Given A Second Chance: Time for Revenge!

Chapter 809: Divorce or not is up to you, nothing else to talk about

Except for the two little dumplings who didn\'t know Su Zibao\'s condition, Su Zibao had seen all the relatives and friends in the past few days, as well as some partners, including Pei Yi.

She didn\'t treat Pei Yi coldly, but seemed to treat her partner as strange and alienated, but the more she did, the more uncomfortable it became.

"A Bao, we need to have a good talk." Pei Yi looked at Su Zibao on the hospital bed with a hint of helplessness in his deep eyes.

It was already late at night, and all the relatives and friends who visited the sick went back, only Pei Yi, Lin Xuejiao and Gu Yian were left. Originally, Su Jiaxin was also guarding here, because she was pregnant now, Su Zibao didn\'t allow her to spend so much time, but Lin Xuejiao didn\'t want to go home to rest.

Her mother, her husband, and her housekeeper were all by her side. Logically, she should feel very happy as a patient, but the atmosphere in the ward was not quite right.

"Let\'s talk? Yes, thanks to you this time. After I leave the hospital in two days, I want to entertain you to express my gratitude. But the doctor said that an injury like mine would require at least a month of hospitalization." Su Zibao said with a smile .

Pei Yi\'s eyes narrowed, "No need for a banquet, this is not what I want to talk to you about."

"Does the president of meco want to talk about cooperation with my Su family? Your company\'s project is not something that the Su Group can participate in." Su Zibao said lightly.

Pei Yi\'s inky eyes stared at Su Zibao, the expression in his eyes was complicated and inexplicable, Su Zibao looked at him so calmly, and there was not the slightest ripple in those agile eyes.

Lin Xuejiao and Gu Yian looked at each other, coughed and said, "Xiao An, I suddenly remembered that something was left outside, you accompany me to find it."

"Okay, ma\'am, please." Gu Yian helped Lin Xue out with kindness.

Give space in the ward to the two of them.

"The reason why Fei Ying will take action against you is because of me. I have involved you in my grievances, and it is my fault that I failed to protect you well and seriously injured you." Pei Yi said, looking at Su Zibao.

Su Zibao chuckled lightly, "Don\'t worry about it. After all, I am your righteous wife, your wife. When we got married, I made it very clear that I would definitely be able to be Mrs. Pei. Mrs. Pei does not need to apologize for what happened to her. After all, it was the position that I had to occupy when I was shameless. While I gained some benefits, I also had to bear the corresponding risks. "

"You only use benefits and risks to summarize our marriage?" Pei Yi\'s eyes sank.

At the beginning, they were just a commercial marriage, for their own purposes, but now, it is completely different.

"If someone who almost died once, can\'t see clearly, and can\'t face everything rationally and calmly, then I\'ll be saved in vain. It\'s no different from dying there. Because sooner or later, it won\'t last long." Su Zibao lowered his head. Eyelid, said lightly, "I know what you want to say to me, but I don\'t want to hear it. You have your own involuntary, I accept it. But you insist that people understand you and recognize you, as if nothing happened. The same. Pei Yi, don\'t you think it\'s too hard to be too strong?"

Pei Yi pursed her lips tightly, and she raised her thorns all over again and retreated into her shell.

"I don\'t want to talk about the past, you saved me

I, saved my friend again, and I am very grateful. I don\'t want to intervene in the matter between you and Feiying Tang Yuqing. As we agreed at the beginning, you and I are just husband and wife. I will never interfere in your private life, nor will I do anything to humiliate your identity as Mrs. Pei. Things, don\'t worry about this. Aochen and Forsythia are too young, they need a complete family, my parents worry too much for me, and I don\'t want them to worry anymore. When Su Zibao said this, he paused and continued, "You are the president of meco, and you are not the right match for your status as the daughter of the Su family. If you have a new goal and plan to divorce and remarry, I also agree. "

Her voice was calm, but Pei Yi\'s face became more and more ugly, with a look of impending storm.

"Su Zibao!" Pei Yi\'s face was gloomy, and he almost squeezed the name out of his teeth. A terrifying aura shrouded his body, obviously he was extremely angry.

Su Zibao raised his eyes to look at him, not afraid of his imposing manner, and raised an elegant and calm smile, "Mr. Pei, what is your choice? Continue to maintain the appearance of a wealthy couple, or divorce, I will cooperate."

"I don\'t choose either!" Pei Yi said coldly, those long and narrow eyes as if they were going to see through her.

What **** he said, divorce or being that kind of husband and wife in name only, what he wanted was her heart, not the identity of an empty Mrs. Pei.

"That would be difficult. You are not willing to divorce, and you are not willing to divorce, so does Mr. Pei really want to be widowed? But my physical condition is so bad that even if I can\'t have surgery, I can still live for 20 years. It will be impossible to meet Mr. Pei\'s widow\'s expectations for a while. However, Gu Yian said that 20 years are just predictions. Maybe the condition will deteriorate to an irreversible level in a few years. I\'m in complete control." Su Zibao tilted his head slightly, looking at him with calm and pure eyes, "I can only blame you for coming an hour earlier, otherwise the funeral can be held now."

Pei Yi\'s full of anger was shattered by her frivolous words, and he was annoyed by her **** attitude, but in the end, she almost died was a hurdle he could never get over in his life.

He has a reason, and she doesn\'t accept it.

No matter what the reason is, it can\'t live up to her life.

Without surgery, then she...

The anger in Pei Yi\'s eyes disappeared little by little, leaving only endless pity and self-blame, and took Su Zibao into his arms, "Abao, don\'t be afraid, I will definitely find your family and let you complete the operation smoothly, It won\'t get you into trouble."

"Thank you." Su Zibao said politely.

But these two words of her made Pei Yi froze. He would rather hear her sarcasm, hear her hate cursing, than hear her answer so tenderly.

"That day…"

"If I died at that time, would you say these reasons in front of my tombstone? What\'s the point of saying this in front of a dead person. I already died at that time, so you should be dead at that time. "Su Zibao interrupted him directly and sneered, "If Mr. Pei wants to explain this, please go out. If Mr. Pei is not satisfied with my current situation, divorce, I will follow you. If you don\'t divorce, I will follow you. Others Yes, no talk."

The air froze for a while, and she was like a little hedgehog, refusing his approach.