Given A Second Chance: Time for Revenge!

Chapter 724: who to dance with

Although Pei Yi rejected Han Yu\'s proposal to marry, but in the eyes of outsiders, the relationship between the two families is more intimate.

"It\'s strange, what\'s the situation now? Look at the original pair, but now it\'s become two pairs." Ling Qingluo looked at Pei Yi and Han Ruoyan who walked in from the gate, and then looked at the sofa sitting on the sofa Su Zibao Ye Hanjun, who was talking in a low voice, did not know why.

Shen Xi said, "Han Ruoyan has suffered from depression since the last time she was hospitalized, and she is currently undergoing recovery treatment. It is said that in a crowded environment, if she does not follow Pei Yi or Han Yu, she will fall ill. But she can\'t stay in the house all the time. I still have to attend some banquets and slowly recover."

"You mean the two of them are treated? There is such a weird treatment. I think the Han family wants to have another son-in-law." Ling Qingluo raised her red lips and said dissatisfiedly.

Shen Xi said sadly, "Han Ruoyan\'s illness is directly related to Pei Yi. Although no one knows what happened, it seems that Pei Yi owes a favor. But why the Han family has nothing to do with the Ling family, why are you so unhappy ?"

"Of course I\'m not happy. Now that the struggle between meco and Cass is in full swing, if Han Yu is really happy, then their Han family will become the biggest winner. With the top five families, who wants to see their family dominate. "Ling Qingluo said directly, sighing, "It\'s a pity that I don\'t have a sister or sister, otherwise I would definitely recommend it to Pei Yi."

Shen Xi smiled and stopped talking in detail, walked over to say hello to Su Zibao, "Last time you left, I thought I would never see you in the imperial capital."

"I\'m worried about you, I\'m just going out to relax." Su Zibao said, "I heard that Huading Company has been rebuilt, is the loss serious? But if the Han family injected capital, it should be smooth."

Just as Shen Xi was about to say something, he glanced at Ye Hanyun next to him and said, "Well, everything went well."

"That\'s good." Su Zibao pursed his lips.

After a while, Li Han introduced several directors of the Li Group, and the topic just now was covered. Su Zibao just asked casually, and Shen Xi didn\'t notice the crux of the answer.

"It\'s dance time..." said the master of ceremonies on the stage, and the dance music started.

The people around went in to dance, Ye Hanjun looked at Su Zibao and said, "A Bao, let\'s dance too?"

"I\'m a little tired from talking just now, let\'s sit and rest for a while." Su Zibao said evasively.

Ye Hanjun got up and said with a smile, "Okay, then I\'ll go get some warm tea."

"Thank you." Su Zibao smiled slightly.

After he left, Su Zibao leaned on the sofa and closed his eyes. Suddenly, the tip of his nose smelled the scent of rock candy lemon, Su Zibao took a sip from the glass, opened his eyes and said, "So soon..."

The voice stopped abruptly, and the person who appeared in front of him was not Ye Hanyun, but Pei Yi.

This cup of tea was handed over by him.

Su Zibao\'s body froze for a moment, and he looked around. At this time, there were only the two of them on the sofa. Now that she is alone with him, she will be unconsciously nervous.

"What\'s the matter with you?" Su Zibao asked cautiously.

Seeing her small appearance, Pei Yi was quite cute, her index finger gently lifted her chin, and she smiled lightly, "Invite the beautiful Miss Su to a dance."

"I refuse." Su Zibao knocked off his hand, but he was clasped in his palm instead.

Su Zibao glared at him with watery eyes, "Pei Yi, what are you trying to do in the public eye!"

"Nothing, I invite you to dance." Pei Yi took her hand and smiled.

Su Zibao bit her lip, bastard, why does he always fix her attitude like this every time, it\'s really depressing.


bsp; "I said I refused. If you want to dance, invite that Miss Han with you." Su Zibao said coldly.

A meaningful smile appeared on Pei Yi\'s lips, "Oh? Jealous?"

"Dream." Su Zibao pulled out his hand with all his strength, just in time to see Ye Hanjun coming with cakes and warm tea, worried that he would be entangled with Pei Yi again, and his emotions would be difficult to control, so he walked over to Ye Hanjun and said, "Go, let\'s go dancing. "

Ye Hanjun didn\'t know why, "Huh?"

"Pei Yi." Su Zibao said two words in a very low voice, and Ye Hanjun instantly understood.

Putting the tray of pastries and warm tea aside, Ye Hanjun looked at Pei Yi next to him and smiled, then stretched out his hand to Su Zibao, "A Bao, can I dance with you?"

Su Zibao put his hand in his palm, and the two went to the dance floor.

Pei Yi\'s face turned cold as he watched the backs of them leave. Han Ruoyan walked over and said, "A Bao and Ye Er Shao are very good now, why should you bother Pei Yi? I know you have a deep affection for her, but wishful thinking will always make them suffer. It\'s better to let go frankly and let A Bao goes after what she wants."

"I didn\'t expect Miss Han to have such a deep understanding of wishful thinking." Pei Yi\'s thin lips raised an upward arc.

Han Ruoyan bit her lip and clenched her fist.

Although Pei Yi didn\'t say it explicitly, she felt that it was a mockery, which made her feel sad and felt that Pei Yi was too ignorant of her feelings. And all this is because of Su Zibao.

The resentment in my heart has been accumulating gradually and unknowingly.

"Then... Pei Yi, if you want to dance, I can accompany you." Han Ruoyan said, enduring the grievance in her heart.

Pei Yi glanced at the two people on the dance floor. Their figures were so dazzling, but he didn\'t have the idea of ​​finding another woman to dance with them.

"Miss Han is not in good health, let\'s rest more." Pei Yi gently declined.

Just when everyone was dancing and drinking and the atmosphere was harmonious, an uninvited guest entered the door.

"The Li family\'s reception is so lively, all the wealthy families of the imperial capital are gathered together, it\'s really a feast." Els said from the door.

Pei Yi\'s eyes narrowed, Els?

Su Zibao also looked at the entrance, his expression changed, "Isn\'t this person Els from the Cas family? Why did he come here suddenly."

"Who is he?" Li Han didn\'t recognize him at a glance.

Si Jinjian said, "Els of the Cass family, Huangfujing\'s elder brother, is strictly a righteous brother relationship."

It was him!

Li Han frowned, stepped forward and said, "I didn\'t expect Mr. Els to appear at our Li family\'s small banquet."

"Beautiful Miss Li Han, it\'s a pleasure to meet you." Els gave a very gentlemanly greeting, and said, "I heard that you were invited to the Li family\'s reception. Miss Li Han would not be unwelcome."

At this time, everyone\'s attention in the banquet was attracted by this sudden appearance of Els. Not all the giants in the imperial capital are a part of meco, more people are neutral to watch a good show, and some people are more optimistic about Cass.

"How come, Mr. Ayers can show up and make this reception shine." Li Han said politely.

Els walked to Pei Yi who was sitting on the sofa, stretched out a hand, looked warm and kind, "Mr. Pei Yi, the president of meco, this is the first time we meet, please give me more advice."

"Mr. Els, hello." Pei Yi shook hands with him, at least on the surface, both of them were very calm, which disappointed the giants around waiting to watch the play.