Given A Second Chance: Time for Revenge!

Chapter 767: Falling from the sky, Pei Yi

There was a hint of coldness in Simon\'s eyes. For the first time in so many years, someone dared to threaten him like this.

"Don\'t talk nonsense, what offends Mr. Simon, obviously you are not qualified to come in." Billy, the bastard, hurriedly defended.

Su Zibao raised her lip line slightly, "Oh, not qualified? Why do you say that I am not qualified. Isn\'t the standard for judging qualifications here to see whether the newcomer can take over 200 million US dollars of goods? If Mr. Simon thinks this standard is too low Now, if you want to raise it, even the person like me who has made ten billion dollars is not qualified, so those here who have only made a few hundred million dollars can go out."

"Wonderful!" Huangfujing clapped his hands while looking at Su Zibao, who was standing gracefully in the venue, looked at Simon and Nangong Yu and said, "You are the masters of this ship, you can do whatever you want. But no matter what. You have to come up with a reason. If you say that Miss Su is not qualified, then please invite all the newcomers whose prices are lower than the snow in the sky. If Mr. Simon thinks that Miss Su has offended you, he will rush out. If you leave her, then admit it directly and generously, and what qualifications are the reasons."

Billy whispered to Simon, "Su Zibao is Pei Yi\'s wife, and Cas is meco\'s enemy. Why does Huangfujing help Su Zibao speak?"

"The person who proposed to drive Su Zibao out is Els. Although Huangfujing and meco are enemies, they have a deeper hatred with Els. Of course he doesn\'t want to see Els succeed." A well-dressed man beside Simon said, "Simon Sir, don\'t go into it now. Anyone with discernment here can see that she has offended you and it is impossible to cooperate with her. Cass and meco are enemies again, and the people from Junmeng never go into troubled waters. If she stays here, no one will dare to cooperate with her."

He is Simon\'s right-hand man, Lin Mingye. Simon relied heavily on him.

Simon saw that Nangong Yu still had no response, and hummed.

Lin Mingye came forward and said with a smile, "Misunderstanding and misunderstanding are all misunderstandings. Just now Mr. Simon was just joking with Miss Su, and he had no idea of ​​driving Miss Su out. Miss Su misunderstood. Miss Su was able to photograph the sky. Zhixue is naturally qualified to attend the banquet."

"Really? Mr. Simon didn\'t look like a joke just now." Ye Hanjun said coldly.

Lin Mingye glanced at Els over there and said, "Maybe others are not joking, but we, Mr. Simon, must be joking. Everyone is a guest, how could Mr. Simon drive the guests out. Did Mr. Els before, Are you kidding me?"

"Joke, of course it\'s a joke." Seeing that Simon had changed his mind, Els knew that it was pointless to continue entanglement, so he could only say with a smile.

Su Zibao watched this scene silently, the speed at which these big men went back and forth and changed their faces was truly astounding.

"Of course Miss Su can attend this banquet, but I don\'t think anyone wants to cooperate with a small company in a small place that is facing bankruptcy, right? Miss Su is a rare visit, why don\'t you just eat and drink, listen to music, and say The wine and cakes here at Mr. Simon are top-notch in the world," Els said sarcastically.

Others laughed tacitly. Even if Su Zibao died and begged Bailai to stay, but with her background, she didn\'t bother to discuss cooperation with her.


; not to mention that she has offended Simon now.

Nangong Yu didn\'t look at Su Zibao, but waited for her rebuttal. As long as Su Zibao said that the snow in the sky was bought for others, the rumor that the so-called Su Group was about to go bankrupt could be dispelled.

But if she said that, maybe Simon would guess that it was bought for Nangong Yu. What Nangong Yu didn\'t expect was that even if Els was so sarcastic, Su Zibao never mentioned the snow in the sky from beginning to end, but made him take a high look.

"Yeah, Abao, it\'s rare for you to come here. This time you\'ve already ruined your family. I\'m afraid you won\'t have the chance to come back to this kind of place in the future. It\'s not too bad if you eat enough." Han Ruoyan said sincerely, but the words were a cover up. Incessantly teasing.

Now that they are high above, Su Zibao is just a humble and weak person. There is no need to pretend to be kind and gentle at such a time.

"Offending Mr. Simon, do you think anyone would dare to cooperate with her?"

"Maybe she intends to hug Junmeng\'s thigh? After all, she bought the Snow of the Sky to please Mr. Nangong. If she really stands on Mr. Nangong\'s side, she will offend Mr. Simon sooner or later. It makes no difference."

"Haha, what you said is too funny, just like him, let alone Mr. Nangong of the King League, no crown prince looks down on her. Which royal family would cooperate with a woman from a small local group, and she is still on the verge of bankruptcy. small group."

"This woman is deliberately joking, hahaha, so stupid, to let such a person in, laugh at me to death."

The banquet was full of ridicule, Els looked proud, and Han Ruoyan was also looking at the show. Nangong Yu had nothing to do with himself, but Huangfujing looked at Su Zibao with fiery eyes, wanting to see how she would turn the situation around. For these big men, the weak are not qualified to be on an equal footing with them.

"It cost 10 billion dollars to buy a flashy and useless Snow in the Sky, and put your family on the verge of bankruptcy. I\'m so stupid, I really doubt how you became the ruler of the Su Group. And the person who married you is also insane. Well, even such a stupid woman." Els said contemptuously. The direct reason why he bullied Su Zibao so much was that he had never been good to Pei Yi, and could only bully Pei Yi\'s woman to find a sense of accomplishment.


At this moment, the door of the banquet was pushed open, and a lazy and magnetic voice came from the door, "My house is on fire, and I\'m still interested in talking here. I admire Mr. Els\'s determination. ."

Su Zibao turned his head in surprise. The man who appeared at the door was slender, wearing a black trench coat, black trousers, and high boots. His hands were in the pockets of his coat, he was lazy and handsome. His face is angular, fair and handsome, as if it was carved by a ghost axe, with thin lips pursed lightly, the outline of his eyebrows and eyes are deep, and his long and narrow eyes are deep and revealing a fatal attraction.

This man attracted everyone\'s attention as soon as he appeared on the stage, with a noble and elegant kingly aura.

Pei Yi!

Su Zibao never expected to see him here. Why is he here? Isn\'t he in the imperial capital? Isn\'t the ship already at the center of the ocean, he can\'t catch up even if he wants to come?