Given A Second Chance: Time for Revenge!

Chapter 721: catch rape, mess up

At this time, Su Zibao, who was hiding in the car, was watching, Fu Yihuan beside him was nervous, and Gu Yian, who was fully armed and ready to go, was in the back seat.

"Liang Qianqian doesn\'t seem to be here yet." Fu Yihuan said, looking down at the watch on his wrist.

Su Zibao said, "Come, come."

"Ah, where..." Fu Yihuan also peeked out of the window and said, "Wow, she\'s really looking gorgeous today."

Just as the two women watched, Liang Qianqian entered the restaurant.

"Should Mr. Gu take action?" Fu Yihuan asked.

Su Zibao smiled slightly, "Don\'t worry, let them play for a while, otherwise it will be too deliberate."

Fu Yihuan nodded, wondering why it was Ye Hanjun\'s blind date, how could she be more nervous than him. Of course, she is 10 million hope that Ye Hanjun\'s blind date is unsuccessful this time. If it is successful, it means that Ye Hanjun is going to marry another woman.

"Miss Yihuan, I haven\'t seen Ye Chenxuan at Ye\'s house recently. I heard that he was sent to Yaobei District before, but now that the New Year is coming, he hasn\'t been transferred back?" Su Zibao asked.

Fu Yihuan said, "I was transferred back, but I didn\'t go out much. Ever since Young Master Ye lost his right of inheritance, he has been very low-key and doesn\'t show up much."

"I still have to trouble you to keep an eye on him." Su Zibao said coldly.

Fu Yihuan didn\'t know why, "Staring at him? Young Master Ye and Mu Yunlan married, they were the wastes who were abandoned by the Ye family, and it seemed that he had no hostility towards Second Young Master Ye..."

"Ye Chenxuan gave up everything in order to get Mu Yunlan, but now Mu Yunlan is in prison, which means that his purpose has not been achieved." Su Zibao said.

Fu Yihuan was shocked, "Miss Su means...he regrets it, so?"

"I don\'t regret it, I have dealt with him, and I know his character very well. He will do anything to get what he wants, and now he will do something to achieve this goal, no one knows. The more silent, the more necessary Be vigilant. Don\'t worry too much, Second Young Master should be wary of him." Su Zibao said.

Fu Yihuan nodded cautiously, of course she knew that only her identity was the most suitable to stare at Ye Chenxuan secretly, "I understand what Miss Su means. It\'s just that I didn\'t expect Miss Su to care so much about Er Shao. If Er Shao knew, she would be very happy. "

"Because Er Shao is a good friend." Su Zibao leaned on the car seat and said. Also because he was so good to her, she wanted to repay as much as possible.

It\'s like helping mess up a blind date this time.

She is only willing to owe each other to Pei Yi, to have clear grievances with others, and not to owe him all the time. But no one will know that the relationship between people comes and goes, but the entanglement is getting deeper and deeper.

Gu Yian said, "I went in."

"Yeah. Liang Qianqian and the others dare to buy a murderer to cut you down. Ian, you\'re totally welcome this time." Su Zibao said, his eyes suddenly lighted up, "There was an accident, and Liang Bulian even came."

Gu Yian looked out the window, and sure enough, there was a car outside the restaurant, and the window was rolled down to see Liang Bulian sitting inside.

"It seems that Liang Qianqian called for a helper to prevent accidents."

"Then I\'ll join one." Su Zibao said, picking up the mask and putting it on his face, "Let\'s go, let\'s go together!"

Gu Yian nodded, "Miss, be careful."


Both of them were wearing trench coats, scarves and masks, which is normal in winter.

As soon as Gu Yian rushed into the western restaurant, he went directly to the table of Ye Hanjun and Fu Yihuan, picked up the red wine bottle on the table and smashed it, and roared angrily, "Liang Qianqian, you are going on a date with Xiaobai\'s face behind my back! You are so shameless!"

Liang Qianqian was instantly stunned. I didn\'t know who this man wearing a mask was. Ye Hanjun was slightly taken aback when he saw the two of them appearing, and was really surprised. Didn\'t he say that Gu Yian appeared alone, why did Su Zibao also go into battle shirtless.

Sure enough, Bao still cares about me. Ye Hanjun was in a bright mood.

"Liang Qianqian, you\'re so shameless, you actually cheated on my brother with this little white face. You don\'t have to watch, we\'re here to catch the adulterer! I knew you were out there, but I didn\'t expect you to be so shameless, bringing the adulterer to eat. Western food!" Su Zibao pointed directly at Liang Qianqian and scolded.

Liang Qianqian said angrily, "Who are you, what nonsense are you talking about."

"Liang Qianqian, I didn\'t expect you to be such a person, I really misread you." Ye Hanjun instantly entered the play, tsk tsk.

Liang Qianqian was anxious, took his hand and said, "Brother Hanyun, listen to my explanation, I don\'t know them at all!"

"Brother Hanyun, you are so disgusting!" Su Zibao grabbed Liang Qianqian\'s hand and shook it away, preventing her from touching Ye Hanyun. Leng Bangbang said, "Brother, this woman seems to be on good terms with Xiaobailian. Dump it!"

Gu Yian sighed, "I didn\'t expect that I would see this scene today, I\'m so sad."

The people in the western restaurant immediately pointed and pointed. The waiters who had planned to pull Su Zibao and the others out, when they heard that this brother and sister were here to catch the rapist, immediately stopped moving, not wading in the muddy water.

"Hey, waiter, pull them out! You guys are just here to watch!" Liang Qianqian lost her temper.

One of the waiters said, "We don\'t care about catching rape!"

They didn\'t care, but Liang Bulian, who was outside, found that there was a conflict inside, and immediately rushed in and said, "Who dares to bully my sister! Who are you two?"

"Brother, I don\'t know them at all, brother, quickly blast them out!" Liang Qianqian shouted.

Su Zibao snorted and put on a fighting attitude, "Hey, why don\'t you recognize this woman wearing pants!"

In a word, the two men present almost laughed. Ye Hanjun reluctantly held back his laughter, pretending to have a deep face, Gu Yian coughed and almost choked, and said in a low voice, "Hey, this line is a bit wrong."

"I have no experience in catching rape, so I can make do with it." Su Zibao also lowered his voice, "Don\'t pay attention to the details."

And just when Su Zibao finished saying this, a man in the booth diagonally opposite who was drinking red wine almost choked. The slender woman sitting opposite him asked gently, "Pei Yi, what\'s the matter?"

The handsome man picked up the napkin next to him and wiped his mouth gracefully, "It\'s okay."

"This western restaurant has always been quiet, and I don\'t know why there was a farce today. That woman, it looks like... Su Zibao?" Han Ruoyan said with her eyes drifting over there.

Pei Yi hummed indifferently.

Han Ruoyan smiled and said, "Would you like to go over and say hello? A Bao has been staying at Ye\'s house and rarely goes out. It\'s not easy to meet her."

It seems to be well-intentioned, but staying at Ye\'s house seems to be reminding something.