Given A Second Chance: Time for Revenge!

Chapter 703: I saw him every time I was in danger

In the backyard of the villa, Su Zibao carefully hid behind a banana tree, and the security guards who followed her looked anxious: "Miss Su, wait outside, we will rescue the young master and the young lady!"

"Yes, I don\'t know how many people are hidden inside, it\'s too dangerous!"

Su Zibao put his index finger in front of his lips and said in a low voice, "Shh! Be quiet, don\'t disturb the people inside."

"But Er Shao said you can\'t go in." The security guard was about to cry.

They were the security guards that Ye Hanjun had arranged to rescue. They were all soldiers who had retired from the army. They had excellent individual combat capability.

"In case Mu Yunlan finds out about you and plans to tear up the tickets, I can still hold them back." Su Zibao stared at the outer wall of the villa and said, "Look, the people patrolling on the balcony seem to be called away. If we have the chance, we will rush to it immediately."

The security guard immediately stopped, "But Er Shao said..."

Before he could finish speaking, Su Zibao rushed over like a whirlwind, and several security guards could only chase in with pale faces. It\'s over, it\'s over, let Er Shao know that Miss Su has entered, and everything is over.

"What happened just now?" The mercenaries who were called away on the balcony soon came back to guard and said to themselves.

Su Zibao carefully hid under the balcony, jumped to the window sill, and stood on the border of the window sill, so that even if he looked down from the top, he couldn\'t see anyone. I tried it, but there was no way to get in from the first floor. If I smashed the window, it would surely disturb the people inside.

After a random inspection, the only mercenary still on the balcony was called away.

The reason why the people on the balcony were called away was that Mu Yunlan discovered that Pei Yi had disappeared in a flash, and immediately sent more people to surround Ao Chen and Forsythia, and also sent a few people out to see what was going on outside.

"Miss Su, come down quickly!" "Yeah, just stay still, we\'ll save you!"

The security guards said.

Su Zibao insisted, "Mu Yunlan is vicious and cunning. If she finds out that someone is forcibly intruding, no one can stop her except me and Pei Yi. If she sees you guys tearing up tickets in a hurry, no one can stop her. Just a little delay. Don\'t say anything, I must go and save my child."

Su Zibao gritted his teeth and climbed directly along the lattice-shaped decorative stones outside the villa. The security guards below had no choice but to follow her up.

Now that the eldest lady is going out, no one can stop her.

Thinking about how late I went back to school in my previous life, I also did things like going through the windows and entering the dormitory. Su Zibao was not afraid, but was very worried about the situation of Aochen and Forsythia.


At this moment, suddenly his foot slipped, and Su Zibao fell down. Falling from the second floor will not kill you, but you will definitely be disabled.

The few security guards below stopped breathing, and hurriedly rushed to the place where Su Zibao fell, and used her as a human flesh pad. What\'s wrong with this eldest lady, they are really unlucky.

Su Zibao was also frightened, but she didn\'t fall, and her body fell into a familiar embrace.

The opponent\'s strong arm just caught her.

Looking at each other, the air seemed to freeze at this moment.

The angular outline, the handsome and fair face, the narrow and deep eyes, the thin lips pursed lightly. He stood against the light, his elongated silhouette, so good-looking that it made him forget everything.

Why every time I encounter danger, I open my eyes and see this man


"What sound?" Footsteps came from the balcony.

Pei Yi\'s eyes narrowed, he hugged Su Zibao and stomped on the wall of the villa with his feet.

By the time the mercenary walked to the balcony, Pei Yi had already climbed to the edge of the balcony on the second floor. Without waiting for the mercenary to speak, he kicked the man\'s chin with one foot and slashed at him again. On the back of his neck, he fainted directly.

The timing of the strength was just right, and the people inside were not disturbed.

Seeing that the two of them landed safely on the balcony, the talents below were collectively relieved.

"Aren\'t you negotiating with Mu Yunlan?" Su Zibao asked in a low voice.

Pei Yi\'s eyes fell on her face. Hearing that she had barged in, how could he still be in the mood to negotiate.

"Something happened inside." Pei Yi said.

Su Zibao took a deep breath and asked worriedly, "Aochen and Forsythia..."

"No, the two of them are fine. Something happened to Han Ruoyan." Pei Yi said.

Su Zibao pursed her lips, it turned out to be for Han Ruoyan.

"I also saw Han Ruoyan walk in. Let\'s do things separately. I\'ll take someone to find Aochen Forsythia, and you go to save Han Ruoyan." Su Zibao clenched his fists and said.

Pei Yi\'s eyebrows sank, and the little woman was misunderstanding something.

Without saying a word, Pei Yi pulled her directly and walked in. Su Zibao had come here, and no one could persuade her to go back. If so, then take her to find Aochen Forsythia.

As for Han Ruoyan...

Pei Yi said into the Bluetooth headset, "Xuelang, go to Han Ruoyan."

Before Su Zibao could react, he was directly dragged into the villa by Pei Yi.

in the villa.

"Miss Mu, I didn\'t find any sign of Pei Yi. It seems that something happened, he ran away." The mercenary who went out to check said, "It was found that the second young master of the Ye family was outside."

Mu Yunlan frowned, Ye Hanjun, what is he doing here? He has been following Su Zibao, why is he here? Could it be that Pei Yi left because something happened to Su Zibao?

At this juncture, that woman had another accident. What a disappointment.

However, if Pei Yi left for Su Zibao\'s sake, then how true or false what he said just now.

Mu Yunlan felt agitated for a while, opened the communication video on the door, and said angrily, "Second Young Master Ye, what are you doing here?"

"I\'ll come and see you. Anyway, you\'re my sister-in-law in name. Although our Ye family doesn\'t admit it, you and my brother have both obtained certificates. Legally, I have to call you sister-in-law." Ye Hanjun smiled. Evil lightly.

Mu Yunlan sneered, "Shut up. Marven Ye is wishful thinking, I\'m not your sister-in-law at all."

"Tsk, what you said makes me feel chills. Don\'t you know what big brother has lost for you. Although I think he has fallen to the point where he is now, everything is his own fault, but it\'s ironic that you are so heartless." Ye Hanjun laughed and said.

Of course Mu Yunlan knew it. Ye Chenxuan is no longer that Young Master Ye.

Such a man is useless to her at all.

"Don\'t talk to me about these useless things. Why is it you, Su Zibao, doesn\'t she dare to come?" Mu Yunlan said coldly.