Given A Second Chance: Time for Revenge!

Chapter 638: Smash the bottle until you shut up

"Let me show some respect? How can a woman like her who cheats deserve respect from others! Su Zibao, you only got the position of the head of the sub-district after Pei Yi left because of your bedtime skills, right? There are so many members in the sub-district, which one is better than the other? You are old, no one has contributed more than you, but you were the one who took over as president of the sub-region in the end. At that time, I knew something was wrong with you. You must have something to do with him! But if you said no, I believed it. You lied to me!" Liang Mixue said angrily.

Gu Yian said coldly, "You are not the president of meco. It is not your turn to take care of his affairs. Our eldest lady\'s affairs have nothing to do with you."

"Su Zibao, don\'t you rely on men to protect you? It used to be Pei Yi, then it was my Oppa, and now it\'s Gu Yian, haha, you really don\'t let anyone go, shameless! You are the same as Zhu Ziqi Bitchy!" Liang Mixue scolded in an angry voice.

The face of Zhu Bashan next to him turned black. I\'m very happy that such a thing happened to save the field, but you are too poisonous to speak, what is the same as Zhu Ziqi?

It seems that no matter how this matter is dealt with in the end, Zhu Ziqi has become a pronoun in the eyes of everyone, a slut.

No matter how the Zhu family is whitewashed, it is impossible to change this situation.

"Shut up!" Su Jiaxin rushed over and rolled up her sleeves, glared at Liang Mixue and said, "If you dare to say nonsense again, this lady will tear your mouth off!"

Liang Mixue scolded, "It\'s shameless to cheat and be so righteous!"

"Wait, don\'t scold you so quickly, let Miss Su give us an answer." Mu Yunlan stopped her, Su Zibao still said a word, and now the situation is getting out of control.

Su Zibao stared at Mu Yunlan, but she didn\'t expect that she wouldn\'t give up and would take the photo to test.

Of course, there is no problem with the test results. These photos are originally real.

She can\'t reveal Pei Yi\'s identity. This is Pei Yi\'s peace, and it is also Pei Yi\'s last retreat.

The president of meco has offended too many people. He offended countless chaebols when he rose abroad. Cass is just one of them. The reward for his head on the black market is terrifyingly high.

He used to be Pei Yi, and he was very safe, so he didn\'t need to worry about safety. But if he is the president of meco, first of all, all relatives of the Pei Su family will be included in the special protection scope. The second is Pei Yi himself, the bodyguard cannot leave.

Actually this is fine. As long as meco exists for a day, it will bless Pei Yi, and Duke Cass is not so capable to assassinate him directly.

But what if meco loses one day. Without meco\'s protection, his life will be threatened at any time. Those who hate him to the bone will not pass up this opportunity.

Su Zibao knew that he still had a mysterious identity that should protect his safety. But that also means that he will stay in a place that is almost like a prison, be heavily protected, and lose his personal freedom.

Once the identity is exposed, the success or failure of meco becomes Pei Yi\'s life and death. In the past, even if meco lost, it didn\'t matter, he was still the third young master of the Pei family, and they could continue to live a happy life. But it\'s not possible now.

There is no way out.

The confrontation with Cass was so dangerous, Su Zibao never felt that meco would definitely win. Even if everything is lost,

They can also choose an ordinary life.

And now that he admits that the president of meco is Pei Yi, then he will never be able to withdraw.

So Su Zibao can never admit that this person is Pei Yi. She can\'t admit it.

"Su Zibao, tell me, I\'ll give you a chance to explain it now. So that people don\'t think I\'m slandering you. Maybe this is still a misunderstanding, right? Then tell me, what is going on in front of so many people? You can say whatever you want. If you really didn’t cheat, and you didn’t collude with your husband’s boss, then you can explain it to yourself right now. If you don’t speak, is it acquiescence?” Mu Yun Lan looked at Su Zibao and said loudly, there has never been a time when she felt so proud.

After Su Zibao came back, she has been completely suppressed. Until now, the defeat was a complete loss, and I didn\'t expect to get back a game.

Su Zibao clenched her fists tightly, digging her nails deeply into her flesh, but she didn\'t say anything. Gu Yian looked at her worriedly and thought that Su Zibao would say something, but now it seems that the situation is not very good. "There is nothing to say, right! Then you just admit that you are with me, Oppa. Married And hooking up with other men, bitch!" Liang Mixue rushed up to fight Su Zibao, Su Jiaxin immediately rushed up to fight with her when she saw someone bullying her sister.

Lu Yanzhi hurriedly stepped forward to protect her and tore them into a ball.

Mu Yunlan stared at Su Zibao contemptuously, "You keep saying that the photos are fake, now, what kind of explanation do you want to give to Pei Yi? Su Zibao, you have always pretended to be so affectionate, but you are hanging out with other men. For the four years that Pei Yi didn\'t know, you didn\'t know how many men you\'ve slept with. The green hat on his head should be glowing green. To treat a **** like you as a baby is really blind. Eyes!"

"Bang!" Su Zibao picked up the glass from the table and smashed it on Mu Yunlan\'s head, the glass **** splashed all over the place, and blood dripped from Mu Yunlan\'s forehead, making the noisy scene instantly quiet.

No one expected that Su Zibao, who was silent, would suddenly smash Mu Yunlan hard.

"Su Zibao, what are you doing, you hit me, you\'re crazy!" Mu Yunlan exclaimed.

Su Zibao stared at her and said coldly, "Whatever you say about me, you are free. But as long as I hear you say bad things about Pei Yi, I will call you to shut up."

"You!" Mu Yunlan wiped the blood from his forehead and sneered, "Do you think saying this now will save the relationship between you and Pei Yi? You are dreaming! I tell you, Pei Yi hates being betrayed the most. , he can tolerate your lies, but he will never tolerate your betrayal. I am a living example, do you see me? Your future will be the same, abandoned by him. No, you will be worse than me, marriage Cheating inside, tsk tsk tsk."

Liang Mixue was still shouting insults, "Su Zibao, you slut, you are shameless than Zhu Ziqi. At least Zhu Ziqi is not married, so it\'s okay to sleep with a few men. But you are married, but you are taking advantage of your man. Go abroad to hook up with my man, you shameless bitch!"

"Shut up for me! What your man, you are shameless! Are you married, have you pulled your certificate, what shame is there to say that it is your man, shameless!" Su Jiaxin punched her in the face.

The scene was chaotic, and Zhu Bashan finally breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, now their attention has been diverted by Su Zibao, but they still keep taking Zhu Ziqi with them. It seems that no matter how they divert it, Zhu Ziqi is completely useless.