Given A Second Chance: Time for Revenge!

Chapter 718: Do you still need to appear in front of her?

At night in the imperial capital, Gu Yian and Xu Jinyao walked side by side on the street, the sky was falling with light snow, neither of them held umbrellas, and whispered and laughed. The street lights on both sides of the street were on, and the atmosphere was quiet and beautiful.

"You just came back from Western Europe, and you thought you would go directly to the Ye family to find Su Zibao, but why are you worrying about it alone?" Xu Jinyao tilted her head slightly, looking at the man next to her and said.

He was wearing a black cloak-style trench coat, like a gentleman walking out of a medieval European castle, with a light smile on his handsome face.

"It\'s enough to make sure that the eldest miss is safe." Gu Yian said lightly.

Xu Jinyao turned to face him, took a step back and stepped forward with a playful smile, "If you didn\'t care, you wouldn\'t go to Geas to find her. But now that she\'s back in the imperial capital, you don\'t have it. Go see her, so are you, shy?"

"Shy?" Gu Yian smiled, "What does this have to do with being shy, it\'s just..."

As Xu Jinyao walked, he looked at him with a smile, "Just what, say it!"

It\'s just that when she left four years ago, he left with her. And four years later, she disappeared again, not only to leave Pei Yi, but also to remove him from her own life.

She disappeared silently by herself, without giving him a hint.

It doesn\'t seem like it was four years ago. She went alone this time, leaving everything behind.

Even Gu Yian didn\'t know what she was thinking now. Just being left behind like this, it seems that the eldest lady no longer needs him as a deacon.

Does an unwanted housekeeper still need to appear in front of her?

Gu Yian didn\'t know.

"Hey, what are you talking about, why are you in a daze..." Xu Jinyao raised her chin slightly, and suddenly her eyes fell behind Gu Yi\'an, and suddenly froze, "Gu Yi\'an, hurry up!"

"What?" Gu Yian returned to his senses blankly.

The next moment Xu Jinyao had thrown him to the ground, and at the same time, a watermelon knife that had been chopped was just staggered because of this.

"Who are you?" Gu Yian reacted instantly, pulled Xu Jinyao to stand up, and asked.

A dozen gangsters appeared behind them, each with weapons such as watermelon knives and iron rods. The one who was in the lead just now almost chopped Gu Yian.

"We are from the Big Tiger Gang, if you offend someone, the gold lord will pay to buy your legs, and those who are sensible will hand over your legs. It\'s not good to hurt this beautiful beauty next to you." The leading gangster said in a breathless voice.

Xu Jinyao was furious, "This is the imperial capital, how dare you be so arrogant! Do you know who we are and dare to do it, you don\'t want to get involved, right? My aunt is Xu Jinyao of the Xu family, and my eldest brother is the commander of the imperial capital military region. If you dare to do it, I will immediately ask my brother to help you with your big tiger and big cat."

Xu Jinyao\'s words stunned the gangsters. Several people looked at each other, and one of the gangsters said, "Brother, this woman has such a big background, why don\'t we just forget it."

"Fuck, are you afraid? I\'m not afraid!" The leading gangster snorted, "It was the man\'s leg that was chopped off, aren\'t you stupid, just don\'t touch that woman. We haven\'t opened for a few days. , I have given my brother a few points for the pre-order money. If the legs are not taken off, we can only take off your legs and give them to the gold master.

Cross! "

Hearing this, those bastards\' backing off immediately disappeared. Although I am afraid of you powerful people, they are desperadoes, and money is more important than life.

"Spot it, chop this man\'s legs off! One leg is half a million!" The gangster shouted, and all the people under him rushed up.

As soon as Gu Yian saw this, he grabbed Xu Jinyao, who still wanted to say something, turned around and ran.

"Hey, Gu Yian, don\'t run away, I\'ll make it clear to them. I don\'t believe it anymore, my Xu family can\'t hold them down!" Xu Jinyao was so angry that she could not wait to roll up her sleeves to fight them.

Xu Jinyao has always been very low-key and never made trouble in the name of the family, but this time a group of gangsters who couldn\'t make it on the stage wanted to cut down her friends in front of her, and she couldn\'t let it go? She was so **** off that even the wealthy family in the imperial capital would have to give her a bit of a thin face.

"Auntie, run first. These people are all gangsters who want money and not life, let alone the Xu family, even if all the wealthy families in the imperial capital are here, they have to take the money first." Gu Yian pulled Xu Jinyao ran away and said.

Xu Jinyao was indignant, "Why are these people so short-sighted and short-sighted! Compared with the money, offending the wealthy is not even worse."

"If they were all as far-sighted as Miss Jinyao, they wouldn\'t be gangsters. There\'s a shopping mall in front of them, and there are security guards there. As long as they run over, they\'ll be safe." Gu Yian stood at the intersection and looked around for directions.

Xu Jinyao panted and said, "The front you said is the end of this road, so far... Why is there no one on the street, anyway, stop a car! Taxi! Taxi!"

Xu Jinyao immediately waved when he saw a taxi, but when the other party saw a man behind them chasing and slashing with a knife and stick, he immediately turned a corner and ran away.

"Don\'t waste your energy. Others don\'t want to get into trouble. You run first. Their goal is me, and they won\'t chase you." Gu Yian glanced at the skyscrapers in the distance, pointed and said, "Go there, you It\'s safe."

Xu Jinyao refused directly, "Damn it! You should run first and I\'ll stop it. They don\'t dare to do anything to me anyway."

"That\'s not necessarily. You are now in their hands. When they really catch you and see Miss Jinyao so beautiful, who knows what the desperadoes will do." Gu Yian said, "Run quickly. "

Just as they were running and talking, the gangsters behind had caught up, and the situation was very critical for a while.

Xu Jinyao was still trying to stop the car, "Taxi! Taxi!"

This is the main road to the commercial street. There are many people during the day. Although it is late at night, there are also many taxis and private cars whizzing by on the street, but no one dares to help them.

A car could not be saved, Xu Jinyao said angrily, "I\'m so **** off, don\'t have a good heart!"

"Miss Jinyao, with your back to the Xu family, you are not afraid to help you whenever you see an injustice. The Xu family will help you solve it, but for ordinary people, it is risky to be a good person. The world is so cruel, others just don\'t want to be let by us. Don\'t waste your energy and don\'t need to be angry." Gu Yian said calmly.

Xu Jinyao bit her lip, "You said it as if you had experienced the vicissitudes of life and seen so many dark sides of human nature. But you are right, if it was me, I would help because I am not afraid. But when others saw this scene, they would still I thought it was a gang fight, and it’s normal to dare not stop.”

As soon as Xu Jinyao finished speaking, a white car suddenly stopped in front of them.