Given A Second Chance: Time for Revenge!

Chapter 702: Han Ruoyan can't die

in the villa.

Mu Yunlan looked at Han Ruoyan who walked in, and looked up and down her body. The bumpy figure, the beautiful face, and the innate temperament, all of which made her jealous. Because she herself used to be such a famous lady in the imperial capital, but she ended up in the current situation.

Why does Mu Yunlan have a rough life, this woman can easily get everything she wants. It\'s not fair, God is so unfair.

"Mu Yunlan, just tell me what you want." Han Ruoyan said with a smile, "I will definitely try my best to meet your request."

Mu Yunlan snorted coldly, "Don\'t pretend to be high above me and give me alms. Now you are begging me to let me go!"

"Yes, I\'m begging you." Han Ruoyan was docile and still smiling, exuding a well-bred, family-like temperament, which made Mu Yunlan even more unbalanced.

pissed her off. She was really in the water, why did she suddenly want to see this woman. What\'s good, add to yourself.

Mu Yunlan looked at Pei Yi at the door again, she didn\'t dare to let Pei Yi in, she knew too well the man\'s ghost tricks, so she only dared to talk to him through the communication.

The him on the screen seems to be no different from the year before. Although he has made a decision long ago, he is still sad at this point, especially seeing Han Ruoyan who is about to marry him.

What if she did anything, what if she did everything she could, what if she fell into the quagmire to rot and stink, besides loving herself, the person she loved the most was him.

"Look at Pei Yi\'s eyes, it\'s sympathetic." Han Ruoyan looked at her and said, "I didn\'t expect that the person Pei Yi hated the most would have such a pitiful side."

Now that the microphone on the communicator is turned off, people inside and outside can only see the picture, but cannot hear the sound.

So Pei Yi couldn\'t hear the conversation inside.

"You don\'t need to pity me, you don\'t deserve to pity me at all. You are just lucky enough to marry Pei Yi. How long have you known him? Have you ever seen him in his most desolate form? Have you ever seen him in his weakest form? You don\'t know anything, you have nothing to be proud of!" Mu Yunlan said coldly.

Han Ruoyan raised her lips, "Yes, I haven\'t seen him before. However, I have seen him at his best now, and he will get better and better in the future. Didn\'t you give up on him for profit? If you really love him, Why did you let go?"

"What do you know, you dare to accuse me! Who do you think can truly share weal and woe! When he may fail, when you find that your future is bleak, how many women dare to bet their lives! I Admit that I\'m gone, but I also love him. For example, Su Zibao, she pretended to be more infatuated than you are now. For Pei Yi, she seemed to be able to give up everything, but in the end, Pei Yi needed her the most in the most difficult way. Didn\'t she leave too?" Mu Yunlan was triumphant. This is probably what she is happiest about.

Han Ruoyan didn\'t speak. She clearly recognized the difference between Su Zibao and Mu Yunlan.

It was also at this moment that he understood how profound the relationship between Su Zibao and Pei Yi was. This terrified her, even now that they were separated, she couldn\'t step in.

Therefore, after angering Mu Yunlan and getting a little injured, I believe that Pei Yi will definitely rush in.

This is the fastest way to increase her weight in Pei Yi\'s heart.

"You\'re right. That\'s why Pei Yi planned to marry me." Han Ruoyan looked like a winner.

Mu Yunlan\'s face stiffened, and he reached out and slapped him.

"Mu Yunlan, what are you doing?

! Seeing that there was going to be a fight inside, Pei Yi drank it cold.

Mu Yunlan glanced at the screen, and Pei Yi cared so much about Han Ruoyan, making her jealous and resentful. Why, why!

A hint of joy flashed in Han Ruoyan\'s eyes. Having known Pei Yi for so long, this is the first time that Pei Yi cares about her so much.

It seems that this move is correct.

"Are you jealous of me when you hit me?" Han Ruoyan continued to stimulate her.

Mu Yunlan sneered, "You\'re a bitch, you deserve it? Do you think Pei Yi is watching outside, so I don\'t dare to do anything to you."

"Yes, Pei Yi will protect me. If you dare to do something to me, don\'t even think about negotiating terms with him. He will definitely break up." Han Ruoyan covered her face, her tone more aggressive than Mu Yunlan.

Mu Yunlan\'s face turned pale, "Well, show off your power! You are so proud before you marry Pei Yi, if you marry him, then you can\'t go to heaven! Even Su Zibao is not as arrogant as you, You really opened my eyes."

"Miss Mu is really a pitiful person. I thought you kidnapped the two children just to order something, but it turns out that you are still a grudge. It\'s so pitiful, wouldn\'t you want to have two children as a condition to get married? Give it to Pei Yi? Pei Yi won\'t agree." Han Ruoyan smiled gracefully, but she was cold and biting.

Mu Yunlan was extremely angry with Han Ruoyan, but she suppressed her anger and said with a sneer, "You are right, Pei Yi won\'t agree, and I don\'t want to marry him. What kind of threats are we using to get to where we are today? , No matter what conditions are discussed, I can\'t go back to the beginning. I didn\'t expect that I lost, Su Zibao also lost, and the one who won in the end was you, Han Ruoyan. Originally, I really didn\'t want to do anything to you, so I wanted to negotiate conditions. The person I hate is Pei Yi, and the person I hate is Su Zibao. I even prepared a big meal for her and wanted to show it to Pei Yi. But it\'s a pity that Su Zibao didn\'t come, but you sent her to die."

"What do you mean? Mu Yunlan, what do you want to do!" Han Ruoyan was shocked, and she said in a stern voice, "If you dare to mess with me, Pei Yi will not let you go!"

Mu Yunlan approached step by step with a perverted smile, "Yo, now I know I\'m afraid, weren\'t you very proud when you showed off your power? Originally I just wanted to see you, but now that I see you, I see how you compare to each other. Su Zibao is also annoying. You two are bitches."

"Don\'t come here, Mu Yunlan, what are you trying to do!" Han Ruoyan panicked and shouted at the screen, "Pei Yi save me! Pei Yi save me!"

Mu Yunlan sneered, "You shout, he can\'t hear you anyway. You said he would rush in to save you, don\'t worry, I will try to hold him back. As for you, if you dare to provoke me, Mu Yunlan, then Be prepared to pay the price. If you are so arrogant, I will let you be arrogant enough. Come, take her down, and treat her as a VIP. "

The two mercenaries with guns dragged Han Ruoyan down immediately, and Han Ruoyan shouted at the screen like crazy.

Pei Yi stood outside the door, not knowing why the two good-looking people didn\'t talk about their conditions, and such a conflict broke out.

Although she couldn\'t hear the sound, Han Ruoyan\'s mouth was asking for help, she had to go in to save her, or she would definitely be finished.

But he was about to rush in violently when he heard the hurried voice of the blood wolf in the Bluetooth headset, "Boss, it\'s not good, Miss Su has already turned in!"

"Damn!" Pei Yi\'s expression changed instantly. Bao, actually went in.

Now Han Ruoyan was dragged away in front, and A Bao entered Mu Yunlan\'s place behind.

Without any hesitation, Pei Yi turned around and rushed towards the backyard. Han Ruoyan went in for him, so I couldn\'t help it for the time being. Because no one in this world is as important as A Bao.