Given A Second Chance: Time for Revenge!

Chapter 777: The baby is angry and needs Pei Yi to coax before eating

Tired, sore, hungry, tired, sleepy…

All kinds of negative emotions flooded into his heart, Su Zibao opened his eyes with difficulty and tried to get up, but found that he had no strength at all, and he was so sore as if he had been beaten by someone wearing a sack.

She was alone on the huge bed, and there was a tearing pain under her body.

He tilted his head slightly, and the window outside showed that it was night.

Is it still night? No matter how she felt like a century had passed.

The door was gently pushed open, and Pei Yi walked in with a bowl of medicinal porridge in his hand. Seeing Su Zibao woke up, he finally breathed a sigh of relief and said, "You\'ve been drowsy all day, so eat something to supplement."

"Hmph." Su Zibao turned his head away, not wanting to look at him. It turned out that a day and a night had passed, but it was still very painful and tired. Especially the pain under her body made her not even dare to move her legs, so she could only lie up straight.

Pei Yi put the porridge on the small table on the bedside table, and sat beside the bed to coax her, "My fault, it\'s all my fault. Be good, get up and eat porridge."

"I don\'t want to see you, you go out!" Su Zibao said angrily, but found that his voice was hoarse as if he had a bad cold.

After waking up, the picture from last night gradually became clearer. I don\'t know if it was because she angered him, or because dating Ye Hanjun made him jealous, but he was in estrus as if he had taken medicine, completely beyond what she could bear. He was simply a beast.

Su Zibao choked with him at first, then scolded him, and then crying and begging for mercy was useless, his body felt badly played by him, until he finally fainted.

"Good, baby, don\'t be angry, it\'s my fault." Pei Yi picked her up and said, "I\'ll stand and call you when you\'re well. Eat a little first, you don\'t even have the strength to scold me now, eat first ."

Su Zibao\'s face was sullen but his voice was weak, "Don\'t touch me, you\'ve touched other women, I think it\'s dirty."

"Again, there is no other woman besides you." Pei Yi coaxed patiently, "Drink some porridge and I\'ll feed you."

Su Zibao still ignored him, his face was cold and he didn\'t even say a word, he really had no strength.

Seeing Su Zibao\'s uncooperative appearance, Pei Yi couldn\'t feed the porridge, so he looked around, and went to the medicine box next to him to search.

Even Pei Yi didn\'t expect that in the end things would turn out like this.

After the two rolled into bed last night, Su Zibao was very angry for some reason and forbid him to touch her. The more inaccurate Su Zibao is, the more Pei Yi wants it.

Su Zibao couldn\'t beat Pei Yi, and the two of them quarreled while fighting, and the more they quarreled, the more angry they became.

"Don\'t you just say that your time is short? As for you being so angry and so eager to prove it to me, it can only mean that Pei Yi is really short. Let me go, don\'t touch me!"

"Short? Hehe, Su Zibao, don\'t want to sleep tonight."

Then the night passed.

In the end, Su Zibao fainted for a day, and his body was injured by him. Pei Yi felt distressed and blamed himself.

"If you don\'t eat porridge, then I\'ll give you medicine first." Pei Yi held a ointment bottle, walked up to Su Zibao and said, "This can relieve the pain and speed up the healing of the wound."

Su Zibao didn\'t know why, "Where to wipe?"

Although the whole body is sore, there is no wound... Wait, yes... there!

asshole! Shameless, rogue, sexist.


bsp; "No, I\'ll do it myself." Su Zibao said immediately.

Pei Yi said, "You don\'t have the strength to rub the medicine now. I\'ll help you rub the medicine when you eat porridge. You can choose."

"I don\'t choose either." Su Zibao was still angry.

Pei Yi looked at the medicine in his hand, then looked at the medicine porridge next to him, and sighed helplessly. Sure enough, being gentle doesn\'t work, but he is good at being strong.

Under the thin quilt, Su Zibao was covered in blue-purple bruises and ambiguous hickeys, naked and wearing only a pair of underwear. And the shameless Pei Yi actually reached into the quilt and helped her to apply the medicine.

"Pei Yi, you bastard! Wait, who asked you to touch it, you can\'t!" Su Zibao was embarrassed, but at this time she realized that she really couldn\'t use any strength.

Completely overdrawn by the tormented body of this beast.

"If you don\'t want to eat, then I will help you apply the medicine three times a day in the morning and evening." Pei Yi looked at her with a sinister smile, "No thanks, I should serve my wife."

Su Zibao felt the touch of his fingers, as well as the feeling of applying cool ointment. His face was as red as a ripe apple. He could only reach for the bowl and succumb to his shameless threat. Forget it, let\'s eat. Otherwise, there is no strength to resist.

"Wait, I\'ll feed you." Seeing that Su Zibao was willing to eat, Pei Yi immediately said, "You are weak now, don\'t overturn it."

Having said that, Pei Yi quickly went to wash his hands, then came back with porridge and fed Su Zibao a small spoonful of it.

Originally, Su Zibao wanted to settle accounts with Pei Yi, but because of this accidental injury, and the injury was so embarrassing, the whole person was not well.

"What did you mean when you said you didn\'t touch other women?" Su Zibao asked dully now that he was calmer after a day and a night.

Pei Yi put the spoon to Su Zibao\'s mouth and said, "Literally."

Su Zibao glared at him, closed his mouth and snorted.

"Since I got married, I have kept myself clean and protected my wife like a jade. I have never sublimated a pure friendship with other women." Pei Yi immediately said it carefully with a serious face, and then coaxed, "Eat porridge."

Only then did Su Zibao open his mouth and take a mouthful of porridge. While eating, he continued to ask vaguely, "Then tell me, who did you go to see last night?"

Pei Yi replied, "Hui Ying."

He estimated that Su Zibao already knew about his visit to Feiying Villa last night, but he didn\'t know how much she knew.

"What\'s your relationship with her?"

"I\'ve known each other before, but I\'m not familiar with them."

"Then what are you going to do?"


Pei Yi replied and Su Zibao took a bite. If he didn\'t answer, Su Zibao wouldn\'t eat it. Facing such a little wife, Pei Yi could only answer sentence by sentence, coaxing her spoon by spoon.

"Don\'t lie to me, what are you talking about if you\'re not familiar with it!" Su Zibao\'s eyebrows stood up in an instant, and when he thought of the scene he saw, he became angry. Your family\'s reminiscences have gone to bed!

And Pei Yi was relieved to see the bowl that was finally eaten up, "The doctor said that you should walk as little as possible for the past three days, don\'t get out of bed, I\'ll accompany you, and I\'ll help you get what you want."

"Pei Yi, don\'t interrupt!" Su Zibao said unhappily.

Pei Yi rubbed her head, just like comforting her own pet, "Be good."