Given A Second Chance: Time for Revenge!

Chapter 789: will you worry about me too

Fate is elusive and full of variables.

You thought it was finally over and you could live peacefully with him, and reality would come and give you a slap and tell you that happiness has never been so easy.

"The saddest thing is that after Yi\'an\'s accident, I was in a cold war with Pei Yi, and I obviously didn\'t want to see him, but my first reaction was to go to him for help. It seems that as long as he is there, I don\'t have to be afraid of anything, what difficulties are there? Everything can be solved. I rely on him from the bottom of my heart, and I take it for granted that he will definitely help me. It is because of this that it is even more sad when I can’t stop him from seeing others.” Su Zibao stretched out his hand and lightly placed it in front of him. With a swipe, a figure was drawn, "Even if we\'re not together, I still think he\'s by my side. But not now."

Do you really think that you are Pei Yi\'s only one?

Can you stop him from seeing my old lover?

He\'s not someone a little woman like you can hold down at all. You can\'t keep him.

Fei Ying is really powerful, every sentence is inserted into her death hole, every sentence is the sharpest dagger, devastated and blood dripping.

"Then how do you want to solve it? Or, warn Fei Ying?" Ye Hanyun said after thinking for a while.

Su Zibao laughed at himself and said, "The initiative is in Pei Yi\'s hands, and it\'s useless to warn Fei Ying. If he doesn\'t want to, Fei Ying can\'t take advantage of it. I don\'t think about it now, I\'ll save Yi\'an first, and let\'s talk about the rest. ."

When the heart is cold, it is not so easy to warm up. She has tried very hard not to think about it, but there is still no way.

A charming **** woman and a handsome man, who were once old lovers, once had a close relationship, and are now together again. The woman also sent provocative and flamboyant text messages, making it clear that she wanted to revive her old relationship with Pei Yi.

"Okay. Then we won\'t talk about Pei Yi. If he\'s not there, he won\'t be there. I\'ll check for you." Ye Hanjun looked at Su Zibao and raised a smile, "I\'m on your side anyway. Bao, you are so worried about Gu Yian\'s disappearance. , look for him everywhere, if one day something happens to me, will you worry about me too?"

Su Zibao glared at him, "What nonsense, do you also want to be trafficked? You\'d better be safe, or something really happens, I don\'t even have anyone who can find a way to save people. Find Gu Yian and pay them back. It\'s up to you, you\'re gone, I\'ll go to someone to help you. Then you\'ll have to resign on the slave ship."

This sentence made Ye Hanjun smile happily. Therefore, I must become the head of the Ye family, to be stronger, so that you can always rely on me.

If Pei Yi doesn\'t know how to cherish it, I would like to protect you thousands of times better than him.

"Actually, from what you just mentioned about the organization\'s actions, it reminds me of a power." Ye Hanjun said.

Su Zibao\'s eyes lit up, "Who?"

"Sakura Organization." Ye Hanjun said, "Even overseas killers are very low-key. There are not many such arrogant and unruly organizations. From this style of behavior, it looks like Sakura Organization. But they do not do human trafficking business. , This is a suspicious point. So I ruled them out again, but maybe it has something to do with them."

Sakura Organization.

For this organization, Su Zibao has been looking for a long time, and the thought of Lei Lie\'s infection with the virus is like a stick in his throat. I can\'t wait to find out this organization and force it out

Detoxification solvent.

"A Bao, you really found the right person for me. Customs inspected, we have someone in the Ye family. Others dare not make a ticket, but it is not as convenient as our Ye family to check this is meco\'s intelligence network. Don\'t worry, we will be able to check it. When the news arrives, Gu Yian will be fine." Ye Hanjun said complacently, while also comforting Su Zibao.

There was a hint of joy in Su Zibao\'s eyes, "Well, that would be great."

The political arena is intricately connected, and the entire state apparatus has countless departments. It is impossible for the Ye family to cover everything. It just so happens that their family members are standing in the customs position, so they are the most aware of these human trafficking organizations.

"Don\'t worry, I guarantee that your family Gu Yian is fine. Hey, I didn\'t expect such a big man Gu Yian to be abducted by traffickers." Ye Hanjun said deliberately, "I only heard that women and children were abducted and sold. This is the first time I\'ve heard that even a man is not spared."

Su Zibao laughed, and after Ye Hanjun said that, he felt much more relaxed. It\'s not like encountering human traffickers.

It\'s just that their opponents this time are not ordinary human traffickers, but an international dark organization.

"Abao, go to bed. When you wake up tomorrow morning, you will have the news you want." Ye Hanjun said. He was very happy to see that Su Zibao finally stopped sulking.

Su Zibao nodded slightly, "Thank you, Han Yun."

Lying on the bed, Su Zibao did not sleep, but took out his mobile phone. It was already midnight, and after counting the time, Pei Yi should also go to the Maldives.

Although I was sad, I still had expectations for Pei Yi. Looking forward to a call from him, a text message, looking forward to his explanation, looking forward to the reversal of the story, looking forward to not being what he thought, looking forward to him suddenly coming in in the middle of the night, jumping into her room like before, hugging her .

Then tell her, I don\'t see Fei Ying, I don\'t see other women.

But the phone rang all night without ringing, making Su Zibao wonder if he had stopped. His eyes fell on the balcony unconsciously, and what was empty was just delusion.

Is she really thinking too much as a girl? When he first married Pei Yi, Su Zibao said that he would never interfere with his private life and that he could wander outside at will. But that\'s because at that time she didn\'t love him at all, she just needed this marriage, not love.

Su Zibao clutched his mobile phone and almost couldn\'t help but want to send a text message to Pei Yi. I want to tell him about the troubles he has encountered, that Ian is gone, and that he is actually very scared in his heart.

No matter how calm he is in front of Ye Hanjun and Xu Jinyao, he is afraid from the bottom of his heart that he will never see Yi An again, that he will have any accident, and that this dependent relative will be forever separated from each other.

The more alone the night, the weaker. But these weaknesses of hers are only for Pei Yi to see. In front of outsiders, she will always be the strong woman who doesn\'t need anyone to worry about her.

Even Ye Hanjun, Su Zibao didn\'t want him to know his unease and weakness, worry and fear.

Only Pei Yi, only Pei Yi. Pei Yi is different from everyone else.

And just when the thought in Su Zibao\'s mind became stronger and stronger, the ringtone of the mobile phone text message suddenly vibrated. Su Zibao opened the screen almost in surprise, but he didn\'t expect Pei Yi and her to have a heart-to-heart relationship.