when the doctor rescued him, he said that if it was delivered two hours later, there was no guarantee that he would be able to save his life.

So much so that the entire family of the Su family in Haicheng almost fainted, and stayed outside her ward.

That is to say, if Pei Yi did not run away with Tang Yuqing in his arms, but took her with him, he would not have gotten to the point where he had to undergo surgery for infection.

That\'s why Ye Hanjun didn\'t want to make extra troubles, and just wanted to send her seriously injured out quickly. She can\'t afford to waste her time.

"Abao, what\'s going on? I only know that when you went out at the end, Gu Yian covered you, and you and Tang Yuqing left together. How did you separate after that?" Ye Hanjun asked.

Gu Yian also looked at Su Zibao.

"Tang Yuqing and I are not separated at all, we are together." Su Zibao said lightly.

Ye Hanjun\'s face froze, "I heard that Tang Yuqing was rescued by Pei Yi a long time ago. You were with her. Why didn\'t Pei Yi bring you back with her?"

"At that time, the people from Isha International searched the area like they were on the carpet. They had already found the area where we were hiding. At first, there were only three people. Tang Yuqing wanted to try and say that maybe it could be solved, but I didn\'t stop her. Appeared, the surrounding soldiers all came, there were about ten people. At that time, Pei Yi came alone. Although those people were cleaned up, there were more enemies around. The sound of gunfire has attracted the searched enemies. Leave as soon as possible, after being surrounded by hundreds of people, even immortals will be beaten into a sieve." Su Zibao stated calmly.

Ye Hanjun said, "You said that Pei Yi needs to leave as soon as possible. I understand that. What I\'m asking is, why didn\'t he take you with him?"

"Miss is hiding in the room, Pei Yi, didn\'t you see it?" Gu Yian keenly discovered the problem.

Su Zibao hummed, "Yeah, he doesn\'t know. So they left, don\'t blame him."

She never felt that she had to force someone to save her, and Pei Yi didn\'t owe her money, so why should she hate him because she wasn\'t saved? Of course not.

Only seeing the heartache and despair of him disappearing holding another woman\'s back, only those who have experienced it understand that it is not hate, but cold.