Given A Second Chance: Time for Revenge!

Chapter 747: living is the punishment


"Actually, I\'m very busy during the New Year. The Li family is so big, and I have so many relatives to see. There are so many things to do every day, so it won\'t be as leisurely as these two days." Li Han said proudly.

Si Jinjian raised her lips slightly and turned her head slightly, "Then concentrate on your work, you won\'t feel deserted."

Seeing the back of Si Jinjian leaving, Li Han hesitated, but he couldn\'t say anything after that.

But even so, I still feel like I am alone. It\'s only when we\'re with you that we feel like we\'re two.

I don\'t want to see those messy relatives at all, and I don\'t want to deal with those annoying things during the New Year. I just want to simply spend the year quietly.

Looking at the back of Si Jinjian\'s departure, the snowflakes fell on him and gradually faded away, and his whole person became one with the snow scene.

However, to you, I\'m probably just that stupid team member who needs your help. Li Han knew very well that Si Jinjian looked old-fashioned, but he was actually the kind of person who was cold and warm.

He is willing to help his subordinates, and he also has a sense of mission innate as a soldier. If at that time under the mining area, the people whose lives were in danger were ordinary people who Si Jinjian didn\'t know at all, he would have done the same.

He is a law enforcement captain with roots and roots, that\'s all.

It\'s too self-motivated to want to judge that he can take his life for her. But the drunken words he said that night were all about her. Could it also prove that Li Han was different from others in his eyes?

But if this is the case, why can he introduce her blind date so calmly? Li Han feels that he is throwing the wedding invitation in front of him now, and he will not have any other expressions, but come to participate calmly wedding.

It\'s disgusting, I don\'t like it at all.

At the gate of the prison, Si Jinjian and Pei Yi didn\'t have any extra greetings, and they went in directly. Si Jinjian arranged for Pei Yi and Mu Yunlan to meet, and left the room to wait outside the door.

Mu Yunlan didn\'t expect Pei Yi to come to see him, but at this moment, the identities of the two are very different.

She was wearing the blue and white striped prison uniform in the prison, her hair was messy, and she was described as haggard. The wounds scabbed by the glass **** left scars on her face, and she no longer had the beautiful beauty she used to be.

"What are you doing here?" Mu Yunlan\'s voice was hoarse. During her stay in prison, she had been tortured and haggard.

Pei Yi said lightly, "You should know that if I hadn\'t specially arranged people, you would never have been able to live until now. Els doesn\'t want others to know what you know, so they want you to shut up forever. "

"Hahaha... Pei Yi, so you want to know what I know, so you came to beg me. I can\'t believe that you are now the high-ranking president of meco, and I\'m just a female prisoner in the prison, but you still have to come. Please." Mu Yunlan sneered.

Pei Yi looked at her blankly, "I\'m just giving you a choice. If you tell me now what you know about Els\'s power, I can guarantee that you will live in prison. If you refuse, I will withdraw it. All protection, I believe that within three days, you will die in it because of various accidents. The seemingly safe prison,

There are countless possibilities for accidental death. "

Mu Yunlan turned pale and said, "You don\'t need to talk to me. I\'m so humiliated to live, it\'s better to die. You want to know? I can tell you, but you have to let me out and give it to me. A lot of money, send me abroad. Otherwise I\'ll die and I won\'t tell you what you want to know!"

"Impossible. I won\'t let you out." Pei Yi categorically refused, his tone unbearable.

Mu Yunlan had a winning expression on his face, "Then there\'s nothing to talk about. You can go, I won\'t tell you."

"It\'s true that you live in prison where life is worse than death, but you endured it." Pei Yi said with a calm face, "A person who betrayed and waited to die in prison can endure the Han family. The arranged humiliation is alive, indicating that you are waiting for someone to rescue you. Mu Family? Impossible. Els? It is more difficult to save you than to kill you, and he will definitely choose the latter. Then there is only Ye Chenxuan, I can Let me tell you an update about him."

Mu Yunlan\'s eyes flashed, and Pei Yi guessed it right, and she really wanted to know how Ye Chenxuan was doing now, and whether he would really rescue her as he said.

"He took out your divorce certificate and temporarily eased the relationship with the Ye family. Although Ye Hanjun is the heir of the Ye family now, give Ye Chenxuan a little time, and with his scheming, if he is more ruthless, he might be able to put his younger brother Pull it down. When he regains his previous power and control of the Ye family, it will not be difficult to use the entire Ye family\'s network to fish out one of you. Are you sure you plan to die now and not wait in prison?" Pei Yi The lip line was slightly raised, and the pair of eagle-like eyes seemed to be able to see through everything and thoroughly see through the thoughts in her heart.

Yes, she didn\'t want to die at all, she was still waiting for Ye Chenxuan to save her out.

No matter what he suffered now, Mu Yunlan vowed to return it a hundredfold after he went out! Especially the two sluts, Su Zibao and Han Ruoyan, the previous one will not be mentioned, and they have accumulated grievances for a long time. Han Ruoyan deserved to be turned around, but she used the Han family\'s relationship to make her be used by the prisoners as a tool to vent her desires.

Those people she didn\'t even bother to look at before, thieves, robbers, rapists and murderers, can now ride on her, which is a great insult.

"Okay, since you decided to die, then I\'ll go first." Pei Yi stood up, with no room for manoeuvre, "I came to you, not because the information you know must be yours. I can continue to investigate, Buy more people, and you will be able to dig it out gradually. There is no secret that can\'t be hidden, it\'s just a matter of time. Now that Els and the Han family are cooperating, you are sure that you want to see the Han family prosper with Els\'s east wind. ?"

As soon as he heard the Han family, Mu Yunlan was severely stimulated.

"Don\'t you just want to use me to deal with the Han family and Els!" Mu Yunlan said angrily, "As long as you agree to my request, I will really tell you everything."

Pei Yi said coldly, "You deserved your life sentence. If you go out, Bao\'s crime will be in vain. I would rather not use you to deal with Els, than let those who hurt Bao go unpunished."

"Since you hate me so much, why do you still protect me from letting me die?" Mu Yunlan gritted his teeth. At this time, he was still for Su Zibao.

Pei Yi did not hide his malice, "To live is to be punished."

When you die, you will not feel pain and suffering at all, but it is actually liberation. Only living in pain is the best punishment for Mu Yunlan.