Given A Second Chance: Time for Revenge!

Chapter 790: want you, give?

However, the sender was not Pei Yi, but Fei Ying.

Su Zibao clicked on the text message, there was no extra words, just a photo. But this photo has said a thousand words.

bed photo. Pei Yi and Fei Ying.

The angle of the candid shot, there is no trace of processing.

This photo seems to be laughing at the thoughts in her mind just now.

It\'s just that she thinks too much.

Pei Yi, you bastard, get out of here!

Su Zibao turned off the phone directly, deeply feeling that the thought of waiting for his phone and text messages was so ridiculous, he fell asleep with his head covered.

Never forgive you, asshole!

Maldives, villa.

After Fei Ying sent the photo to Su Zibao, imagining her expression, her lip line rose slightly. Although Pei Yi was directly thrown off the bed, it\'s good to keep this photo.

"Your photography skills are very good. Even I look like a screenshot from a movie. This pose is not bad." Fei Ying praised the people around her and handed him a card, "Bonus for you."

The young man accepted the card with a shy smile and said, "Thank you boss for your compliment!"

"Okay, I don\'t need you here, let\'s go take care of Miss Tang over there. Pei Yi is not so simple, although he appears to be negotiating with me, if there is a chance, he will definitely save Tang Yuqing. That play But I can\'t sing any more." Fei Ying played with her big red nails, her smile was charming but cold, "If you let Pei Yi take people away, you don\'t have to come back and jump into the sea by yourself. Bar."

The young man who was smiling just now shuddered, "Yes, boss, don\'t worry."

Fei Ying casually brushed off her long wavy hair and walked in, looking at Pei Yi with a sweet smile, "Oh, didn\'t they just get a little too excited when they saw you just now, and rushed up to give you a confession of love? , you just threw me out of bed. Tsk tsk, I don\'t care about the old feelings at all, it makes me too sad. "

"I don\'t like **\'s confession." Pei Yi frowned. Did this woman take medicine? Same as estrus.

Fei Ying pursed her lips, "Okay, okay, if you don\'t like it, then I won\'t be naked. When you want to see it, I\'ll take it off for you."

"Fei Ying, how can I return Tang Yuqing to me?" Pei Yi ignored her and said directly.

Fei Ying smiled, "That\'s not good, Miss Tang is so beautiful, my brothers all like it, how can I give it to you so easily. Anyway, you have to promise me a few conditions."

"If you want money or power, say it directly." Pei Yi raised his eyebrows. He knew a thing or two about this woman\'s greed.

Fei Ying\'s index finger pointed to Pei Yi, "I want you. Will you give it?"

Pei Yi frowned.

"As long as you sleep with me for one night and I\'m satisfied, I\'ll give her to you. How about it?" Fei Ying posted it in front of Pei Yi, smiling presumptuously and charmingly, "Look, not only do you not spend a cent Rescue your teacher\'s granddaughter, and slept with me, a peerless beauty. It\'s a good deal, right?"

Pei Yi stared at her coldly, "And then record the video and send it to Su Zibao?"

"Oh, it\'s over, you have seen my plan, what should I do?" Fei Ying had a worried tone, but there was a calm smile in her eyes.

, "Then there is no other way, I have to admit it honestly. Yes, if you want, I will invite Su Zibao over to watch it directly, the effect will be better."

Pei Yi\'s eyes were instantly cold and without temperature, "Change the conditions."

"Another condition? I know you won\'t agree. I\'m afraid that your little wife will be heartbroken when she sees it. If she doesn\'t want to take the poison and commit suicide, it seems not good." Fei Ying said.

Pei Yi sneered, "With Su Zibao\'s character, he will never commit suicide, it\'s almost as good as beating you up."

"Come on, if it wasn\'t for your own sake, I would have thrown her into the sea to feed the sharks that day. Humph." Fei Ying was still indignant when she mentioned this, "Then I have to think about it, you will accompany her first. I\'ll be here for a few days. The blue sky and white clouds, the beach and the blue sea, it was really unpleasant to have Su Zibao, an eye-catching light bulb on Simon\'s Island, now it\'s just the two of us, just to relive our old dreams."

Pei Yi ignored her and said in a formulaic tone, "I want to see Tang Yuqing."

"That won\'t work. As long as you look at her, I feel that people can\'t be locked up. After all, I know how evil you are." Fei Ying smiled tenderly, "If you really want to take her away, just do it now. Roll the sheets with me, and I\'ll let them go immediately."

Pei Yi stared at her with a bad tone, "Why do you have to provoke my relationship with Su Zibao?"

"I don\'t think she\'s unhappy? I want to rekindle my old relationship with you. Naturally, I have to give this original match a bit of color first!" Fei Ying said in an unhappy tone.

A cold arc appeared on Pei Yi\'s lips, "You hate me right?"

"How could it be?" Fei Ying\'s lips pursed slightly, and she couldn\'t see a trace of unnaturalness in her eyes.

Pei Yi just stared at her like that, as if he could see through all her thoughts, but he didn\'t say what he really wanted to say, but said, "I don\'t want to be with you, don\'t you hate me?"

"Oh, saying that, I hate you. You are a heartless man." Fei Ying said angrily, and said with a smile, "I\'ll go back and think about how to squeeze you, it\'s rare that you let me make any conditions. See you tomorrow morning, good night dear."

She walked out of Pei Yi\'s room and closed the door, and the smile on Fei Ying\'s face disappeared instantly.

Did he notice something, hate him? If she was right, and all the things that happened back then were thanks to him, then she should really hate him.

However, the hate is not because he is the one who planned it, but because he really doesn\'t love her at all, never loved her, so he can be so cruel.

Meeting Pei Yi back then was really her worst mission. Not only did she fail to find out meco\'s business secrets, but she lost herself, caused her friends in the organization to be arrested, and caused the entire Sakura organization to almost collapse, and she almost died.

She was used to acting on the scene, but when she met Pei Yi, a master, she fell.

In the end, he got married and had children. The husband and wife were harmonious and the family was happy. Why? Is she Fei Ying the kind of woman who will suffer?

Pei Yi can\'t love her, and she will never let him have the person he loves. He must lose Su Zibao, completely and forever.

Is it revenge on Pei Yi? Fei Ying laughed at herself, but in fact, she had to admit that she was more jealous than revenge. The woman who hates him and Pei Yi loves so much is Su Zibao, not her.

Fei Ying\'s lip line is slightly raised, and now she is not what she used to be. Back then, she didn\'t know anything about Pei Yi, but the other party understood her character and temperament thoroughly, so she lost completely. And this time, she could see clearly, his weakness, his weakness, Su Zibao.