Given A Second Chance: Time for Revenge!

Chapter 778: The taboo of not being able to go to the imperial capital

In the end, I still didn\'t get the result I wanted. Su Zibao stopped asking. Forget it, since Pei Yi said she never slept with another woman, she believed it.

Even if she saw that scene, as long as Pei Yi said no, she would believe it.

Just think that Fei Ying wanted to seduce Pei Yi, but was rejected by Pei Yi. As for the rest, we\'ll talk about it later.

Since that night, no one has bothered here, not even Ye Hanyun, let alone Mo Xi, who had made an appointment to discuss cooperation together.

Su Zibao felt strange and asked Pei Yi to find out that it turned out that Pei Yi was taken aback by her injury, so she rushed to Simon\'s yard to find a female doctor early in the morning. The female doctor passed by.

All of a sudden, basically everyone in Shanghai knew that Su Zibao was injured. After the female doctor prescribed the medicine, Su Zibao was still in a coma. Pei Yi did not let anyone disturb him, and the cooperation with Nangong Yu was temporarily postponed.

Thinking of this, even if he can get out of bed now, Su Zibao doesn\'t want to go out at all. It\'s so embarrassing!

It\'s too shameful to be dizzy by Pei Yi, and the couple even played to the point of asking a doctor.

Time gradually passed, and the people on the island left one after another. Because Su Zibao was recovering from his injuries, they were the last ones to leave. It had been half a month since they first came to the island.

During these days of rest at home, the details of cooperation with Nangong Yu have basically been discussed. Before leaving, sign the contract. After returning, the two parties can start preparing for the deployment of cooperation.

Everything is proceeding in an orderly manner, although there are still many hidden dangers that make Su Zibao uneasy, such as the Han family, such as Ye Chenxuan, such as the newly emerged Fei Ying, but generally the rain has passed.

"Shu Shu Shu." Nangong Yu signed his name on the contract.

Morchy smiled and praised, "Ms. Su\'s intelligence is amazing. I believe this will be a pleasant cooperation."

"I\'m also honored to be able to cooperate with Mr. Nangong and Mr. Morxi." Su Zibao smiled. These days, she has also basically understood her partner... Nangong Yu.

As the crown prince of the Att Kingdom, he is the next king of the Att Kingdom. Now the royal family of many countries is basically just a decoration, but the royal family of the Att Kingdom still has absolute ruling power. The Kingdom of Yat is inconspicuous among the many kingdoms in Western Europe. Ordinary people can\'t even remember the name of this country, but the royal family that controls this country hides a huge amount of energy.

It\'s just that ordinary people don\'t know.

Otherwise, Nangong Yu would not be able to become the first king in the League of Kings.

Junmeng is the abbreviation of the Global Monarchy Business Alliance. Most of the kingdoms have joined this commercial organization.

There will always be an endless stream of superpowers in this world, and the more powerful the power, the deeper it is hidden. The people I know so far are not the top families in the world, and Su Zibao is not interested in reaching that level.

Cass was finally resolved, and the Su family tied Nangong Yu again. The more they experienced, the less they liked fighting. They just wanted to quietly guard their husband and children for a lifetime.

"Miss Su, when will you return to the imperial capital?" Mori asked.

Su Zibao said, "Helicopter at noon today. Welcome Mr. Morse to the imperial capital to play."

"I want to go now." Morse said, smiling, "Yu is going back to Western Europe.

, I want to go to the imperial capital, and by the way, be a bridge between you and Yu. The details of the cooperation, this guy is too lazy to do it, only me. "

Morxi is the seventh ruler of the Junmeng. He was born in the royal family, and has the same family background as Nangong Yu. But I don\'t know why these two people are as good as brothers, Morxi has always followed Nangong Yuma\'s lead. Nangong Yu\'s group is basically handled by Morxi.

"You are very welcome. Then I\'m welcome. In the imperial capital, there are still many places to trouble Mr. Morxi in terms of cooperation." Su Zibao said with a smile.

Mo Xi was ecstatic, "It\'s alright, Miss Su, you\'re welcome. I\'ve wanted to go to the imperial capital for a long time. I\'m really looking forward to it. Yu, do you want to go with me? Anyway, it\'s fine for you to go back to Western Europe."

"You forgot my taboo?" Nangong Yu said without raising his head.

Morse reacted, "Oh, I almost forgot, you can\'t go to the imperial capital, you can\'t set foot in the Z country. It\'s precisely because you can\'t go, that I haven\'t been there. We have played in so many places in the world, but it\'s just that Only country Z, well, then I\'ll take more photos and send them to you."

"Not interested." Nangong Yu said coldly.

Su Zibao heard a big question mark in his heart when he listened to their conversation. Can\'t go to country z? Why? Did Nangong Yu offend our head of state? Su Zibao made an irresponsible guess.

This man seems to be shrouded in a lot of secrets.

After signing the contract, Su Zibao and the others had one more person on their way back. After meeting with Mori at noon, Su Zibao went back to the villa, but on the way, he saw a very discordant scene.

Pei Yi and Fei Ying.

They were standing under a coconut tree, and they were too far apart to hear what they said. Fei Ying\'s charming laughter could be vaguely heard, and the two seemed very close.

Su Zibao\'s footsteps stopped, and a voice said, "You don\'t know yet. It\'s not the first time that Pei Yi and Fei Ying have been together."

Su Zibao followed the voice and saw that the person walking was Han Ruoyan. Most of the people on the island were gone, but she was still there.

"While you were recovering in the villa, I saw Pei Yi and Fei Ying meet in private at least three times." Han Ruoyan looked at the two figures in the distance and sighed, "I didn\'t expect Pei Yi to like that type of person. woman."

Su Zibao frowned, "Han Ruoyan, you don\'t need to stir up trouble. My relationship with Pei Yi will not be affected by other people\'s few words."

"A Bao, you misunderstood what I meant." Han Ruoyan smiled, "I didn\'t say that Pei Yi would divorce you for Fei Ying. Obviously, Pei Yi loves you, pets you, likes you very much. Like you A woman is also suitable to be his wife. And Fei Ying is a good lover. Pei Yi wants you and hooks Fei Ying. Don\'t worry, he obviously likes you more, that Fei Ying, maybe he will play for a while Time is running out."

"I guess Pei Yi didn\'t tell you the fact that he met Fei Ying, so he guessed he was just playing. I\'m convinced that I\'m losing now, because of my family background, he must think it\'s inappropriate to be a lover. I lost, and Mu Yunlan also lost, no wonder he doesn\'t care about any of the famous ladies in the imperial capital. When looking for a lover, you should really look for a woman like Fei Ying. No family background, no trouble. "

Han Ruoyan sighed clearly, but she told Su Zibao word by word that you are not Pei Yi\'s only one at all. In the past, he didn\'t like imperial ladies just because these women thought it was too troublesome to marry him, and he didn\'t want to divorce and marry another. He wanted Su Zibao, but he didn\'t mind having a few more trouble-free lovers.