Given A Second Chance: Time for Revenge!

Chapter 720: Gu Yian's identity exposed

"The first is Liang Bulian and Liang Qianqian. They are Ming Cha. In name, they want to thank the person who saved the old man\'s life, but in fact... tsk tsk, they are just afraid that someone will split the family property with them and shake Liang Bulian as the Liang family. The position of the next heir. And the other person is Liang Mixue. The old man asked her to investigate secretly, which is very secret. The old man should know what the brother and sister are playing."

Su Zibao nodded slightly, "I see. Ian was hunted down, which means that Liang Bulian and Liang Qianqian found out about Ian\'s true identity, so they wanted to take off his legs and make him a crippled person. There is a way to compete with the brothers and sisters of the Liang family for the succession. And Liang Mixue has not yet discovered Yi\'an\'s identity, and the Liang family is still unclear."

"I guess the Liang family brothers and sisters spent a lot of money to buy a high-level doctor, and found the archives I sealed up when I donated blood." Xu Jinyao said unhappily.

Su Zibao looked at Gu Yian, "At present, the easiest solution is to tell Liang Mixue your identity directly. After Mr. Liang knows, the Liang brothers and sisters will not dare to act rashly against you."

"Ms. Su is right. There is only a **** like Liang Bulian in the Liang family. If the old man sees you, he doesn\'t know how happy he will be. He will definitely cultivate it with all his strength. As long as your identity is recognized, no one dares to do anything to you. "Xu Jinyao agreed.

Gu Yian smiled, "I don\'t want to participate in the battle for the Liang family\'s succession, and I have no interest in recognizing my ancestors. Life is very good now."

"Then your safety..." Xu Jinyao said worriedly, then paused and said, "But you are right, everyone in the Liang family thought that Liang Bulian must be the future heir, and at this time, you are the whirlpool. The center. Although there will be no pursuit, but there will be no good life in the future. The infighting of the business giants has always been the most vicious."

"Everyone envy the power and wealth of the wealthy, but the wealthy are also the place where Nurgle\'s intrigues are hidden the most. Once you enter this circle, you can\'t quit if you want to get out." Ye Hanjun looked at Gu Yian and said with admiration, "Ordinary people With such an opportunity for great wealth, I have long rushed to it. It is really impressive that you can not care about these external things. "

Su Zibao heard what Xu Jinyao and Ye Hanjun said, and thought that Gu Yian\'s return to Liang\'s house was not the best decision, so he stopped persuading him.

That is his own life, he chooses it himself, as a friend and relative, she can only support.

But in fact, for Gu Yian, it was only because once he entered the Liang family, it was impossible to continue to be her housekeeper. He just wanted to stay by her side safely and didn\'t want to leave.

"I\'an, be careful with your bodyguards when you go out in the future." Su Zibao said, "Liang Bulian and Liang Qianqian dare to shoot at you so arrogantly, we will settle the account with them slowly."

Ye Hanjun heard these words, got close to her and said, "The blind date I said was very difficult to resolve is Liang Qianqian."

Su Zibao was stunned, "Auntie... good eyes?"

"So, when we go back, let\'s figure out our appointment with her tomorrow." Ye Hanjun raised his eyebrows.

After sending Xu Jinyao back to Xu\'s house, Su Zibao and his party returned to Ye\'s house.

"If it\'s a famous lady who doesn\'t know me, as long as I take you on a blind date to show my affection, I will definitely make the other party cry and make the date dirty." Ye Hanyun put his hands behind his head and said lazily, "With those eldest ladies, Even if he is upset, he will not say anything

Well, knowing that this young master has made up his mind, he won\'t stalk him, just one shot and two break ups. But if it was Liang Qianqian, she would definitely go to my mother to complain, and then it would not be me, but A Bao. So this trick, I will pass first. "

Originally, a blind date is two people who don\'t know each other on a date and meet for a meal. At this time, Ye Hanjun took Su Zibao with him, and the other party knew exactly what he meant. But this trick cannot be used on Liang Qianqian.

"Aunt Fu\'s vision is really good." Su Zibao twitched the corners of his mouth.

Ye Hanjun picked up the apple in front of him and threw one to Su Zibao and Gu Yian. He picked up one and nibbled it and said, "The Liang family is the top five in the business world, and in terms of family life, it is the right family with our Ye family. Liang Bulian is again. At present, the future heir of the Liang family, the heir of the Liang family\'s sister, is more noble than the Liang Mixue of the Liang family. The family background is comparable, the status is noble, the face and education are all good, and she has been coaxing my mother for a long time. Make my mother feel that this woman should be her future daughter-in-law."

"Then you can marry." Gu Yian suggested earnestly, and silently took a bite of the apple.

Ye Hanjun said with a tangled face, "Don\'t, I\'m really not interested in being your brother-in-law."

Although I didn\'t know the relationship between Gu Yian and the Liang family before, their conversation in the car did not avoid him, so Ye Hanjun now knows that Gu Yian is from the Liang family.

"I originally wanted to show you my love, but you said, it\'s useless?" Su Zibao shrugged.

Ye Hanjun said with a smile, "I\'m happy, but I\'m afraid she will go to my mother to complain, and then my mother will come to trouble you."

Gu Yian heard that he was defending Su Zibao inside and out, so he didn\'t make fun of him, and seriously thought of a solution.

"Since you can\'t make a problem, then let her have a problem." Su Zibao\'s eyes lit up and said, "I have thought of a way, and it can make Ian feel bad. She\'s pretty."

Early the next morning, Fu Lilan came over to call Ye Hanyun on purpose, worried that he would run away. It turned out that Ye Hanyun was ready to go out.

"Strange, why are you so good today and dressed so handsomely." Fu Lilan praised.

Ye Hanjun put on a cool poss, "Mom, when did your son and I stop being handsome?"

"Yes, yes, you are handsome every day. I\'m happy if you are obedient to go on a blind date. Come on," Fu Lilan said.

Ye Hanjun said with a smile, "Mom, I\'ve followed your heart this time, then you..."

"Okay, then I\'ll turn a blind eye to the matter of letting Su Zibao live at Ye\'s house. Come on." Fu Lilan took over.

Ye Hanjun smiled proudly, "Okay, I\'m leaving."

On the other side of Ye Zhai, Ye Chenxuan looked at the back of Ye Hanjun leaving, and the corners of his lips rose slightly. Dude, I\'ll make you happy for a few more days.

The venue for the date is a high-end western restaurant in the commercial street of the Imperial Capital. The decoration is elegant, the piano sound is melodious, and the atmosphere is just right.

Ye Hanjun is very gentlemanly. He arrived fifteen minutes before the appointed time. At this time, Liang Qianqian hadn\'t come. He sat alone on the sofa in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, looking at a car outside the glass window, his lips raised unconsciously. A smile.