Given A Second Chance: Time for Revenge!

Chapter 700: She doesn't deserve to be with me at all

Mu Yunlan\'s face stiffened, "Pei Yi, stop joking. This is your son and daughter, isn\'t it important to you?"

"It\'s really important. I\'ve only known them for less than a year. At first, I used their custody rights to blackmail Su Zibao into not daring to divorce. This was my bargaining chip. Naturally, it\'s important. But what happened now, You are also very clear. During the battle between Cass and Meco, Su Zibao saw that Meco was in danger, and walked away, staying with Ye Hanyun, not even the pair of children." Pei Yi\'s tone was calm, as if he was describing someone else As with family matters, he said lightly, "For such a woman, I no longer need these two children to restrain her."

Mu Yunlan frowned, "You mean, from beginning to end, you only use them as a tool for you to threaten Su Zibao?"

"Of course. Otherwise, what kind of feelings can I have for two children I have never met? My biological father can abandon me, and your biological father can force marriage regardless of your wishes. Do you, Mu Yunlan, still believe in the kind of father\'s love? Ridiculous? Even if you believe it, I won\'t believe it." Pei Yi\'s lips lifted slightly.

Mu Yunlan clenched his fists unconsciously. is that so? At this moment, Mu Yunlan was surprised to find that he could no longer judge whether what Pei Yi said was true or false.

Since their breakup, she has become less and less aware of Pei Yi.

He has been pretending for so long, and the city is so deep, like all the unscrupulous superiors in this world, it makes people feel unfathomable. For such a man, she actually did not believe that he would still have those fragile feelings and ties.

Fatherly love? Pei Yi was right. She knew exactly how Pei Tianyou treated Pei Yi and what life Pei Yi lived in Pei\'s house.

Pei Yi who grew up in such an environment, Pei Yi, who has never been loved by his father, really...will he love these two children?

She hesitated at this moment.

"Don\'t even think about using these two little fellows to deal with Su Zibao. That woman, she is going to fly away from the disaster, and she is afraid that I will tie her up, and she will be able to walk away. If she really cares about these two children, she will not be alone. Go. So, you can still talk to me about some conditions now, at least they have my blood on them, but if you want to negotiate with Su Zibao, then you will be even more disappointed." Pei Yi raised his eyebrows sharply, " Because these two children are just abandoned children she abandoned. From now on, she will be with Ye Hanjun and marry into the Ye family as Mrs. Ye, these two little guys will only hinder her. "

There was a hint of panic in Mu Yunlan\'s eyes, and Pei Yi\'s words made her always unconsciously believe it. Because she is selfish herself, she thinks of others with her own selfish thoughts, and she will feel that what Pei Yi is saying now seems to be...all correct.

But she could not tolerate her failure.

She managed to catch two children just to threaten Pei Yi and Su Zibao, but now Pei Yi told her that these two children were not as important as she thought?

"I don\'t believe it! You are talking nonsense!" Mu Yunlan said angrily, "Don\'t think I don\'t know, after these two children disappeared, she has prepared 100 million yuan and plans to redeem them!"

Pei Yi said sarcastically, "It\'s just acting, don\'t you often act like this? If your child disappears, wouldn\'t you let others gossip? The more you don\'t care, the more you pretend to care, In order to make others feel that she is benevolent and righteous, not

Yeah? "

"It seems that you have a lot of resentment towards her. If it was the former Pei Yi, he would never say such a thing, and he would never speculate on her with such a vicious mind." Mu Yunlan gave him an incredible look. , but sneered again and said, "Yes, after all, she betrayed you. Pei Yi, you hate the betrayal of others and the abandonment of others the most. Because of you, you are an abandoned person, and you don\'t want to be betrayed by others. People in this world, a person who has never been loved, you are so miserable, I sympathize with you."

"Why are you so pitiful? Before you were born, your father killed your mother\'s family. When you were just born, your father threw you away. Later, I met me, but I married someone else and abandoned me as well. You. Later, you married a woman, but she abandoned you four years ago, and she abandoned you four years later. You are so pathetic, you have been deceived, abandoned, and replaced by me It\'s you. I don\'t know how much I hate Su Zibao now. You are right to hate her now, Pei Yi, you are right, Su Zibao is a selfish woman with hypocrisy. She doesn\'t love you at all, she saw meco If something goes wrong, you can throw yourself into someone else\'s arms. What\'s the difference between her and me back then, you can only like her when you\'re blind, can you see clearly? She doesn\'t deserve to be with you at all!"

Mu Yunlan became more and more excited as she talked, Pei Yi\'s words were so satisfying to her.

Su Zibao, Su Zibao, did I think you won? No, you lose! Look, Pei Yi doesn\'t like you anymore, you lose!

"Yes, she really doesn\'t deserve to be with me. I\'ve already cheated on you once, and once again with her. You women are too deceptive, I won\'t fall for the third time." Pei Yi raised his head slightly, "Aochen and Forsythia are my children. If you want to make some requests, I will satisfy you. Do you want money, or do you want to leave safely? It\'s easy for me. But the don\'t have to be delusional. Yes. The Han family plans to marry me, and I will marry Han Ruoyan in the future. Even if these two children are gone, I will have other children in the future."

Mu Yunlan was really panicked now. Why grab these two chips, only to find that they can\'t work at all.

"Mu Yunlan, just give me what you want." Pei Yi said coldly, his deep eyes concealing the deepest anxiety and worry.

Mu Yunlan said angrily, "No, you want to marry Han Ruoyan, then... why do you still save these two children? Wouldn\'t it be more convenient without them?"

Pei Yi\'s eyes flashed coldly. This woman is really vicious. He even thought that if he wanted to marry another, he should die.

"Don\'t forget, who lost Aochen and Forsythia in their hands." Pei Yi instantly thought of the lines to deal with.

Mu Yunlan was taken aback, "Han Ruoyan?"

"Yes. I don\'t want Han Ruoyan to marry me with the reputation of killing my child. It will affect us too badly. Of course, that\'s all. If your request exceeds the limit I am willing to pay, Then you can just do it. Compared with actual interests, you don\'t need to care too much about reputation. Of course, I hope that our negotiation will be successful and we will get what we need." Pei Yi\'s lips evoked a wicked arc, "I will give it to you. For a minute, if you don\'t ask for it, I\'ll treat you as if I didn\'t find you and leave immediately!"

Mu Yunlan said conditioned reflexively, "Wait! You... let me think about it!"

In the world, only Pei Yi can turn himself into a threat to others.