Given A Second Chance: Time for Revenge!

Chapter 699: Negotiate a condition, the child pays me back

In the coffee house, Ao Chen was connecting the cut wires, and the forsythia on the opposite side was eating cake, looking at him with watery eyes.

"Brother, are you repaired?"

Ao Chen said without raising his head, "Yeah. The signal source is made up of electrical circuits, so just connect the broken wire. Cheap Daddy knows where we are, so he should be relieved. If he comes to arrest us, we will just run."

"Okay." Forsythia blinked and said, "But aren\'t we helping daddy to chase mother, why does he still come to arrest us. After arresting us, mother won\'t come back."

Ao Chen put the repaired hand rope in his pocket, and thought for a while with a paralyzed face, "The world of adults, I don\'t know."

"Hey, two little devils, I didn\'t expect you to be here, it\'s a coincidence." A woman walked into the cafe.

Ao Chen and Forsythia looked over at the same time, they thought that Pei Yi would come after him after his position was revealed, but they didn\'t expect that the first one would be... Mu Yunlan!

"Take the two of them away!" Mu Yunlan beckoned and said coldly.

Ao Chen picked up the coffee cup in front of him and threw it at Mu Yunlan, pulled the forsythia and ran away.

"Little **** dares to hit me!" Mu Yunlan dodged in time, dodging the coffee cup that flew over, but the hot coffee that splashed still landed on her face.

Ao Chen pursed his lips tightly, and didn\'t say a word, just pulled the forsythia and ran. He has already felt a lot of mischief now, and the only thing that reassured him was that fortunately, he had just repaired the rope before, and Daddy was able to track their location.

Forsythia was taken aback by Mu Yunlan. She didn\'t expect that this woman would arrest them as soon as they met, but she couldn\'t help giggling when Aochen pulled her away.

"Brother, doesn\'t it look like kidnapping and fleeing now!" Forsythia said excitedly.

Aochen\'s face darkened, "Idiot. If you are caught, it will be a fake!"

"I know, but it\'s so exciting!" Forsythia was not afraid at all, and ran after Ao Chen.

Ao Chen thought to himself, well, it\'s better than your frightened legs and unable to run.

The two children were running in front, and Mu Yunlan followed behind with someone. At the same time, Xu Fan, who had been staring at the computer screen, immediately said to Pei Yi next to him, "Boss, the target is moving!"

"We haven\'t arrived yet, they can\'t find us..." Pei Yi muttered to himself, his face changed, "No, something happened."

He must be chased by others, so he will run away. Otherwise, the two little guys didn\'t know that he was coming to catch them back, and they had just recovered the signal of the hand rope, so how could they run. If Aochen was trying to hide from him, he should have lost the signal source now.

In addition, Cass kept staring at their whereabouts. Is it because they are one step ahead?

"Speed ​​up and rush over!" Pei Yi\'s tone unconsciously added a little more anxiety.

Half an hour later, both Aochen and Forsythia were **** and sat in the back seat. The co-pilot Mu Yunlan turned around and smiled coldly, "I still want to run and dream!"

"Miss Mu, where are you going now?" the driver asked.

Mu Yunlan pondered for a while and said, "Northern suburbs."

Now that she has grabbed Aochen and Forsythia, how could she go back to find Els. For that sinister old man, she just had to rely on it.

Cass thought he took advantage of her, Els thought it was beneficial

After using her, in fact, Mu Yunlan himself was using them. It\'s just mutual use, and now, she has a good move, so she doesn\'t need to rely on Cass and Els anymore.

With these two baby bumps, how should I negotiate the terms with Pei Yi, and how should I... torture that **** Su Zibao?

She has today\'s downfall, all thanks to Su Zibao, she will never let her go easily.

The car stopped at Mu Yunlan\'s private house in the northern suburbs. Mu Yunlan took the two children into the villa with a vicious gleam in his eyes.

At this moment, Els called, "You caught those two children, why don\'t you bring them back to see me soon!"

"Oh, I\'m so sorry, Mr. Els, they are in my hands now." Mu Yunlan\'s lips lifted slightly, "Why should I give it to you? They are mine."

Els said angrily, "Mu Yunlan, you have already offended meco and Pei Yi, and you still want to betray me? Are you not afraid of the consequences!"

"I\'m scared, I\'m so scared, I\'m really scared to death." Mu Yunlan said yin and yang, laughing loudly, "Els, I\'ve had enough of you. There are so many dogs around you, but it\'s not always the case. Everyone wants to be a dog. At least I don\'t want to, Mu Yunlan. You use me, I use you, but now, the value of use is gone, so let\'s break up, do you want me to teach such a simple truth you?"

Els sneered, "The owner will kill the dog who betrayed the master with his own hands!"

"Unfortunately, you don\'t have such great ability now. Two little guys are in my hands, do you want to do something to me? Pei Yi will definitely protect me. Old man, you only dare to shake your prestige in front of me. You are really capable. , then don\'t be like me, a weak woman who needs to rely on the threat of two children to deal with him." Mu Yunlan said mockingly, his tone suddenly cold, "Although I hate Pei Yi, I actually hate you more. Goodbye."

With that said, Mu Yunlan hung up the phone directly.

Els actually thought she would give him her two children, what a joke, this is the biggest bargaining chip, with them, she can get everything she wants.

At this moment, the doorbell rang, and Mu Yunlan seemed to have expected who was coming. He picked up the remote control and pressed it on the LCD screen. A familiar figure appeared on the huge screen.

Pei Yi, in a black trench coat, stood in front of the door.

Mu Yunlan connected the communicator, smiled and said, "Yo, Pei Yi, you came so fast, it seems that you are really worried about these two babies."

Pei Yi, who was standing in front of the door, looked at the small screen on the door and said, "It turned out to be you. What do you want, negotiate a condition, and the child will be returned to me."

"Then I don\'t know how much Mr. Pei can pay." Mu Yunlan finally couldn\'t help but smile proudly.

She has been losing in the hands of this man, but this time, she finally has the upper hand.

Pei Yi, even if you keep winning, so what, as long as you lose once, you can lose completely.

"I can give you a huge sum of money and send you abroad. The person who negotiated with me is that you are not Els, which means that you have betrayed Cass. They will not let you go, but I can send you safely. Go out." Although Pei Yi was anxious, there was no expression on his face, and he said calmly, "From now on, you can live your life freely and freely."

Mu Yunlan smirked, "Are you looking down on me? With such a simple condition, it seems that these two little guys are worthless in your eyes."

"Then why do you think they are very important to me." Pei Yi said coldly.