Given A Second Chance: Time for Revenge!

Chapter 745: New Year's greetings from the Su branch

On the first day of the new year, people from the Su family branch came to pay New Year\'s greetings. Back then, when the Su family was down, the branch of the Su family never came to the main family\'s house to pay New Year\'s greetings, and they didn\'t have much friendship for so many years. But now that the Su family is thriving, it has already become the first family in Haicheng, and they have Pei Yi, a son-in-law of the Su family who they can only look up to, so they took the initiative to come to the Su family.

In the past, Su Zibao made a fuss about the Su family branch in Mingcheng, and the grandson of Su Jianye, who was the head of the Su family branch, put her in prison, but now whoever mentions this, they only say that Su Zibao is for People eradication. Su Jianye died a few years ago. After his death, the Su family branch launched a fierce intrigue for power and profit. I don\'t know how many people were framed and killed, and finally Susan became the principal.

It was the woman who was forced to marry Su Zhenzhe and escaped abroad with the help of Gu Yian.

Originally, because of Su Zibao\'s personality that could not tolerate sand in his eyes, his father became a vegetative person because of the branch of the Su family. However, the old people always pay more attention to blood relationship and clan affection, and they cannot write two Su characters in one stroke. Since the branch of the Su family is no longer in charge of the original few people, and they are willing to rely on the master family, why not do it, it can also make the Su family stronger.

Su Guoqiang was willing to accept the branch of the Su clan, and Su Zibao followed him.

Early in the morning, Susan came over with gifts, had lunch at Su\'s house, and talked and laughed at the dinner table. She has come every year in recent years, but this is the first time she has seen Su Zibao and Pei Yi. Facing this couple, he was more careful than when facing Su Guoqiang.

"Thanks to my uncle\'s support, the Su family in Mingcheng has developed very well in recent years." Susanshan said with a smile.

Su Guoqiang said generously, "It\'s all a family, don\'t be polite. Bao, if you have any other projects, leave it to Shanshan to do it. After all, it\'s our Su family, so you can rest assured than those outsiders."

The old man\'s mind is like this, if he is better, he must let his relatives and friends develop, and he doesn\'t think about who was in trouble when the Su family was in crisis.

Su Zibao is a very vengeful character, so he responded lukewarmly.

Seeing Su Zibao\'s perfunctory attitude, Su Guoqiang straightened his face and said, "Think back to when our Su family was in the Taizu era..."

So, the old man began to talk about ancient times, about the history of the Su family, what about solidarity and friendship, these Su Zibao heard big stories since childhood, and can hear the cocoon, but look left, Susanshan seems to listen carefully, Looking to the right, Pei Yi was also full of interest.

I can only cheer up and chat with the old man. Su Zibao was still thinking in his heart that his father was not such a person before. His personality is old-fashioned if it sounds good, but stinky and hard if it sounds bad.

Thinking of this, Su Zibao felt a little pantothenic acid in his eyes. As people get older, they start to like nagging, especially when it comes to their children. Not as severe as before.

Dad is getting old. Such a realization made Su Zibao feel a little sad. But it was also clearer that the Su family still had to rely on her for support in the future. She can\'t be as self-willed as before, she would go abroad for four years if she was sad, and she almost died in the snow-capped mountains if she was sad.

After recounting the history of the Su family, Lin Xuejiao, who came out of the kitchen with snacks, complained, "Guoqiang, you just like nagging, and it\'s rare for A Bao to come back.

Just listen to your broken thoughts once, you are not annoying the child but also annoying. Baby, don\'t mind him, let\'s go, mother will take you to visit. "

"Don\'t worry, I won\'t be back for a long time. I\'m happy to chat with my father." Su Zibao said.

Su Guoqiang immediately smiled proudly, "See, my daughter is willing to chat with me. It\'s not like the sons and daughters of those old guys who think they talk too much, and make excuses to slip away when they hear them chatting."

"Okay, it\'s better for your daughter, I\'ll let you go." Lin Xuejiao covered her mouth with a smile, walked to Su Zibao\'s ear, and whispered in her ear, "Your father hasn\'t seen you for a long time, usually Just keep talking. It’s rare for you to come back, so you can sit with him for a while to make him proud. If he keeps talking like this, I’ll pull him upstairs!”

Su Zibao smiled, "Mom, it\'s alright, it\'s good for the family to sit down and chat. Don\'t bother Dad, I want to hear more."

"Okay, it\'s fine if you don\'t dislike him. I dislike him." Lin Xuejiao glared at Su Guoqiang lightly, and said disgust, but there was no trace of dislike in her eyes.

Just like all ordinary and ordinary families in this world, parents, relatives. This is her home, simple and pure happiness.

At this moment, she is no different from all the children in this world.

After chatting for a long time, Su Guoqiang felt tired and went to the study to rest. Suddenly only Su Zibao, Pei Yi and Su Sansan were left in the living room.

"Miss Su and her uncle have such a good relationship." Susan said with a shy smile. Although she was a relative in name, she didn\'t dare to call out Su Zibao as sister.

Su Zibao said lightly, "That\'s right. So whoever hurt my father, even if my father forgives me, I will remember it for the rest of my life."

She wouldn\'t be so hearty to forgive her father who turned into a vegetative person.

Susansan\'s face suddenly became tense, and she said quickly, "The people who were involved with Uncle Su have all been kicked out by the Su branch, and we have long since denied that they are our Su family. The current Su branch is the same as before. It\'s different. These Uncle Sus all know, presumably Miss Su has never come back, I don\'t know much about it, I can tell you in detail..."

"Needless to say. What\'s going on in the Su branch now, I think I know better than my dad. Otherwise, do you think you can enter this door?" Su Zibao raised his eyebrows. Since his father said he accepted the Su clan branch, Su Zibao immediately asked Pei Yi to help in the investigation, and she would never allow the mistake to happen a second time.

Susansan didn\'t dare to say more now.

"My father has no brothers and sisters, and the Su family is only our family. He has always felt that there are few family members, and he hopes that there will be some relatives in the family, and he also recognizes the branch of the Su family. Since it is my father\'s decision, of course I support it. But please also ask Shan Miss Shan, remember what the word "relative" is." Su Zibao stared into her eyes and said, "If you are both prosperous and damaged, you are called relatives. You are a villain.

Susanshan immediately corrected her attitude and said seriously, "Miss Su, don\'t worry. To be honest, since the incident four years ago, the Su family in Mingcheng has become less and less developed. We have the cheeks to ask Uncle Su for help. Unexpectedly, Uncle Su was willing to disregard the previous suspicions and help us regain a firm foothold in Mingcheng. Although the shares of Su\'s branch were taken back by Miss Su, Uncle Su still gave some business to the subsidiary of Su\'s Group. Do it for us. I, Susan, at least know what a gift of gratitude is."