Given A Second Chance: Time for Revenge!

Chapter 722: sorry, you're an outsider

"She wears a mask because she doesn\'t want to be recognized, so she doesn\'t need to go over." Pei Yi looked calm.

Han Ruoyan couldn\'t see what he was thinking. Although Su Zibao has left, Pei Yi still likes her very much. Everyone knows this. Therefore, he refused to marry the Han family, causing Han Yu to lose his temper.

However, Su Zibao was unwilling to reconcile with him. Even if Pei Yi fell in love, the other party would not buy it at all.

"You\'re right. Originally it was Ye Hanjun and Liang Qianqian who were dating, but now Su Zibao is out to disrupt the situation. It seems that Ye Hanjun is looking for her to sabotage. I heard that Abao is Ye Ershao\'s girlfriend, but the Ye family can\'t accept it, so they keep a low profile. I don\'t know if it\'s because of this Ye Hanjun that he doesn\'t want to go on a blind date, and that\'s why A Bao came forward to destroy it." Han Ruoyan said in a hurry, watching Pei Yi\'s expression with her eyes.

Pei Yi didn\'t speak, but just ate western food gracefully.

Han Ruoyan continued, "Actually, I think A Bao and Ye Er Shao are a good match. When A Bao left the imperial capital, Ye Er Shao brought her back. When the explosion cave collapsed in the Tianqi mining area, Ye Er Shao also took A Bao first. After throwing it out, he was buried under a stone and almost died. For the sake of A Bao, the Ye family arranged a blind date with him. It seems that Mrs. Ye still doesn\'t understand Er Shao. In Ye Ershao\'s eyes, there is only A Bao."

Pei Yi finally reacted, Meifeng frowned, "Apart from Ye Hanjun and Su Zibao, you didn\'t tell me anything else?"

"No...No." Han Ruoyan said quickly like a frightened rabbit, "I...I didn\'t mean to."

But I thought to myself, and finally got angry.

Pei Yi cut the steak with a knife and said lightly, "If you have nothing to say, then eat quietly."

Putting this sentence aside, it is finally a little quieter, and you can listen to the situation over there.

At this time, there has been escalated from scolding to hands-on. Liang Bulian punched Gu Yian in the face, but unfortunately Gu Yian was too tall, and before his hand came up, Gu Yian stepped back, kicked him over, and the two scuffled together.

Su Zibao didn\'t show any kindness to Liang Qianqian, and just tore them apart.

These two people dared to buy Gu Yian\'s legs, so Su Zibao would not be polite. All conspiracies and tricks are floating clouds, and it is the most enjoyable to beat them directly, Su Zibao thought sincerely.

Gu Yian hangs and beat Liang Bu without any accident. Su Zibao\'s predecessor was the one who smashed Lei Lie\'s head with a brick, and his physical fitness was many times better than that of Liang Qianqian, a delicate young lady, and he had the upper hand.

At this moment, the bodyguards who followed Liang Bulian also came. They were about to come in to help, and Ye Hanjun said coldly, "Who dares to move! Let me go out!"

"Ye Hanjun, you actually helped an outsider!" Liang Qianqian said angrily.

Ye Hanjun shrugged, "I\'m sorry, you are an outsider."

"What do you mean? Could it be that you actually called these two people..." Liang Qianqian felt ruthless in her heart, and she raised her hand to tear off Su Zibao\'s mask. Seeing that her fingernails were grabbing towards Su Zibao\'s face, Ye Hanjun immediately rushed over, hugged Su Zibao and took a spin to dodge, Liang Qianqian\'s nails scratched on Ye Hanjun\'s neck, leaving a clear bloodstain.

"Han Yun, you\'re bleeding." Su Zibao didn\'t care about anything else, he stretched out his hand and pressed him on the wound, "Stop the bleeding first."

Ye Hanjun\'s hand covered the back of Su Zibao\'s hand, smiling wickedly, "It\'s okay.

, I don\'t mind. "

As he said that, he looked at Liang Qianqian, "Miss Liang, I think you have nothing to say to my mother. Today\'s affairs are over."

"Ye Hanjun, even if you don\'t talk about blind dates, these two people beat us, and you asked me to give up!" Liang Qianqian glared at Su Zibao viciously, "You are dreaming! I want to call the police and arrest them."

Su Zibao snorted coldly, "Beating you guys has nothing to do with Ye Ershao. You buy a murderer and break your leg, and you know who you want to hurt. Well, you can call the police, then explain to the police why we want to retaliate against you. "

The faces of Liang Qianqian and Liang Bulian changed, and the man wearing the mask was... Gu Yian.

Gu Yian beat him happily, glanced at Liang Bulian with a bruised nose and a swollen face, rubbed his wrist and said, "This is a warning. If you continue to entangle me, then I won\'t be so good at talking."

"You..." Liang Bulian looked at Gu Yian fearfully.

Gu Yian bent his lips, "Okay, I\'m done with the rape. Let\'s go."

So the group of them left, leaving behind the miserable Liang Bulian and Liang Qianqian who were beaten and cursed incessantly.

Pei Yi didn\'t seem to care about what happened over there, because he was at the table with his back to them, so he just judged by listening. It wasn\'t until Han Ruoyan exclaimed "A Bao!" that she looked back, but what she saw was the harmonious picture of Su Zibao and Ye Hanyun.

I thought I would see Su Zibao at the Li family\'s reception, but I didn\'t expect to see it here in advance, and what I saw, even if I pretended not to care on the surface, how could I not care in my heart.

"I was scared to death. I thought A Bao would have an accident just now, but luckily." Han Ruoyan patted her chest and said, "Fortunately, Second Young Master Ye helped block it, but it seems that Second Young Master Ye\'s neck was injured. ."

She kept reminding the scene just now. Su Zibao\'s worried face, Ye Hanjun\'s embrace, and his folded hands.

Pei Yi didn\'t lift his eyelids, and said lightly, "The restaurant you ordered has a good time and location."

Han Ruoyan\'s face turned pale. She wondered if Pei Yi had guessed something, so she didn\'t dare to add fuel to it. Where did she happen to meet them so coincidentally, because she had heard Liang Qianqian say she was going to date Ye Hanyun, and she knew very well that Ye Hanjun would refuse a blind date, so she expected that there would be a drama today.

She deliberately took Pei Yi to watch the play. She thought it would be Ye Hanjun and Su Zibaoxiu who would love Liang Qianqian, but she didn\'t expect a little deviation, but it also achieved her goal.

It doesn\'t matter if Pei Yi likes Su Zibao, how many times can he be hurt by her.

Then come little by little.

"It\'s just after dinner. You can go to the square next to you to see the pigeons. Yes, the time and location are all well chosen." Pei Yi said again, and his face did not look any different.

Han Ruoyan bit her lip, not knowing whether he saw something tricky, or was just praising her. She didn\'t dare to mention Su Zibao again, and smiled, "The pigeons in the square are very cute, let\'s go and feed the pigeons later."

After coming out of the restaurant, Su Zibao looked back with a hint of doubt in his eyes.

"What\'s wrong?" Ye Hanjun asked.

Su Zibao shook his head, "It\'s okay, it seems like someone is watching me."