Given A Second Chance: Time for Revenge!

Chapter 719: i want his legs

Xu Jinyao was stunned, "Wow! Look Gu Yian, there are good-hearted people who are not afraid of death! Oh my god, there are really people who are not afraid of death!"

Gu Yian twitched the corners of his mouth, Miss Jinyao, although this is what you said in your heart, you don\'t need to say it.

"Sir, we have encountered a little trouble, can you take us into the car..." Gu Yian said politely, but before the words were finished, the car door was opened, and a familiar woman came out.

"I\'an, why are you guys here and being hunted down?" Su Zibao said in shock.

Gu Yian didn\'t expect to meet Su Zibao, but he thought that this was the only way to go to Ye Zhai. They just happened to be passing by.

"I don\'t know who they are, but I came up to take care of Yian\'s legs without saying a word." Xu Jinyao was relieved when he saw Su Zibao, and said, "These people are not easy to mess with, so let\'s run first. There are many of them. "

Since the person who appeared was Su Zibao, there was no need to be afraid of these bastards. Sitting in a sedan, I am afraid that these two-legged Route 11 cars will not be able to run.

Hearing Xu Jinyao\'s words, Su Zibao\'s face instantly sank. To Gu Yian\'s legs, it\'s a big breath.

Ye Hanyun next to him also got out of the car, and squinted at the gangsters who were chasing after him, "A Bao, do you want to go or take it?"

"Of course you have to find out who is behind it!" Su Zibao said angrily.

Gu Yian is her relative, and she is impatient to live if she dares to move her relative\'s legs.

Xu Jinyao said incredulously, "Wait, there are only two of you, plus a driver and three people, and the other party has more than a dozen people. Let\'s run first. After you escape, send someone to investigate."

"It\'s okay, I can hold back." Su Zibao said.

At this moment, all those gangsters chased after them. They saw the car parked on the side of the road and Ye Hanjun and Su Zibao. From the luxury car and the clothes of the two, it was obvious that they were unusual.

"The Big Tiger Gang is doing business, and I don\'t want to make extra troubles. Please give me some face, please." The leading gangster said politely.

Su Zibao sneered, "I\'ve never heard of the Big Tiger Gang. You want Yi\'an to have two legs, right? What a big tone, Han Yun, then I want him to have two legs too."

"No problem." Ye Hanjun pursed his lips slightly, took out a pistol from his pocket and slammed it into the gangster\'s knee twice, he screamed and knelt directly on the ground.

"Gun, there is a gun!" "Dare to shoot! The marksmanship is so accurate!"

Those gangsters were all frightened. The Dahu Gang, an unprofessional gang, only took some knives and sticks to fight. Only the boss had a gun, but today he broke his leg and didn\'t bring it out. The firearms in the imperial capital are the most strictly controlled places in the country. Most people don’t dare to carry guns with them. It’s like this man in front of him, who takes out a gun lightly, and his marksmanship is very accurate.

"Don\'t move around, or I\'ll miss this time, and I\'ll be embarrassed." Ye Hanjun pointed his gun at the gangster\'s temple, and a playful smile appeared on his lips.

Xu Jinyao took a deep breath, no wonder the two of them were able to hold back so many gangsters with weapons, it turned out they were carrying guns. Ye Hanjun should have obtained a gun permit, that\'s right, otherwise the two of them didn\'t bring bodyguards when they went out.

The frightened face of the gang leader

Pale white, blood spilled from the place where the knee was hit, and he bared his teeth in pain, but he didn\'t dare to move when the gun was pointed at his head.

"Brother, I was wrong, you hold your hand high, don\'t shoot!" The gang leader begged for mercy.

Su Zibao got straight to the point, "Come on, who bought Gu Yian\'s legs."

"This is the rule of our industry..." The **** looked embarrassed. Before he could finish speaking, Ye Hanjun cleared his throat and looked at Su Zibao next to him: "Abao, do you like his left hand or his right?"

Hearing this, the frightened gangster lost his mind. He was shot twice in the knee just now. If he didn\'t even have his hands, he would really be a waste.

"Liang Family!" the gang leader shouted.

Su Zibao was stunned and looked at Gu Yian, "Liang family?"

Gu Yian seemed to have thought of something, and frowned. Xu Jinyao suddenly realized that his face was instantly ugly.

"Yes, yes, it\'s really the Liang family. I don\'t know what those two are called. I don\'t deserve to know their names. I only know that they belong to the Liang family. The Liang family is generous and gave us first. A deposit of 100,000 yuan, and then said that after the completion of the matter, one leg will be 500,000 yuan, and then give me another million yuan. Please let me go, I am really poor, I owe a **** of loan sharks and count on this money to save my life , otherwise my wife and children will be pulled out to pay off the debt..." The gang leader kept crying.

Su Zibao turned a deaf ear and said to Gu Yian, "Yian, go back with me first, and then slowly tell what\'s going on."

"Okay." Gu Yian nodded.

Ye Hanjun put away the pistol, and the few people ignored these gangsters, got in the car, and walked away.

The gang leader looked at the backs of them leaving, touched his face with cold sweat, and muttered to himself, "I know that a million is not so easy to get, and the guns are out, what is the origin of these two people. Forget it. Everyone is more ruthless than the other, the deposit has been spent anyway, brothers, hurry up and run!"

Before seeing Su Zibao, Gu Yian hadn\'t taken the initiative to find her.

But now seeing that she wanted the legs of the man who chased and chopped him in a fit of anger, Gu Yian was very happy.

"I\'an, I\'m very sorry. I left alone to make you worry. I heard that you went to Western Europe to find me. I was quite confused at the time..." Su Zibao looked at Gu Yian and said hesitantly.

Gu Yian smiled slightly, as always warm and genial, "Miss don\'t need to explain, I think there must be a reason for you to leave at that time. Just come back, I won\'t ask more."

Su Zibao smiled gratefully at him. Seeing this scene, Xu Jinyao twitched the corners of his mouth, "Hey, didn\'t someone look sad just now, do you want to recover so quickly?"

"What\'s going on with the Liang family\'s pursuit?" Su Zibao asked.

Gu Yian said, "Because of the blood donation, the Liang family has already suspected the relationship between the blood donor and the Liang family and is investigating. Fortunately, Miss Jinyao helped cover, otherwise..."

"Don\'t thank me, now it seems that the hospital has been exposed. Since Mr. Liang was discharged from the hospital, the Liang family has been looking for people who donated blood. Mr. Liang suspected that it was the blood of the Liang family that was left behind. Brothers and sisters Liang Bulian and Liang Qianqian of the Liang family I took the initiative to apply for an investigation, but it is estimated that Mr. Liang doesn\'t trust them either, as far as I know, there are two groups of people in the Liang family investigating." Xu Jinyao said.