Given A Second Chance: Time for Revenge!

Chapter 791: The sound of the east and the west, Pei Yi's counterattack

After Fei Ying left, Pei Yi wore the latest technology Bluetooth receiver headset and said lightly, "Is the location locked?"

The blood wolf on the other end of the phone said, "It has been locked. But the enemy\'s defense is strong, and a strong attack may cause them to destroy the hostages. It is difficult to get in with a single attack."

"Tomorrow, I will create an opportunity to lure away some of the mercenaries. You can take the opportunity to go in and rescue Tang Yuqing. Don\'t worry about me, just retreat back to the country." Pei Yi\'s narrow eyes narrowed slightly, and his tone was calm.

The blood wolf immediately said, "Understood!"

Early the next morning, Fei Ying came to harass Pei Yi again. Pei Yi seemed to have to compromise with her for Tang Yuqing\'s sake.

"Have you thought of the conditions you want to mention?" Pei Yi said.

Fei Ying sighed, "Not yet. Who told me that I have everything, nothing is missing, and it just happens that I am missing only one of you."

Seeing her like this, Pei Yi turned around and walked outside the villa. Fei Ying hurriedly followed and said, "Hey. What do you want to do? Are you going back, you don\'t want to save Tang Yuqing?"

"I don\'t want to see you. Prepare me a yacht and go fishing. Think slowly here and tell me." Pei Yi said lazily without squinting.

Fei Ying snorted and said, "I don\'t want to see me, I still want you to see me. Come on, get a yacht and prepare two pieces of fishing gear."

"I refuse you to go with me." Pei Yi didn\'t lift his eyelids.

Fei Ying took Pei Yi\'s arm, "Rejection is invalid! Now you have to listen to me. If you refuse, I will not give Tang Yuqing to you."

Pei Yi glanced at her and said no more, and wanted to pull out his hand, but the other party just held on tight, worried that Pei Yi would throw her away when he got on the yacht.

Within a few minutes, the people under his command brought a high-end yacht, a sailor in charge of sailing, two bodyguards, and five other people, Pei Yi and Fei Ying, on the yacht and set out for a long journey.

"Wow, it\'s really fun to go fishing on a yacht together." Fei Ying stood by the boat and stretched out her hand, smiling like a flower, "Pei Yi, today\'s sunshine is very good, it\'s very suitable for going to sea."

Pei Yi narrowed his eyes slightly, looked back at the beach that was getting farther and farther, and didn\'t know what he was thinking, his lips raised slightly, "It\'s a good weather."

After more than 20 minutes, there was a vast white sea all around. Pei Yi took out the fishing equipment and put down the tangled fishing line in circles. His sophisticated technique showed superb fishing skills.

Fei Ying said, "You really know how to fish?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Pei Yi swung his fishing rod, and the fish hook hooked on one of the bodyguards. Pei Yi lifted his foot and kicked the bodyguard as if he was spinning in circles. The other bodyguard\'s stomach, taking advantage of the other\'s pain, draped a palm over the back of his head, and his technique was precise, and the man suddenly fainted.

This series of actions by Pei Yi was just between the light of calcium carbide and fire. By the time Fei Ying reacted, the two bodyguards had already been dealt with.

"Pei Yi, what do you want to do?" Fei Ying instantly took out a pistol, but Pei Yi also took out a pistol to face her at the same time.

Muzzle to muzzle.

"Caught you and exchanged Tang Yuqing." Pei Yi said lightly.

Fei Ying sneered, "Then you think about me too simply, you can\'t catch me. And even if you catch me, as long as I don\'t want to exchange, no one will dare to give Tang Yuqing to you. You can threaten any

People, but you should know that I, Fei Ying, never accept threats. "

"I know, you are the character who would rather die than let anyone succeed." Pei Yi raised his lips slightly, and his eyes fell on the sailor at the helm next to him, "Yo, there is one left. You, jump down."

The sailor named by Pei Yi turned pale with fright. Not everyone in this organization can fight against it. For example, he is proficient in sailing and diving, and he needs such professionals when he performs some special tasks.

As soon as he heard that he was allowed to dive, the man was amnesty and jumped into the water without saying a word, and the bubbles disappeared without a trace.

After three minutes, Fei Ying suddenly smiled and said, "You took care of these two guys, I and you both carry guns, no one can do anything about the other, it\'s a tie. But you made a mistake, you thought the yacht was going offshore. It is so far away that the only way to jump down is to drown. But my subordinate happens to be proficient in water. When he swims back, he will bring it back. Do you still want to fight us alone? You only have a gun, but we have A lot of weapons. Pei Yi, you have no chance of winning."

Pei Yi raised his lips slightly, withdrew his pistol, sat beside him, picked up the remaining fishing rod and started fishing slowly.

Fei Ying has been staring at him nervously the whole time, to beware of him doing the same trick just now, but this time Pei Yi really went fishing with peace of mind.

Fei Ying breathed a sigh of relief, and withdrew her pistol. She sat down beside Pei Yi and said, "Is this admitting defeat? Really, I don\'t want your life. .Look at the weather, go fishing, talk about love, chat, how good it is."

Pei Yi didn\'t speak, just fished indifferently.

Fei Ying didn\'t care about her two subordinates, and just looked at Pei Yi\'s handsome profile with her cheeks raised. I have to say that although this guy is hard and soft, he looks like a rock, but he really looks good. Such handsome and perfect facial features are like works of art carefully carved out by the creator. Man, being too handsome is deceiving.

Fei Ying looked at Pei Yi, her eyes suddenly stiffened.

Wait... not right.

"What kind of calculations are you playing?" Fei Ying suddenly looked at Pei Yi vigilantly, and said with hindsight, " let people go on purpose..."

Pei Yi\'s eyes were still on the sea, and he said without raising his head, "I found it? As expected of you, the response is quite fast."

"You deliberately let him go, let him lead people over, and then..." Fei Ying\'s face changed instantly, "There are still your people on the island! You are making noises! You attract our attention yourself, let your people go Save Tang Yuqing."

Pei Yi raised the fishing rod, and a big fish biting the bait landed on the yacht along a graceful parabola.

"Yes, quite clever."

The sailor at the helm finally swam ashore, and even he nearly drowned in the deep sea. As soon as he landed, he staggered to the guards and said, "No, Pei Yi has attacked the leader!"

"what\'s the situation!"

The sailor immediately recounted what happened on the yacht, and everyone realized the seriousness of the matter. Fei Ying was very fierce. If she was really caught by Pei Yi, it would be troublesome, so a group of people rushed to catch up on the yacht. Rescue, the mercenaries who left the guards were instantly reduced by half.

The blood wolf hiding in the dark looked at this scene and knew that this was the signal for action.

Rescue, start!