Given A Second Chance: Time for Revenge!

Chapter 701: I had already abandoned him twice

Su Zibao, who was hiding behind the bushes, listened to their conversation in a daze. Just when Pei Yi first came, she also came after Mu Yunlan\'s people.

Originally she planned to come out, but... hearing their conversation made her footsteps stop unconsciously, and she stopped in place.

It turned out that in Pei Yi\'s heart, she was not only a woman who was greedy and vain, but also someone who didn\'t even care about her own children.

It was clearly that she wanted to make Pei Yi feel that she was empathetic and abandoned him, but why did her heart hurt so much when she heard these words from Pei Yi?

Mu Yunlan was right, he turned out to have abandoned him twice.

His heart must have been completely broken.

Being abandoned by his father is the most painful pain he hides in his heart. Su Zibao understood what kind of pain it was, and knew the most unbearable damage to his heart.

But she actually hurt him twice without knowing it. Even if it was for him this time, but, indeed, abandoned him.

Even if I heard him judge her with such malice, I didn\'t feel sad, but only now did I realize what kind of harm it was to leave him, and was it too late?

"Pei Yi!" At this moment, Han Ruoyan ran over, saw the screen on the door, and was slightly taken aback, "Isn\'t this... Mu Yunlan?"

She has been paying attention to Pei Yi\'s movements. She heard that she seemed to have found the traces of the two children, so she immediately chased after them.

"Why are you here?" Pei Yi frowned.

Han Ruoyan said pitifully, "After all, Aochen and Forsythia were kidnapped because of me. I feel very guilty and sad, so I want to do my best."

Pei Yi glanced at the screen on the door and said, "Don\'t worry, I will solve it."

Seeing Pei Yi and Han Ruoyan\'s affectionate appearance, Mu Yunlan\'s anger and jealousy flooded into her heart. I was so mad that although one Su Zibao left, another Han Ruoyan came.

And Han Ruoyan, a woman, is no worse than her in everything, no matter her family background or appearance. They are also wealthy and famous ladies, but now the fate of each other is very different, how can she not be resentful.

"Pei Yi, don\'t you want to save the two children? Let this Miss Han come in first, and let\'s have a good chat." Mu Yunlan didn\'t know what to think, and smiled coldly.

Han Ruoyan\'s face turned pale instantly. Let her enter Mu Yunlan\'s territory, and she still doesn\'t know what danger will happen.

Pei Yi frowned, "If you have anything, just talk to me directly."

"No, I\'m about to meet the bride you\'re about to marry. Let\'s see what kind of impeccable woman she is to be worthy of you, Pei Yi." Mu Yunlan said willfully.

Han Ruoyan clenched her fists, she was keenly aware that this was an opportunity.

A very important opportunity.

If she can help, Pei Yi will definitely thank her. If she was hurt a little inside, Pei Yi would definitely feel guilty, because she was hurt for his child.

Although Su Zibao left, she came back. It is not enough for a divorce agreement to be signed only in one person\'s name.

If you want to marry Pei Yi, you need to fight again. Right now is the best chance.

"Okay, I\'ll come in. I can talk to you about any conditions you want. If you want money or power, our Han family can satisfy you." Han Ruoyan took a deep breath and faced Mu Yun on the screen. Lan said.

Pei Yi shook his head at her, "Don\'t go in, Mu Yunlan has reached her last crazy moment now, she\'s already a lunatic. It\'s dangerous inside."


Know. However, Aochen and Forsythia disappeared because of me, and I have a responsibility. If I could do something as compensation, I would feel better in my heart. Most importantly, I\'m happy to take some risks for you. I believe that you will protect me, won\'t you? "Han Ruoyan looked at Pei Yi with watery eyes.

Pei Yi\'s eyes narrowed, "It\'s too risky."

"Don\'t put on the love scene of Qingqing, I and I in front of me, okay? I\'m tired of watching it. It seems that you really like Pei Yi, Han Ruoyan, so come in. Pei Yi, you step back, I don\'t Dare to let you in. If you do anything wrong, I will kill those two little guys directly!" Mu Yunlan said the last sentence, his eyes instantly turned cold.

Su Zibao also saw this scene, and was about to rush over when someone next to her held her. She felt that she was the mother of the child, she should be the one to negotiate the conditions, and she should be the one to take risks, and no one else should be involved.

"Abao, while Mu Yunlan is negotiating terms with Pei Yi now, let\'s go around to save Aochen Forsythia." Ye Hanjun said in a low voice.

Su Zibao said in surprise, "Han Yun, why are you here?"

"I heard that Mu Yunlan was moving. I was worried that something would happen to you, so I came over immediately." Ye Hanjun was still sitting in a wheelchair, next to Fu Yihuan who was pushing him.

A touch of emotion flashed in Su Zibao\'s eyes. This guy, now in a wheelchair, has to saddle up for her business.

"You\'re right, Mu Yunlan doesn\'t have a good heart. I don\'t know if Pei Yi can take her down, but it\'s best if we can exchange the terms. We have to plan for the worst... I\'ll take a look later, you\'ll be waiting here. Me. Your foot is injured." Su Zibao said.

Ye Hanjun said, "I have already arranged someone later, be careful."

"Yeah!" Su Zibao nodded and turned to leave.

Fu Yihuan said, "Second Young Master, I don\'t know how many mercenaries with guns are hidden in this villa. Why don\'t you let Miss Su wait for news with you? It\'s too dangerous to go to the back now."

"If I don\'t let her go to the back to save people, she will definitely negotiate with Mu Yunlan. Because she is the mother of Aochen and Forsythia, she can\'t wait here for news like me. But in my opinion , negotiating conditions with Mu Yunlan is that people are the sword and I am the fish. Su Zibao is too worried about the child. She can\'t be as warm-hearted as Pei Yi. She will only suffer when negotiating conditions. It is better to go to the back to save people." Helplessly smiled, "Actually, I just want to stabilize her. Don\'t worry, the people I arrange behind won\'t let her go in and take risks."

For him, the safety of Aochen and Forsythia was not important, nor was the negotiation between Pei Yi and Mu Yunlan important, but Su Zibao was very important and there should be no danger.

"Second Young Master just wanted to protect Miss Su, but... Your painstaking efforts, Miss Su did not understand." Fu Yihuan sighed.

Ye Hanjun slightly raised the corners of her lips, it doesn\'t matter, as long as she is safe, that\'s fine.

Just as Han Ruoyan entered, the voice of the blood wolf came from Pei Yi\'s Bluetooth headset: "Boss, Miss Su Zibao has appeared in the backyard."

Pei Yi, who has always been calm and composed, clenched his fists instantly.

He clearly negotiated conditions with Mu Yunlan to delay the time, hoping to pay to redeem the person, but in fact, he had already arranged for the blood wolves to attack from the backyard and prepare with both hands.

But now Su Zibao is here, and she also wants to go in from behind to rescue Aochen Forsythia.

No, the back is too dangerous! If Bao goes to the past, if he is found, it will be over.

"Stop her." Pei Yi said in an imperceptible voice.

"Humph!" Mu Yunlan instantly realized that something was wrong with Pei Yi. This **** bastard, who has been dealing with himself for so long, has a calm expression on his face. He just put your future wife in, you are so worried, your eyes have changed!

I\'m furious. Han Ruoyan, I want you to look good!