Given A Second Chance: Time for Revenge!

Chapter 792: track, discover

The Ye family is indeed a big family with people in customs, but they checked everything in one night.

A sea ship was quickly locked. And this human trafficking organization really has nothing to do with the Sakura Organization. It is a very common dark force in the world.

The people who live in peace and tranquility only stop at the level of abducting children and women and selling them as sons and wives. But in fact, there has always been large-scale human trafficking in the world, and the most serious place is Africa.

The black slave trade has existed until now, but it is not visible, and the news will never report these dark side things.

Human trafficking organizations basically do not recruit people in country Z, and the risk is too great. So this time they deliberately poked the hornet\'s nest, which made Ye Hanyun suspicious, and roughly deduced a vague outline.

The people Liang Bulian found should really be people from the Sakura Organization, and for some unknown purpose, they threw Gu Yian to the human trafficking organization that they had a relationship with, which is the ship they were tracking now.

But what about the purpose? what do they want to do.

The Liang family has no friendship with the Sakura Organization, and Su Zibao has nothing to do with them. Could it be that Gu Yian once offended the people inside, so they thought of using this method to torture? After all, being made to be a dead slave is far more cruel than being shot at once.

Ye Hanyun can only think so.

The ship docked in a small country in South Asia, and Su Zibao and the others chased them all the way here. And Su Zibao didn\'t know it was, but when she just appeared, she had already attracted the attention of some people.

"Boss, the woman in Sakura\'s mouth is chasing after him." The assistant handed the telescope to the person in the white coat beside him. Sakura is the code name of Hii Sakura.

The man snorted coldly, "It\'s really going to make trouble. But forget it, virus research can\'t go on without her support. For the sake of my virus, I\'ll do as she asks."

"Don\'t worry, boss, everyone is ready, and it is guaranteed to be safe."

"Han Yun, don\'t you think it\'s a little strange, don\'t you think I\'an and the others are dead slaves? But this building needs some cleaners at most, so they won\'t be dead slaves, right?" Su Zibao looked at him with his binoculars. said in surprise.

After the ship stopped, all the people inside moved to this building. And this building is called Isa International Group, which is the whitewashing company of the human trafficking organization.

On the surface, Isa International Group is a company, and it is not well-known in the business world, not even the Su family, but behind the scenes it has something to do with human trafficking.

After Gu Yian was kidnapped, Su Zibao also checked the organization. Usually, slaves go to the Golden Triangle to grow poppies, which are ordinary live slaves. Dead slaves are used as cannon fodder on the battlefield, or some underground arenas. I haven\'t heard of anyone getting people into the company.

"The information I just found, this group is mainly engaged in drug research and development..." Ye Hanjun said while flipping through the information on the electronic screen, "If my guess is correct, Gu Yian and the others will be used for human experiments."

Su Zibao sucked in a breath, "What a joke, isn\'t this kind of research banned globally?"

"The world also prohibits human trafficking, killings, and war." Ye Hanjun said lightly.

Su Zibao kept his mouth shut. And only this can explain why it is called a dead slave. Experiments for this kind of research are basically dead.


Strange, why do I feel a little impressed by this group, I will make a phone call to confirm. The more Ye Hanjun looked at the name, the more familiar he felt, so he picked up the phone and called the Ye family.

"A Bao, I suspected that this whole thing had something to do with the Sakura Organization, and that\'s right. This Isa Group is indeed related to the Sakura Organization, and it\'s unclear to what extent. I checked this company." Ye Hanjun said.

Su Zibao was taken aback, "Sakura Organization? It\'s them?"

"It\'s not them, but the people in this group have something to do with them." Ye Hanjun said affirmatively, "It\'s usually possible to have a relationship with them, it should be cooperation or coercion."

However, Su Zibao felt that there was something very important in his mind that he had ignored.

Isa Group is mainly engaged in pharmaceuticals, experiments, cherry blossom tissue, virus research...

"Hanyun, I think maybe we made a mistake and found the place where the antidote is." Su Zibao looked at Ye Hanyun, his eyes sparkling, "Don\'t you think it\'s a coincidence? The group they work with is also researching medicine, all in the field of biochemistry. It is definitely impossible for a group of killers to develop biochemical viruses, and there must be high-tech talents in this field, isn’t it the Isa group?”

Ye Hanjun also reacted, "What you said is possible."

"We\'re going to run away after saving Ian, and it\'s impossible to turn back to check for the detoxification solvent. So don\'t panic first, check whether the detoxification solvent is here, and at the same time check the location of Ian. It\'s best to get the solvent, Smoothly escaped with Yi An." Su Zibao said.

"Well, you have to be careful."


Another half an hour passed, and those who came with the sailors surrounded Pei Yi tightly, and he was indifferently fishing beside him.

Soon, Pei Yi received news from the blood wolf.

"Boss, there is no Miss Tang Yuqing here at all."

Pei Yi\'s face sank, "No?"

"There is an ordinary woman in the villa, not Miss Tang Yuqing. Everything is just an illusion. Only Fei Ying knows where Miss Tang Yuqing is."

Pei Yi hung up the phone and quickly recalled everything that happened in his mind. Tang Yuqing was not here, but Fei Ying asked him to come over, indicating that she wanted to lure him away.

Lead away?

Could it be that something happened in the country...?

You must go back as soon as possible, but before that, you must know Tang Yuqing\'s whereabouts.

Pei Yi stared at Fei Ying and said coldly, "Tell me, where is Tang Yuqing?"

"I didn\'t expect you to find out so quickly." Fei Ying sighed helplessly, "As expected, no matter how good the plan is, it will change."

Tang Yuqing had been sent to Isa International by her, and Su Zibao was also lured there by her using the bait of Gu Yian. The person in charge of the Isa Group, codenamed Doctor, used to be a member of the Sakura Organization. Later, they separated and went out to whitewash their identities. On the surface, they were the boss of the company, but they were actually helping their common backer make virus research weapons.

The next step is to let Su Zibao fall into their trap, and finally, let Pei Yi choose between Su Zibao and Tang Yuqing to save one.

No matter what Pei Yi chooses, Su Zibao must feel that he chooses Tang Yuqing.