Given A Second Chance: Time for Revenge!

Chapter 771: Then we should do the math

When talking about cooperation, when you meet someone who doesn\'t know how to do it, you can\'t talk. Not only do you not know what you need to know, but you can\'t even understand the introduction of the other party.

At this time, Su Zibao and Mo Xi were like rivals, both of whom had deep knowledge in the business field. From the formula of Yuyan Luoning Cream, to Tang\'s medicinal wine, from production to sales, and from monopoly trade to confidentiality.

The two people\'s brains were fast, and in a short while these materials were swiped over by Morse, and they were also marked with dense notes.

Pei Yi and Nangong Yu next to them are two big icebergs, and here they just walked hand in hand and singing friends for a lifetime.

"Yes, I agree with Miss Su\'s point of view very much!" After Mori finished speaking, he turned to look at Nangong Yu and said, "Yu, I think it is possible to cooperate with the Su Group. The project products that Miss Su brought out are very promising, and Miss Su herself is also a prodigy in business. I can\'t imagine that she has such a deep understanding at such a young age, and she is as sophisticated as she has been climbing molds in a shopping mall for many years."

Su Zibao smiled modestly, "Thank you for the compliment."

As he said that, he also looked at the big ice cube next to him, "Pei Yi, I\'m done talking."

Pei Yi and Nangong Yu retracted their gazes at the same time, and Nangong Yu said, "If you think you can, then cooperate with her."

"Yu, it\'s your group that cooperates with Miss Su. These projects want to be promoted around the world. My family\'s channels are not enough, and you are still the main one. Shouldn\'t you take a good look at the contract details?" Mo Xi scratched his head.

Nangong Yu said lightly, "You make up your mind, I only look at the final contract."

"Okay, I said you\'ll be lazy sooner or later." Morxi muttered silently, turned to look at Su Zibao and said, extending a hand, "Let\'s talk about the details, the main tone is to do monopoly promotion of these products together. . Pleasant to work with.”

Su Zibao finally breathed a sigh of relief, shook hands with Morxi and said, "It\'s a pleasure to cooperate."

It stands to reason that the two sides have already decided to cooperate, and the next step is to make an appointment to discuss the details. They should leave, but Pei Yi and Nangong Yu did not move.

"The cooperation is over, then we should have a good talk." Pei Yifeng raised his eyebrows lightly, and his tone was cold, "Why did you ask Su Zibao to buy the snow of the sky."

Nangong Yu said lightly, "By chance, I just met her."

"Just met her? Could it be that you knew her before?" Pei Yi asked.

Su Zibao explained weakly, "Pei Yi, I met Mr. Nangong when I first went to Geas. I helped him a little, and that\'s why Mr. Nangong helped me hide my identity. Thanks to his blessing, I can Geas lives an upright life, the news will not be found by you..."

Hey, if that\'s the case, don\'t say thanks to Nangong Yu, Pei Yi probably wants to beat him first, right?

"I wonder why Su Zibao couldn\'t find anyone in Western Europe. It turned out that you blocked the news. Geas is located in the Kingdom of Yat, and it is your territory." Pei Yi\'s face turned cold as expected, "Then I really want to thank you for taking care of my wife these four years."

Nangong Yu snorted, "Isn\'t it just that you can\'t find someone? As for being so angry. It doesn\'t matter who her wife is to me. It\'s a great effort for me, no thanks."

Seeing that their volcano was about to erupt, Su Zibao quickly hugged Pei Yi\'s arm and said, "It\'s my fault. I don\'t want you to let it go.

I found it, so I asked Mr. Nangong to help. If you are angry, blame me, not Mr. Nangong. "

"It wasn\'t him who helped you, I found you a long time ago." Pei Yi looked at Su Zibao and said with inexplicable resentment.

Su Zibao could only smile awkwardly, "The past is over, and now I\'m working with Mr. Nangong again, so don\'t talk about it."

"Let\'s put this account first, just say Snow in the Sky, Nangong Yu, don\'t tell me you didn\'t know Su Zibao\'s identity when you asked Su Zibao to take pictures." Pei Yi said coldly.

Nangong Yu smiled coldly, "I know."

"Pei Yi, this has nothing to do with Mr. Nangong. It is I who offended Miss Isa of the Ouli Group. If Isa wants to bring down the Su Group, Mr. Nangong will clean up the Ouli Group before Isa takes action, and the exchange is for me. Take a picture of the snow in the sky. The money is all given to me by Mr. Nangong, and the things will be returned to him when the time comes. I have nothing to lose, so don\'t be angry." Su Zibao said quickly.

Pei Yi looked at Su Zibao and said, "Then do you know about the gambling between Nangong Yu and Simon?"

"I know. Huangfujing told me before Mr. Nangong asked me to photograph the snow in the sky." Su Zibao bit his lip, "I know that agreeing to cooperate means getting involved in a gambling fight, and Simon will definitely hate me because of it. But Now the two biggest forces in the overseas business world are Simon and Nangong Yu. I came here to seek cooperation, and I didn\'t intend to have both sides. Choose one, and go all the way to the dark."

"When Mr. Nangong asked me to take pictures of the snow in the sky, I had already given up my cooperation with Simon and all the forces close to him. I had already decided to cooperate with the forces on Mr. Nangong\'s side, and if Mr. Nangong was unwilling, then I\'ll go straight home."

Su Zibao\'s order was so clear that Nangong Yu was slightly startled. This woman had already known everything at the time, and had considered all the consequences, but she just dared to bet that Nangong Yu would cooperate with her in the end.

When Pei Yi heard Su Zibao finish speaking, the expression on his face softened slightly, "Abao likes it, so let\'s work with Nangong Yu."

As he said that, he looked at Nangong Yu, "Starting today, in the battle between you and Simon, meco will bet you to win."

"Hey, what\'s the situation. Didn\'t you cooperate with Miss Su? Why did you get involved with meco again?" Mori didn\'t know why.

Su Zibao was also ignorant in his mind, but vaguely grasped some key points.

"Photographing the snow in the sky is a signal to Simon, thinking that I helped Nangong Yu win the gamble. Ten billion dollars is nothing, and taking pictures of the snow in the sky is nothing, but for Simon, it is a It\'s a matter of position." Pei Yi said lightly, "Of course I can clarify that meco did not participate, but since Nangong Yu and A Bao cooperated, it is impossible for meco to sit back and watch Simon kill him. Otherwise, A Bao would not be at a loss. big?"

Nangong Yu twitched the corner of his mouth, "Pei Yi, Simon can\'t kill me."

"That\'s why Mr. Nangong chose to let me photograph Snow in the Sky..." Su Zibao instantly thought of what Nangong Yu said when he asked him why he wanted to photograph Snow in the Sky.

"I don\'t care at all who is in the hands of the snow in the sky."

It turned out that the other party was looking at meco. She didn\'t think so much at the time, but she didn\'t expect that in the end, Meco was involved in their fight.