Given A Second Chance: Time for Revenge!

Chapter 746: Don't be too envious of the old bachelor

Hearing her words, Su Zibao\'s expression softened slightly and said, "Well, I have also seen the development of the Su family branch in the past few years. In the future, the Su family group will carry out more cooperation with the Mingcheng Su family. Of course, I will never allow what happened back then to happen a second time."

Susanshan\'s face was filled with joy. Su Zibao\'s words meant that she would cooperate with them further in the future, only with Su Zibao\'s real approval. As for what happened back then, Susanshan has now stood in line and chose the main house, which is naturally different from Su Jianye back then.

Afterwards, the conversation between the two parties became more harmonious. In the end, Susanshan looked behind Su Zibao before leaving, and found that Mr. Gu Yian was not seen. She was a little disappointed, but she didn\'t show it.

People like seniors will definitely have a wider world, and they are not people of one world.

And she is no longer the helpless little girl she used to be.

"What\'s the matter, you\'re not in a good mood?" Pei Yi said while looking at Su Zibao.

Su Zibao smiled slightly, and said with disappointment, "No. I just feel that my parents are getting older, and they are getting older day by day."

"Just like two little dumplings will grow up day by day, this is a natural law. Don\'t be afraid, even if you become an old lady, I will not despise you." You are unwilling to accept the branch of the Su family, just because of Dad\'s idea, so you are not happy."

Su Zibao took Pei Yi\'s arm, rested his head on his shoulder, and said, "I\'m a little unhappy. I also know that the current Su clan branch is not the same as before. But you should treat me as revenge, I don\'t want to give it to me. Opportunity for those who have hurt Dad to change over. I\'m not that great, I don\'t need much remorse, and I have to pay the price when I do something wrong. But Dad, he values ​​blood kinship, and Susansan\'s performance is really good, she\'s smart Man, I just reluctantly accepted it."

"Do you think that Dad\'s acceptance of the Su family\'s branch is only because of blood and kinship?" Pei Yimeifeng picked up.

Su Zibao said suspiciously, "Of course, there is nothing in the Su family\'s branch worthy of our Su family\'s coveted. Do you think my dad will have some plans for them?"

"A Bao, everyone gathers firewood and the flame is high. The growth of a family needs people. You are the head of the Su family now. Dad did this to unite the branches of the Su family and let the family flourish. He knew that if he hadn\'t taken the initiative to insist, he would have Your character is absolutely reluctant to look at the branch of the Su family again. But in a family, there are only two of you sisters, plus I and Yanzhi, there are too few people. Dad, he doesn\'t want to be affected by his accident at the beginning. You are developing the plan of the Su family now. He is willing to repair the branch of the Su family, the blood relationship is only a small aspect, mainly because of you." Pei Yi said softly.

Su Zibao was startled, his eyes instantly moistened. Father as a mountain.

"So don\'t betray Dad\'s kindness. Now Dad means that the past has passed, and the original perpetrators have also received their retribution. The current branch of the Su family is a new person, the Su family. Your relatives, and your right-hand man in the future." Pei Yi said while holding her shoulders.

Su Zibao nodded seriously, "In the future, the Su family will definitely get better and better. We will all get better and better."

"Tomorrow I\'m going back to the imperial capital. Today I\'ll go to Yangcheng to see my grandfather and second uncle." Pei Yi said, "You stay at Su\'s house first, and I\'ll be back in a few days."

Su Zibao said in surprise, "Let\'s go on the second day of the new year? What\'s the matter, what happened in the imperial capital?"

"No. mec

o Stop cooperating with the Han family, and Huangfujing and Els in Cass will definitely find someone to look for Han Yu. Judging from the information obtained, Huangfujing did not move, while Els went to the Han family. " said Pei Yi.

Su Zibao\'s face instantly became cautious, "Why didn\'t Huangfujing look for the Han family? With Huangfujing\'s vision and strategy, Els should not have taken the lead."

"Of course he has his plans." Pei Yi seemed to already know something, but he didn\'t say anything, but said, "So a lead I buried before should be dug up. I can\'t wait any longer, time is running out, I need to dig it out. Go and set up first. Bao, I\'m sorry."

Su Zibao said immediately, "It doesn\'t matter. You go to the imperial capital first, if I hadn\'t come back for a few years, I saw my parents feeling too much this time, I wanted to accompany them well, and I also wanted to investigate the whereabouts of Lei Lie and the others. I\'ll go with you!"

"You should accompany them. You don\'t need to go with me, I can solve it." Pei Yi said.

Because Pei Yi was going back to the imperial capital the next day, and they didn\'t know how many days it would take to return, so they went to Yangcheng that afternoon, visited their grandfather first, then went to Pei\'s second uncle\'s house for a light meal. In the evening, they went to Yangcheng with Luo Bing Wan ate supper together.

In the middle of the night, he returned to the Su family in Haicheng. Early the next morning, Pei Yi flew back to the imperial capital.

The first thing I did when I got off the plane was to call Si Jinjian, "Make arrangements, I want to see Mu Yunlan now."

"On the second day of the new year, you don\'t accompany your wife to visit relatives, but to see your old lover in prison. Pei Yi, do you know that your daughter-in-law is so good?" Si Jinjian made a rare joke because he seemed to be in a good mood. .

Pei Yiyun said lightly, "The old bachelor has neither a wife nor an ex, so don\'t be too envious."

Si Jinjian was suddenly choked up, and Leng Bangbang said, "It\'s not that you can\'t see her in your capacity. Find her by yourself. I refuse to abuse my private power."

"I don\'t want anyone to know that I went to see her, including Cass and Ye Chenxuan, so it is most convenient to use your relationship." Pei Yi said directly.

You don\'t want anyone to know, it\'s none of my business.

What kind of people are these people, is this your attitude to ask someone for help!

However, Si Jinjian still said, "See you at the gate of the prison in half an hour."

"Ok, thanks."

Si Jinjian hung up the phone and walked in from the balcony, picked up the windbreaker hanging on the hanger, and was about to go out when he saw Li Han walk in with a plate of fruit platter and said, "Where are you going?"

"Open the door for someone." Si Jin said concisely.

"When did you still work part-time... unlock?" Li Han looked at him with a vague understanding, walked up to him and said, "It\'s a pity I just cut the fruit. When will I be back?"

As if he didn\'t realize that his tone was like this, it was inexplicably a bit like a wife\'s investigation.

Si Jinjian picked up the fruit fork and put a piece into his mouth, and said, "The fruit tastes good. I won\'t be back for the time being."

"Ah?" Li Han bit his lip, but didn\'t say a word. If this is the case, it means that he is about to start a mission. Is there something big going on in the business world?

Although it seems to be calm, it turns out that undercurrents have long been surging.

Si Jinjian turned to go out, Li Han couldn\'t help but said, "Wait!"