Given A Second Chance: Time for Revenge!

Chapter 744: shoot and shoot

"When you can\'t come back, going home is an obsession. For this belief, you want revenge, you have a lot of things to do, and your mood is more occupied by these pressures. But when you come back here now, you will be like this. I can clearly feel that the once lively home is no longer there. In comparison, it will feel more deserted." Si Jinjian still has that old-fashioned face, unsmiling, "In psychology, this is a very common phenomenon. .To sum up in four words, things are different."

Li Han murmured, "Yeah, things are different. Even if I take Li\'s house back now, my father can\'t come back, and the trauma to my sister\'s body and mind can\'t disappear. Our happy family before. There\'s no going back. No matter what you do, you can\'t go back to the past."

Si Jinjian was silent for a while and said, "Do you think the family is too deserted?"

"Yeah. Don\'t look at the number of people in the Li family today, but I think there are only me and my sister in the family." Li Han said.

Si Jinjian looked at her and said, "If you want more people and liveliness, it\'s actually very simple."

"Ah? What can you do?" Li Han blinked.

Si Jinjian said calmly, "Get married and have children."

"Pfft!" Li Han was stunned, "Si Jinjian, what is the solution!"

Si Jinjian said solemnly, "Birth, old age, sickness and death are the eternal themes. The death of the elderly and the birth of children are the trend of the development of things. It is impossible for the deceased relatives to come back to life, but you can do it by adding new life. At the rate of two children in three years, the Li family can add at least six people in nine years. If it is twins or triplets, the population growth rate can be even faster. Thanks to the national policy for encouraging more births.”

"Si! Jin! Jane!" Li Han ran away instantly, gnashing his teeth in anger, "Do you think I\'m a pig!"

She spoke so loudly that there was an echo in the empty living room.

Do you think I am a pig! Pig! !

"You think I\'m laying eggs! One by one?"

Si Jinjian looked at her calmly, "Pigs are viviparous animals, not oviparous, so they can\'t lay eggs."

"Hey, do you understand the key points? Who is discussing with you whether pigs can lay eggs? I\'m so **** off," Li Han stood up angrily, looked down at Si Jinjian with his hands on his hips, pointed at him but thought He didn\'t have any words to scold him, his mind suddenly short-circuited, and a ghost came out, "I can\'t have a child by myself!"

Si Jinjian bent the corners of his lips, "I can help if there is any difficulty."

"Ah?" Li Han\'s face flushed instantly. God, is he going to help me have a baby with me? Shameless hooligan!

Li Han turned his head and said proudly, "Hmph, who wants your help?"

Si Jinjian looked at her with a teasing smile in his eyes, "I have the list of the five diamond kings in the country\'s business circles, are you sure you don\'t want me to help? You can choose whatever you want, young and rich, mature and steady, Humorous, or cold and domineering, all kinds of presidents, Miss Li can choose at will."

" mean this help?" Li Han bit his lip, it turned out to be helping on a blind date.

Si Jinjian pursed his lips, "Of course, for the sake of our colleagues, high-quality presidents are not outsiders."

"I didn\'t expect our division team to be a part-time matchmaker now." Li Han\'s tone was unconsciously sour. Si Jinjian, a bastard, actually wants to introduce her to a blind date, so he wants her to marry someone else?

Si Jinjian put his hands behind his head on the wall, his eyes were calm, and he didn\'t know what he was thinking.

"Besides, I don\'t like any kind of president. The Li Group is enough to make me upset. If I\'m next to someone who also controls the group, I won\'t be annoying." Li Han cleared his throat and pretended to have no intention of saying.

Si Jinjian nodded, "Politics and business are not separated, and the political circles are also good."

"Trouble. If anything happens to the Mu family in their official career, the Ling family has to try their best to put out the fire. I also want to stop for the rest of my life." Li Han refused again.

Si Jinjian said, "That\'s the military world."

"" Li Han couldn\'t find a suitable excuse for a while, but Si Jinjian became annoyed and glared at him, "Si Jinjian, you are a bastard!"

This guy is just here to **** her off. But Li Han himself didn\'t know why he refused to marry someone else without even thinking about it.

However, the mood that I felt very low before has disappeared in a flash. Nothing unhappy is gone, I just want to... beat him up.

Li Han did it when he thought of it, picked up the pillow next to him and slammed it on Si Jinjian\'s head.

Inexplicably smashed, Si Jinjian looked at Li Han with two big question marks in his eyes.

After smashing Li Han, he felt that he was too bold. I used to be most afraid of this division captain, and he was completely a strict and harsh boss. I don\'t know if it\'s because I\'m not a member of the Dark Gold Squad now or I found that he was actually approachable and dared to beat him.

Li Han admired himself a little in his heart.

"Huh?" Si Jinjian leaned forward slightly, staring at Li Han expressionlessly.

He has always been old-fashioned and serious, looking at her like this made Li Han instantly terrified, and the prestige that he dared to smash him just now disappeared, and he faltered and gave a reason, "I... I am revenge! I still remember when I was a year old. New Year\'s Eve, didn\'t I put a cannonball at your feet? You confiscated a box of my cannonballs and punished me to stand all night. Everyone else rejoiced and rejoiced, and I was punished. Now I am If it\'s not your subordinate, I\'m just smashing you, what\'s wrong?"

In the end, Li Han held out his chest in a guilty conscience.

Si Jinjian stared at her for a while, grabbed her hand, pulled her around and left.

"Hey, Si Jinjian, what are you doing. Where are you taking me, let go!"

"Si Jinjian, I was wrong, I shouldn\'t have hit you. Wait, where is this going..."

"It\'s getting more and more desolate, Si Jinjian, where are you going? Didn\'t you just smash you? What are you going to do to me? Si Jinjian, what kind of place is this? It\'s so remote, it\'s too suitable for murder and **** dead."

Finally, when the car stopped, Si Jinjian took out a whole box of cannonballs from the trunk, put them on the ground, and said, "It is forbidden to set off firecrackers in the city."

"You... bring me to shoot?"

Si Jinjian raised his eyebrows, "Why not? Do you think I\'m going to shoot you?"

After finishing speaking, he pointed to the box and said, "This box will pay you for the box."

Li Han chuckled and happily turned over in the box.

On New Year\'s Eve, with him, I suddenly felt as if I was not at all deserted.

No one can go back to the past, no one can turn back, the only thing that can be done is to move forward. Si Jinjian, thank you for being here.