Given A Second Chance: Time for Revenge!

Chapter 770: weird atmosphere

"Thank you Mr. Lin for your concern, but my planned cooperation has nothing to do with meco, so I don\'t pretend to be the wife of the president of meco." Su Zibao said lightly.

When she said this, everyone reacted. Indeed, some people here are well aware of Su Zibao\'s identity, and some people don\'t know Su Zibao\'s identity at all, but from beginning to end, Su Zibao did not rely on meco to act. She has always only regarded herself as the president of the Su Group. When she was bullied by Els and the others, she did not support her man. It was only after Pei Yi came that she revealed her identity in public.

"What kind of cooperation do you want to discuss?" Nangong Yu said suddenly. This made the crown princes of the Junmeng look sideways.

If it was an ordinary person, Nangong Yu would not ask at all, it seems that this Su Zibao has already caught his attention.

"Although it is cooperation, it is also a commercial secret. Mr. Nangong should not want everyone to know about your group\'s next deployment, right?" Su Zibao looked at him confidently and said calmly.

The people around couldn\'t help but murmured that the cooperation had not yet started, as if Nangong Yu had already agreed to cooperate.

"You\'re right." Nangong Yu said, "Go to the VIP room to talk."

Su Zibao looked at Pei Yi, and the line of Pei Yi\'s lips lifted slightly, holding her hand and walking together. Nangong Yu and Mo Xi were in front, and the group went to the VIP room next to them.

Simon said, "Pei Yi, it\'s rare for you to come here and not catch up with everyone?"

"I\'m sorry, my wife is negotiating with them alone, I\'m afraid they will bully people." Pei Yi said lazily without looking back.

Su Zibao\'s cheeks were hot, but Mo Xi was embarrassed. It seems that if Su Zibao talks to them alone, he will be treated by them.

Simon looked at the backs of them leaving, with a dark look in his eyes.

"Mr. Simon, is Pei Yi already standing on Nangong Yu\'s side?" Billy said, "Why else would Pei Yi\'s wife spend ten billion dollars to help him raise the price?"

Lin Mingye said calmly, "From the current point of view, we can\'t be sure. Pei Yi\'s attitude towards Nangong Yu is not friendly, but if Su Zibao really cooperates with Nangong Yu, they will become allies. Even if Pei Yi doesn\'t want to intervene, will get in too.”

"Hmph, it\'s just a rising star, if it wasn\'t for..." Simon paused and didn\'t continue, but said coldly, "Nangong Yu is not of the right blood, and it was his luck to be the crown prince in their Kingdom of Yat, making him a member of the Junmeng. One of the seven royal powers is already due to the family behind him, but he has become the first royal power. Do you really think that the rest of the King League are vegetarians? With people of this kind of wrong blood is the same raccoon dog, and we are not the same."

Lin Mingye nodded slightly, "Even if Nangong Yu wins Pei Yi, the odds of winning are still on our side."

"Don\'t pay attention to them. How to continue the banquet, and leave the cooperation and liaison with those families to you. I\'ll go back to rest." Simon said with a gloomy face. Pei Yi\'s current relationship with Nangong Yu made him very unhappy.

"Is everything else business as usual?" Lin Mingye confirmed.

Muncy nodded, "Yeah."

At the banquet, Han Ruoyan watched Su Zibao and the others leave, and gritted her teeth silently. I didn\'t expect that hitting Su Zibao like this would be useless. As soon as Pei Yi appeared, everything would be in vain.

So it\'s right to choose Pei Yi in the first place

, Now to such a situation, the outcome is to be determined. I don\'t know what\'s going on in China, so let\'s get in touch with my father first.

Ye Hanjun didn\'t go in either. He always felt that he was already very powerful, but only after he went abroad did he realize that he could walk sideways in the country, but here, in the business world, where money talks, even if he was a political leader, he would not have the ability to protect Su Zibao.

Still need more power.

"Mr. Ye, a gentleman please come over." A waiter came over and pointed to a man in the distance.

Ye Hanjun glanced at it and nodded slightly, "Well."

The VIP room was not as harmonious as Simon had imagined.

After the two sides were seated, Pei Yi sat lazily next to him, seemingly just a bystander who followed Su Zibao in, but he had an aura that could not be ignored.

Nangong Yu didn\'t even look at Su Zibao at all, his eyes fell on Pei Yi. It was as if two invisible lights were fighting in the air, and the two of them had a strong smell of gunpowder.

Su Zibao and Mori looked at each other, what was the situation.

"Miss Su, what kind of cooperation do you want to discuss? Just talk to me." Morse said with a smile.

Su Zibao looked at Nangong Yu, who was fighting with Pei Yi, and ignored them. He silently took out the materials he had prepared and handed them to Morxi, and said, "This is the main brand of our Yuyanluo company. Cream."

"Whitening products? No, there are also skincare and makeup companies under our group. Is there anything special about this whitening product?" Morxi said in a business-like tone as he entered the working state.

Su Zibao also instantly became a strong woman in the workplace, "This is the only whitening product in the world that does not add hormones, has no side effects and has significant effects. Compared with the mainstream whitening products on the market, it is safe and efficient. Moore. Mr. Xi can take a look. Below are the test and test sheets of some authoritative institutions in our country and abroad. You can also take the sample to test again at any time. "

"Isn\'t this a monopoly in the whitening market?" Morxi sighed, with a gleam in his eyes.

For people at their level, they don\'t do ordinary business, they do monopoly if they want to. But there are not many things that can be monopolized, and they have basically been divided up. This whitening formula that has come out now is really exciting.

Cass wants to take things by force, how could it be bad.

And Nangong Yu, who was looking at Pei Yi originally, also glanced over here, not bad, it was something real.

"Where did this whitening formula come from? How about confidential research? What are the chances of being copied and deciphered by others?" Morxi asked.

Su Zibao said, "This is my family\'s ancestral formula. It was passed down from the palace in the past. It has been put into production for several years now. Although there are cottages, no one has been able to make a replica. This involves a..."

Su Zibao explained carefully that Morse asked a few questions from time to time, and then marked the information.

Pei Yi and Nangong Yu\'s tit-for-tat is extremely discordant. The icy aura makes the surrounding area without temperature, but Su Zibao and Mo Xi here are chatting directly, focusing on all aspects of the project products, one asks in-depth, the other Answer carefully, in full swing.