Given A Second Chance: Time for Revenge!

Chapter 723: She's drunk and just calls his name

"It\'s normal, Liang Qianqian and Liang Bulian are definitely staring at you now." Ye Hanjun said with a smile, "Today is so happy! Not only did it help me solve a big trouble, but it also helped Gu Yian to take revenge. You said we Isn\'t it time to celebrate!"

Su Zibao was in a good mood, "Yes, it\'s time to celebrate, have fun! Where do you want to go?"

After beating up, Gu Yian was also out of anger, and said with a refreshing look, "I listen to the eldest lady!"

"We haven\'t had lunch yet, why don\'t we have dinner together," Su Zibao said.

Ye Hanjun said, "The weather is so cold, how about a barbecue?"

"Okay, I agree!" Fu Yihuan raised his hand.

So the group went to have a barbecue. Halfway through, Xu Jinyao called to ask about Gu Yian\'s revenge, and Gu Yian invited her to join him.

A few of them sat around a table, and the barbecue and beer were perfect. At this time, no one cares about the image, not a famous lady, not a gentleman and a young master.

This scene is all too familiar. It seems that she once made an agreement with someone that for this year\'s reunion dinner, a large group of relatives, friends and a family of four will reunite and eat barbecue together, but now, it is so difficult for her to even walk in front of him.

He didn\'t drink much, but Su Zibao was drunk.

Even if it is very happy, even if he beats those enemies, but without him by his side, he is not happy. Does Pei Yi feel the same way? Su Zibao smiled and thought while holding the beer bottle, and then fell asleep in a daze.

The three women\'s alcohol intake was not good, but in the end, only Ye Hanjun and Gu Yian were left sober.

"Why can\'t you stop once you drink Miss." Gu Yian sighed as he looked at Su Zibao with a blushing face.

Ye Hanjun looked at her and said, "She\'s very dull after returning to the imperial capital, so it\'s better to vent. Go to Ye\'s house, there is a guest room at home. If you send Miss Xu back to Xu\'s house now, her elder brother will definitely beat you."


The two settled the three drunk women at Ye\'s house, and Ye Hanjun sat beside Su Zibao\'s bed to guard. She has always been strong and independent, making people invisible and vulnerable, but in fact, she is not as strong as she appears.

"Pei Yi..." Su Zibao mumbled, then turned over again and fell asleep.

Ye Hanjun was helpless. After she was drunk, she would always only call Pei Yi\'s name. It is really difficult to replace this person.

But it seems impossible to give up.

After the conflict with the Liang family brothers and sisters, they stopped and did not dare to act rashly. Ye Hanjun directly told Fu Lilan that the blind date was unsuccessful, Liang Qianqian did not complain, and Fu Lilan had nothing to do with him.

The Li family\'s accounts were finally settled, and the Li Group resumed normal operations. Li Han and Si Jinjian came to deliver the invitation to the reception in person, which surprised Su Zibao, who had not planned to attend.

"A Bao, now that the Li\'s Group has resumed normal operation, the cooperation with Yuyanluo can also return to normal now. At the banquet, I will introduce several directors of the group to you." Li Han smiled. He said, "In addition to Yuyanluo, other projects of the Su Group, you think are good, we will do it together."

Su Zibao took the invitation, "Okay, the Li family is mainly engaged in mining, but I think you can cooperate with Supreme Linglong in depth."

"This proposal is not bad. Let\'s talk about it then." Li Han said.

Gu Yian sent them out, Li Han looked at Si Jinjian next to him and said, "A Bao agreed to go. But even if A Bao is willing to go, she doesn\'t want to see Pei Yi, and she won\'t give Pei Yi a good face. You are using this. What lousy method?"

"I don\'t know, I\'m only in charge of making appointments." Si Jinjian said in a formulaic tone.

Seeing him like this, Li Han couldn\'t help but chuckle when he remembered what he said that day when he was drunk.

"What are you laughing at?" Si Jinjian didn\'t know why.

Li Hanqiang held back a smile and said, "It\'s okay, let\'s go, go back."

After they left, Su Zibao began to plant his head in the data. Yuyanluo\'s national market has been rolled out last time, but the Li family\'s channel can be further promoted. In the past few years, the Su Group has also produced some good projects. Su Zibao will screen again and pick out some high-quality projects to cooperate with the Li family.

So busy, it was midnight.

Gu Yian saw that the light in the study was still on and went in to ask Su Zibao if she wanted a little supper, but she saw that she had fallen asleep on the official desk.

Even though she was asleep, her brows were still wrinkled. Gu Yian has never seen Su Zibao work so hard, as if he is putting all the work on his head.

Ye Hanjun walked over and said, lowered his voice and said, "Don\'t wake her up, or she will continue."

Saying that, Ye Hanjun carried Su Zibao lying on the table back to her bedroom. Put her on the bed and cover her with a quilt and take care of her. When Ye Hanjun came out, he saw Gu Yian still standing in the corridor, his eyes fell on Su Zibao\'s sleeping face.

"Miss has been fighting like this?" Gu Yian asked.

Ye Hanjun said, "Of course not. It\'s just because I made an appointment for her for the international trade exchange meeting next month. She is currently preparing for this plan. Now that there are more projects from the Li family\'s side, there will be more things to do together. "

"I know about business matters, as long as I don\'t hurry, I won\'t be so hurry." Gu Yian said.

Ye Hanjun smiled, "When it comes to the point, she just wants to become stronger as soon as possible."

Gu Yian didn\'t ask any more questions. After returning this time, he found that Su Zibao was not as relaxed and comfortable as before. He didn\'t know why this happened, but since it was what Su Zibao wanted to do, he would do his best.

She wants to be stronger, so he can actually help.

If she could control the Liang family and hold the huge Liang family group, would it be the power she wanted? Gu Yian, who never planned to go back to the Liang family, had the idea of ​​going back for the first time.

Not for blood, not for relatives who don\'t know each other, just because of Su Zibao.

"I don\'t even ask why." Ye Hanjun glanced at him in surprise and said.

Gu Yian said calmly, "Is the reason important? It\'s enough to achieve the goal. Besides, you won\'t say it if I ask."

"Not bad." Ye Hanjun nodded, stretched his waist and turned back to his room, "I always don\'t care about the reason, as long as the result."

Gu Yian stood at the door, looked at Su Zibao who was asleep, and turned to close the door.

The Li family wine party is coming. On this day, guests gathered and the place was full of friends. Su Zibao and Ye Hanyun attended together, and they were basically acquaintances.

Su Zibao also saw Pei Yi, and beside him was Han Ruoyan, who was a little bird.