Given A Second Chance: Time for Revenge!

Chapter 788: She doesn't need it anymore

I always thought that I knew him very well and knew and fell in love with each other, but it turned out that I didn\'t understand him at all.

His past and the entangled woman in the past made her gradually see Pei Yi who she didn\'t know. Not the lazy and smiling Pei Sanshao, not the arrogant and icy president of meco, but a side she never knew.

"Okay. I know the answer. I wish you a good time, no see." Su Zibao turned around and left after saying this.

Xu Jinyao hurriedly chased after him.

Su Zibao had been holding back from crying, but when he turned around, the tears couldn\'t stop.

"Boss, do you want to go after him? It seems that Miss Su is really sad this time." Yan Xu said.

Pei Yi looked back at the back of her leaving, and said, "No, it\'s too late, go to the airport."

After getting into the car, Su Zibao burst into tears. Seeing this scene, Xu Jinyao knew that she felt uncomfortable, so she didn\'t mention Gu Yian\'s affairs.

But I didn\'t expect the woman who cried like tears, but looked at her and said, "Go to Ye Zhai and find Ye Er Shao."

"Ah?" Xu Jinyao didn\'t know why.

Su Zibao wiped away tears, his voice choked, "The only person who can help me in the imperial capital now is him."

This sentence is inexplicably sad. Xu Jinyao hesitated and said, "Why don\'t I go to Ye Ershao, you should go back and talk to Pei Yi? Don\'t worry about Gu Yian\'s affairs, I\'ll handle it."

"It\'s okay, it doesn\'t matter to me." After Su Zibao finished saying this, he curled up in the back seat, hugged his knees, and buried his head in his arms.

Xu Jinyao couldn\'t see her face, but knew that she must be crying badly now. When you are so sad, you have to control your emotions and do the right thing.

By the time they arrived at Ye Zhai, Su Zibao\'s tears had dried up, but in just 20 minutes, it seemed that he had returned to normal, but as a woman, Xu Jinyao knew very well that she was not well at all.

The situation of such strong pressure is even more worrying.

"Why didn\'t you just tell Pei Yi about Gu Yian directly, maybe because of this, he won\'t go." Xu Jinyao still couldn\'t help saying.

Su Zibao looked at the passing scenery outside the window and said lightly, "If he wants to see Fei Ying, then my affairs have nothing to do with him."

She has always been someone who doesn\'t want to trouble others. If she is willing to trouble someone, it\'s because she treats the other person as a dependency and feels that her business is his business regardless of each other. Gu Yian is gone, Pei Yi should be worried about her worries because of her search all over the world.

But if he wasn\'t Su Zibao\'s support, then Su Zibao wouldn\'t bother him with his own difficulties at all, not even mentioning it. Because of these, it has nothing to do with Pei Yi.

Somewhat bleak indeed.

At this moment, when she needed Pei Yi most, Pei Yi went to another woman, and she couldn\'t stop her.

But the more painful these wounds were, the stronger she became. Since there is no one to rely on, find it yourself. She doesn\'t need this to rely on.

"Second Young Master, something happened, you help me investigate a human trafficking organization." Su Zibao said straight to the point, "Gu Yian was taken away by that organization."


p; Ye Hanjun said without saying a word, "Wait, I will arrange for someone to investigate immediately."

From the information obtained from the interrogation of the Liang family brothers and sisters, it is possible to know some of the characteristics of these people. Ye Hanjun arranged for his subordinates to investigate. But there will definitely be no results in half an hour, at least until tomorrow morning.

Neither Xu Jinyao nor Su Zibao felt sleepy, so everyone just sat in the living room, waiting for news.

"Go to the guest rooms to rest first, don\'t sit all night. When the results of the investigation come out, I will notify you immediately." Ye Hanyun said, "The clues are too small, it is difficult to lock them. Oh, by the way, you have found Pei Yi. Is it? He has a good intelligence network abroad."

Although he doesn\'t like Pei Yi, he doesn\'t shy away from this kind of thing.

Xu Jinyao glanced at Su Zibao and said, "I found it, but Pei Yi has something to do."

"Is there something? What can he do, and what can be more important than Abao\'s affairs. Where is the other person, I will go to him." Ye Hanyun was instantly angry, what is Pei Yi\'s attitude.

Xu Jinyao smiled bitterly and said, "Even if you try to find him now, you can\'t find him. He should have already boarded the plane to go to the Maldives."

"Maldives?" Ye Hanyun didn\'t know the situation. "What is he doing there? Now that meco and Cass are in a truce, he should have nothing to go abroad."

Su Zibao still didn\'t speak, and Xu Jinyao didn\'t know what to say.

Ye Hanjun realized that something must have gone wrong between them, and only after asking for a while did he know what was going on.

Sakura, Maldives.

"I\'ll go to the guest room for a while. If there is any news, please let me know." Xu Jinyao couldn\'t hold it back after a busy morning, and said, "I hope to find out about Gu Yian as soon as possible."

Ye Hanjun said, "Miss Xu, go to rest. Xiaogui, take Miss Xu there."

The maid respectfully took Xu Jinyao away.

Before leaving, Xu Jinyao pointed at Su Zibao at Ye Hanjun, and his eyes indicated that Su Zibao had also been tired for a day and could not let her suffer.

Ye Hanjun nodded understandingly.

There were only the two of them left in the living room. Ye Hanjun said, "Don\'t worry about Gu Yian, I have some understanding of human trafficking organizations. It takes two or three days for them to leave the country and arrive at their destination. The customs inspection is strict, and it is not that easy. It is just now. On the first day in the past, I\'m sure that Gu Yian was still floating on the ocean, and it was their loss for these people to die on the road, so Gu Yian was not in danger at this time."

"Thank you for your relief, I believe he will be fine. As long as we speed up, we will definitely find him." Su Zibao said with pursed lips.

Ye Hanjun sat down opposite her and said, "Then let\'s put Gu Yian aside first, what happened to you and Pei Yi. After returning to the imperial capital, you two fought in the cold for a week, and now things are developing too unbelievably."

"Since Fei Ying appeared, something has gone wrong." Su Zibao leaned back on the sofa and laughed at himself, "She said I couldn\'t keep Pei Yi, but now I\'m starting to think she\'s right. Ye Hanjun, am I right? I lost very badly. He was going to see his old lover, and I couldn\'t stop him. When I needed him most, he stayed by another woman\'s side. We were so in love with each other, and we had gone through so many trials and tribulations. But it has come this far.”

No one knows, when someone appears, life will be like turning a corner, suddenly deviating from the predetermined track and extending towards the completely unknowable unknown.