Given A Second Chance: Time for Revenge!

Chapter 769: Doting wife and crazy demon Pei Yi, showing affection

Els took a deep breath and understood in an instant. woc, Pei Yi, he was so mad that he planned to attack the helicopter ruthlessly, and he would die if he had a flight accident.

It was really insidious, cunning, and vicious. The key was that he hadn\'t reacted yet. No wonder Huangfu Jing refused to take a plane with him, afraid of death.

If he really took Pei Yi\'s helicopter, he would really be in the water. Els felt a chill in his heart, and Pei Yi prepared a dead end for him while talking and laughing, and there was nothing strange on his face, no one knew that his elegant smile was already a naked murderous intention.


"Mr. Simon, lend me a submarine," Els said.

Simon smiled and said, "Tomorrow night, send Mr. Els over there."

And Huangfujing also took Pei Yi\'s helicopter back smoothly, and the speed must be faster than Els.

During the conversation, the two important people at the banquet just left because of Pei Yi\'s few words. The relationship between Pei Yi and Huangfujing, which seemed like an enemy but a friend, aroused the vigilance of some major forces, and the undisguised murderous intention of Els made many people recall in their hearts whether they had offended him before.

"Hahaha, you couldn\'t tell when I sent you an invitation letter before. I didn\'t expect it to fall from the sky now, but it surprised us." Misra, one of the crown princes of the King League, said with a smile.

He has always been a gentleman from a Western European royal family. The King Union is an alliance of hundreds of royal families in Western Europe, North America, and South Africa around the world, from which seven crown princes have been elected. The relationship between the seven crown princes is equal, but there are also strong and weak points.

Misra is the fourth king of the League of Kings, with a neutral position in the League of Kings. When Simon and Nangong Yu had a conflict, he was the only one who dared to smooth things out.

And Nangong Yu is also one of the seven royal powers of the Jun League.

"I really don\'t want to come, what\'s the point of seeing your old faces every time." Pei Yi stretched his arms around Su Zibao\'s shoulders, swept his cold eyes one by one during the banquet, and said, "But I\'m worried that my wife will be bullied, So I came to support her. In case someone is blind and dares to scold my wife, I\'m just exercising my muscles and teaching him how to be a man."

Pei Yi\'s words were arrogant and impolite, but it made the faces of those who had mocked Su Zibao at the banquet stiffen.

Isn\'t this playing people? You say that you are the wife of the president of meco, who would dare to laugh at you like that.

"Hahaha, it turns out that Miss Su is Mr. Pei\'s wife. If we had known earlier, we would have treated her as a VIP." Lin Mingye smiled and rounded it off.

The words are bluntly broken, "Mr. Lin\'s shrewdness and ability does not even know the identity of Miss Su, then I suggest that Mr. Simon should change to a right-hand man as soon as possible."

"Speaking, calm. Simon and I are not good friends. It\'s normal to pretend that I don\'t recognize my wife and don\'t give face. Anyway, I never give face to him, nor to Nangong Yu, nor to Cass." Pei Yi\'s lips lifted slightly.

Su Zibao was in his arms, and his heart was inexplicably warm. But when he heard those words, he couldn\'t help but twitched the corners of his mouth.

Big brother, uncle, you have offended all these powerful people with just one sentence. Who do you want me to work with?

"Pei Yi, your tone is like eating dynamite. Didn\'t you take away the person who offended you?" Mo Xi said with a smile, "

I knew that such a beautiful woman must be of extraordinary origin. I didn\'t expect it to be your wife, and you are really talented and beautiful, and they are very suitable. "

Pei Yi glanced at him and snorted coldly.

Nangong Yu and Simon made a bet, and even brought Su Zibao into it. Others suspect that Su Zibao went bankrupt to buy Snow from the Sky, or that he saw Pei Yi now and thinks it was his instigation, but Pei Yi knew without thinking that the 10 billion dollars was given by Nangong Yu. Pei Yi didn\'t give it to Su Zibao, and she couldn\'t come up with the money herself.

Doesn\'t this make it clear that Su Zibao offends Simon? Nangong Yu, an old and cunning bastard, just put his wife on the line.

Although Pei Yi was not there, he also had his eyeliner on the boat and reported the situation to him all the time. Originally, Pei Yi was worried that Su Zibao would be bullied by these big bosses when he went alone, so he rushed over quickly, but his wife was still overshadowed.

But this is also Su Zibao\'s willingness to make a deal with Nangong Yu. Forget it, as long as she is happy, don\'t expect Pei Yi to give Nangong Yu a good face.

"Didn\'t you guys leave yet, how can I get everyone who offended me to be taken away by me." Pei Yi said lazily. Su Zibao thought silently in his heart, and as soon as he came, he made it clear that he wanted to kill Els, then he took the Cass brothers away, then choked Simon, and now he offended Nangong Yu and Mo Xi, sir, do your best, give it to me Would you like to keep two partners?

"My wife has something to do today. I\'m just stopping by for tea. You don\'t have to worry about me too much." Pei Yi finally said, looking at Su Zibao with a gentle smile, "Do whatever you want, I\'ll accompany you."

Everyone at the venue couldn\'t help but slander, the speed of this face change almost caught up with the sky in May, and it changed.

It was still cloudy just now, and as soon as I saw Su Zibao, the spring breeze turned into a drizzle, as gentle as the little sun.

Yan Xu twitched the corners of his mouth, the domineering president spoiled his wife and showed his affection.

"I...I\'m here to find someone to cooperate with." Su Zibao looked at Pei Yi, blinked, and said innocently.

Pei Yi nodded, "Well. Who do you see?"

Su Zibao\'s gaze swept through everyone in the venue one by one, and found that these superpowers all have hatred with Pei Yi, and whoever chooses is the same. At the beginning of Pei Yi\'s rise, these people came to take advantage of the fire, so everyone disliked each other.

"He." Su Zibao pointed to Nangong Yu.

Simon had already been offended to death just now. She bought the snow in the sky and expected that Simon would be upset with herself, and the reason she agreed was that if she wanted to choose between the two, she would completely offend Simon and Nangong. The forces on Yu\'s side cooperate.

The key is whether Nangong Yu will dislike it.

Only big forces like meco and Cass can choose to be neutral, and her little Su family is not qualified. She was originally here to find a partner, and she didn\'t mind turning to the side completely.

Everyone was whispering, and Lin Mingye said, "It seems that Miss Su bought Snow of the Vault of Heaven in order to become familiar with Mr. Nangong Yu. Miss Su really has good eyesight, and Mr. Nangong is the first royal authority of Junmeng. The strength is strong, but Mr. Nangong has never cooperated with others. Even if Miss Su is the wife of the president of meco, this status does not mean that Miss Su has the strength to cooperate. Considering the total assets of the Su Group of more than 10 billion US dollars, I think Does Miss Su take it for granted to cooperate with Mr. Nangong?"

Junmeng, the first kingship. All of them are unfamiliar words, but it shows that Nangong Yu\'s background is extraordinary.