Given A Second Chance: Time for Revenge!

Chapter 768: You can go to heaven, I will go back slowly

Not only Su Zibao was surprised, but Nangong Yu, Simon Huangfu, Jing Aiers all looked at Pei Yi in an instant, and everyone\'s eyes were different.

"Fire, what do you mean, Pei Yi?" Els had a bad premonition in his heart.

Pei Yi pursed his lips slightly, his smile was elegant but with a biting coldness, "I\'m very sorry, just when Mr. Ayers was attending the banquet here, I\'ve already ignited all your power in country Z. , It should be almost burned out by now. Not only in Z country, but also in Western Europe. I thought that the power of the Cass family was in the hands of Huangfujing, but I didn\'t expect that Mr. Els was really strong. It seems that I I underestimated you before."

"Boss, anyway, Mr. Els\'s power has been burnt out now, at least it has shrunk by a circle, don\'t care about him too much." The next to him made up the knife gracefully.

Pei Yi still had that lazy smile, "That\'s right. Els, I heard that the Cass family\'s owner almost vomited blood when he heard the news. You are so calm, you deserve to be the best young talent of the Cass family."

These two simple sentences were like a deep-sea bomb, and everyone at the banquet rumbled in their minds. What kind of rhythm is this? They were all waiting for meco and the Cass consortium to fight to the death. As a result, when the Cass brothers were not paying attention, Pei Yi silently removed Els\'s power, and let Cass The owner knows.

Huangfu Jingmeifeng wrinkled slightly, the news had already been passed back to the family, and even they had not received the news, indicating that Pei Yi had been planning for a long time. Once the matter is torn apart, people will deliberately reveal the news to the old man as soon as possible.

The reason for revealing the news is also very simple. Many forces under Els\'s hands are not visible. It was not given to him by the Cass family, nor was it obtained by him in an open and aboveboard manner, but he used various means to forcibly rob and steal the wealth of the Cass family and turn it into his own private property.

Once the old man knew that Els had stolen so much family wealth behind his back, how could he ignore it. And he and Els are going to turn their faces completely.

Although this guy, Pei Yi, burned a lot of Els\'s forces to make people happy, but he abruptly changed the battle from the battle between meco and Cass to the internal strife of the Ka family. Sure enough, he lives up to the name of turning his hands into clouds and covering his hands as rain.

"Power... Pei Yi, what are you talking about?" Els panicked, Pei Yi didn\'t need to scare him, something must have happened.

At this moment, Els and the people under Huangfujing hurried in and said, "The family summons the young master to go back immediately!"

"What happened?" Els asked.

The subordinate said with a sad face, "Sir, our company and forces were attacked at the same time, and now the losses are heavy. The news has been passed back to the Cass family. The old owner of Cass is furious and urgently invites you to go back immediately."

Els\' face turned pale, "How could this be?"

"Our boss has always convinced people to lose, so let me tell you the reason generously. Did Mr. Els forget about Mu Yunlan, who you want to silence, so quickly?" Yan Xu said lightly.

"You said she sold the information?" Els immediately rejected, "Impossible! Mu Yunlan does know some information, but she can\'t know so much!"

"That\'s why you underestimate her too much. It\'s so easy to think that a woman who can make Pei Yi suffer is so simple. If you think she only knows one piece of information, then she knows at least thirty pieces of information." Huangfujing came over and sneered.

"Why did you think Mu Yunlan betrayed me to be your spy? It\'s not because only you idiot would let her know so much information, and with me, she doesn\'t get valuable information."

Qin Hexiao immediately followed the attack and said, "Our lord is like guarding her like a thief. Even if we use her, he will never believe her. Mr. Els dares to use her as a confidant, and he deserves this fate now. ."

"That woman is... so cunning." Els clenched his fists.

When Huangfujing received the news that his father had summoned him back, he knew that it was no longer time to compete with meco. The matter had already started, and Els had to be dealt with first. Although he was caught up by Pei Yi to fight Els, he really wanted to clean up this guy a long time ago, and it was the right time.

The chess game on the chessboard changes rapidly, which is the joy of playing chess.

"Pei Yi, it\'s very interesting to play with you." Huangfujing looked at Pei Yi and praised, then turned to Su Zibao and said, "Mu Yunlan is very powerful, but you who pulled Mu Yunlan down are even more impressive. I can\'t see the next picture, but I guess Miss Su will be happy this time. I wish you all the best."

After finishing speaking, Huangfu Jingwang said to Simon and Nangong Yu, "Thank you for the reception. I\'m sorry, something happened at home, I\'m sorry."

"You\'re welcome, I\'ll arrange a submarine with you immediately." Simon had the attitude of the friendship of the landlord.

Huangfujing waved his hand and said, "No need, the submarine is too slow, I\'d better borrow a helicopter from Pei Yi. Mr. Pei was able to come so quickly, no accident came by helicopter. Pei Yi, it\'s convenient, take me back."

"The Duke has always been against our boss, and now he has to borrow our boss\'s plane. Our boss hasn\'t agreed to sell the plane ticket." Yan Xu said lightly.

Huangfu Jingxiao was confident, "Your boss has used me as a spearman, and it would be too shameless not to send me back, right, Pei Yi?"

"Yanxu, take Duke Cass on the plane." Pei Yi said lightly.

Els said immediately, "Pei Yi, I\'m going back too, take me for a ride and drop by."

Huangfu Jing almost laughed when he heard this, when he heard Pei Yi say with an expressionless face, "Ugly refused."

"What do you mean?" Els\'s Chinese is not very good.

Yan Shu kindly helped him translate, "Our boss means, I\'m sorry, you are too ugly and refuse."

Els\'s face darkened instantly, "Pei Yi, did you collude with Huangfujing long ago, or why would you send him back and not let me get on the plane!"

"You insulted and ridiculed my wife, and you still have the face to borrow my helicopter?" Pei Yi looked at him with a silly look, suddenly paused and smiled, "Okay, I\'ll give you the helicopter."

Els didn\'t know why, Huangfujing said immediately, "I\'m not going to take a helicopter with him. You can go to the sky, I\'ll go back slowly."

"Els, if you fly in a helicopter, it is very likely that an accident will happen." Han Ruoyan had to bite the bullet and remind. Although she is not satisfied with this ally, the Han family has already cooperated with Els. If he hangs up at this time, the loss of the Han family will be immeasurable.

Judging from Pei Yi\'s resolute speed, the Han family is also in danger, and they still need to temporarily advance and retreat with Els.