Given A Second Chance: Time for Revenge!

Chapter 779: It's not enough to be his lover

"Well, you\'re not even qualified to be his lover, it\'s really sympathetic." Su Zibao didn\'t have a special expression, and said lightly along her words.

Han Ruoyan\'s face froze for a moment, and she said, "You...Aren\'t you angry? Pei Yi is your man!"

"Angry? Aren\'t you complaining that you can\'t be Pei Yi\'s lover? What does it have to do with me?" Su Zibao looked at her, with a slightly upward arc on his lips, "You should be angry too. The Han family You are the top three big families in the business world of the imperial capital, and you are the jewel of the Han family. You want anything from childhood to adulthood, but now that Pei Yi is interested, he doesn\'t pay attention to you at all. Don\'t say that you are married, even looking for a lover I don\'t choose you either. In his eyes, you can\'t even compare to Fei Ying."

"Oh, by the way, you probably don\'t know what kind of woman Fei Ying is. I\'m not familiar with it either, but the first time I saw her, she wanted to hook up with Nangong Yu, and she clearly sold her to Nangong Yu to live a good life. You can\'t even compare to such a woman, and I do feel sad for you. However, from the point of view of living well, Fei Ying, who has experienced many battles, should indeed be better than you, you are not as normal as her. "

Han Ruoyan originally wanted to use this to provoke Su Zibao\'s anger and make her angry at Pei Yi\'s affair, but Su Zibao commented on the incident completely as a bystander.

"Let\'s open up. If you envy her, then go back and find someone to practice, maybe there will be opportunities in the future." Su Zibao smiled softly and gracefully, but in Han Ruoyan\'s eyes, she was as abominable as a devil.

Han Ruoyan\'s head blushed with anger, "I can\'t compare to that kind of woman? Hmph, that kind of woman is no different from a prostitute, I don\'t care to compare with her at all. A prostitute lives a good life, I am willing to give up!"

"Tsk, Miss Han admits defeat so quickly, so there\'s no point in playing." Su Zibao glanced at her, and his eyes fell on the two people in the distance, but he couldn\'t see the slightest difference, "Pei Yi is just a prostitute. , Miss Han is sad because the prostitute is not her, and she disdains to compare with the prostitute, then go home and cry, don\'t be sour in front of me."

Han Ruoyan was speechless by Su Zibao\'s anger. She wanted to provoke Su Zibao, but in the end she became furious at being picked on by Su Zibao.

I was so **** I was so **** that I even compared her to Fei Ying. Isn\'t that kind of woman a high-class prostitute? She, Han Ruoyan, was disdainful of surrendering her status.

However, she can\'t even be a prostitute, which is too irritating.

"Su Zibao, you are also great in front of me." Han Ruoyan said coldly, "Pei Yi is your husband, but you can\'t control your own husband\'s cheating. I really think you are pathetic."

Su Zibao said slowly, "Don\'t worry about me, you don\'t have the ability to let my man **** you, and you have to complain in front of me that the other woman is doing what you want to do, you are not only sad, you are a river of sadness. "

Her words were sharp, sarcastic and mean, and she wanted to take advantage of Su Zibao, but Han Ruoyan was really too tender.

The only person in the world who can make Su Zibao lose is Pei Yi, everyone else, go back and play.

She wanted to show her IQ in front of her, but Su Zibao knew what Han Ruoyan wanted to do just by looking at her.

"You are cruel!" Han Ruoyan was so angry with Su Zibao that only these two words were left, and she could no longer say anything to refute.

However, Su Zibao didn\'t expect Su Zibao to disdain to humiliate her at all, but looked at Han Ruoyan with a smile and said, "But I really want to thank you, thank you for telling me that Fei Ying is stealing my man, otherwise I\'m really, lacking A good excuse."

Han Ruoyan doesn\'t know why, what does Su Zibao mean?

And this one looks like a man

After the harmless woman said this, she suddenly walked towards Pei Yi and Fei Ying over there. She has an elegant smile, bright and moving, every step of the way, as if she is walking on the t show stage at any time, full of momentum.

After rushing to Pei Yi and Fei Ying, Pei Yi looked at Su Zibao with a hint of surprise, while Fei Ying\'s eyes were obviously full of provocation.

Su Zibao glanced at Pei Yi, looked at Fei Ying with a smile, and suddenly slapped Fei Ying in the face with lightning speed.


This slap was fast and accurate, let alone Fei Ying, even Pei Yi didn\'t respond.

How can you beat someone without saying a word.

If it wasn\'t for seeing Fei Ying and Nangong Yu, and knowing that this woman was very skilled, Su Zibao would definitely not only slap her with a sneak attack, but also rush to punch and kick her to death.

Although Fei Ying responded quickly, she never expected that Su Zibao would slap herself in front of Pei Yi, and Su Zibao acted too buns before.


Fei Ying\'s cheeks were numb from the slap, and she was about to speak when she saw Su Zibao suddenly change her face in front of her. Tears flashed from her watery eyes. .

Pei Yi could dodge it, but he was afraid that he would fall to the ground if he avoided his wife\'s kick, so he had to stand there and let her kick, and was worried that her feet would be too high and the wound that had just healed would be pulled.

"Baby, don\'t move your foot, hit me, do it! Don\'t lift your leg, the injury is just healed." Pei Yi was kicked hard, but looked at Su Zibao worried and distressed.

Su Zibao\'s flat mouth was aggrieved, and his tearful eyes seemed to cry at any time. He was acting like a man who wanted to cry, "Pei Yi, you bullied me! You bastard!"

"Well, I\'m a bastard." Pei Yi still doesn\'t know what happened to Su Zibao, but after hurting Su Zibao recently, he is still full of guilt, how can he refute her.

Su Zibao continued to sob, "You should be beaten!"

"Well, I won\'t hide, just hammer it a few more times if you like it. Say something nice. If you want to beat it, do it without raising your foot." Pei Yi took Su Zibao into his arms and said softly.

The loving and showy Fei Ying felt very dazzling, and said coldly, "How do you teach your man, I don\'t care. But what are you hitting me for? Don\'t tell me that you are blind enough to reach out and hit the wrong person."

"You seduce my man, you are a mistress, you are shameless, you solicit, you let my man go to prostitutes, your sin is unforgivable, I will beat you shameless vixen!" Su Zibao cursed in Pei Yi\'s arms full of anger.

Fei Ying sneered, this was the first woman who dared to be so presumptuous in front of her, if she didn\'t teach her what the rules were, then she would not be Fei Ying.

"You call me a vixen when you see Pei Yi talking to me?"

Su Zibao replied in his heart, not only did I see you talking, but I also saw you stripped down and wanted to have **** with my man.

However, Su Zibao didn\'t answer that, but pointed to Han Ruoyan over there very precisely and said, "Miss Han told me. You said that you seduce Pei Yi while I am recovering. Fortunately, a good friend like Miss Han can help me. Stare, or I\'ll be kept in the dark."

Han Ruoyan, don\'t you just want to see me rushing over to have **** with Fei Ying? As you wish, but if you want to stay out of it, don\'t even think about it.