Given A Second Chance: Time for Revenge!

Chapter 639: Have faith in the heart, no poison

"Strange, Su Zibao has always had a deep relationship with Pei Yi, how could he do such a thing. But these photos are here, the test results are all right, and Su Zibao hasn\'t explained it yet, so it\'s a tacit consent. Strange, could it be Su Zibao really Did you have an affair with the president of meco?" Wei Quanming muttered to himself, "It\'s over, the news spreads, we are sorry that Ye Er Shao will be heartbroken again. Su Zibao, if you don\'t cheat, the object of cheating is not the same. Second Young Master Ye, I really love Second Young Master Ye."

Ling Qingluo looked at the photo in disbelief, "Miss Su is not like that, and they have always had a good relationship. What\'s going on?"

"It turns out that this is the president of meco. He has always been so mysterious. I didn\'t expect that the first time I saw it, it would be because of such a photo." Han Ruoyan looked at the photo with a brooding look in her eyes.

Other people who don\'t know the truth are also talking about it. Those people didn\'t know Su Zibao, they directly thought that for Su Zibao to climb the high branch, they felt that the president of meco had a big background and was greedy for vanity, so they took the initiative to climb on his bed.

The reputation of cheating in marriage and hooking up with her husband\'s boss made Su Zibao\'s reputation plummet.

"I really didn\'t expect Su Zibao to be such a person. Pei Yi treats her so well. I heard that this time Yuyanluo opened up the national market, all of which were invested by Pei Yi. Otherwise, how could such a big market be possible with just a few words? open."

"I heard that there was a small family in Central China who offended Su Zibao. Pei Yi spent money to bring down that family. It only took three days."

"But you can see that the president of meco is so young and handsome, handsome and rich, with a distinguished status, a great background, and more money than Pei Yi. It is understandable that Su Zibao likes such a man. Such a handsome man, let alone the president of meco. Now, it\'s just a little white face, and Miss Ben wants to pack one."

"Tsk tsk, your three views are hopeless. Su Zibao and Pei Yi also have twins, but they are cheating in their marriage now. If they get divorced, what will happen to the two children? This woman only cares about her own happiness and doesn\'t think about children at all. ."

"Why do you care so much about other people\'s family affairs? It\'s not as interesting as Zhu Ziqi\'s video."

"Sex embryo! This is not just Pei Yi\'s family affairs. Su Zibao is now hooking up with meco\'s president, and Pei Yi has an extraordinary position in meco, almost second-in-command. If she did this, wouldn\'t these two people want to? Turned against each other? I saw that when meco had a civil strife, the last cheap one was Cass. Those families who cooperated with meco should be worried now."

Everyone was talking and talking about everything.

"Xinxin, stop fighting, let\'s go." Su Zibao said.

Lu Yanzhi took Su Jiaxin back, but Su Jiaxin was still indignant, "Sister, Liang Mixue\'s mouth is really poisonous, and the scolding is so ugly, bah! It\'s still a wealthy lady, what kind of tutor!"

"Compared to your sister cheating, why don\'t you have any tutoring? It\'s because your Su family doesn\'t have tutoring." Mu Yunlan said mockingly.

"You!" Su Jiaxin wanted to say something, but Su Zibao stopped her and shook her head slightly at her.

Mu Yunlan smiled smugly, "Su Zibao, when I revealed your true identity, do you think everyone\'s eyes are dazzling. That\'s right, when you treat someone like you, you only deserve such scorn and ridicule."

"Mu Yunlan, what does a person feel like, she

What is seen. You always feel that you are being despised and ridiculed, so you want others to be like you. You are ashamed. "Su Zibao\'s tone was indifferent.

Mu Yunlan\'s face stiffened. Inferiority, how could she be inferior in front of Su Zibao!

But before she could refute, Su Zibao walked out with his head held high. Everyone in the banquet looked at her, but she was expressionless and didn\'t say anything, just walked out like this.

Ignore everyone\'s eyes.

If something like this happens to others, it will definitely be a gaffe when exposed to the derailment in person. Just like Zhu Ziqi just now, her emotions collapsed.

But she seems invincible. Thick-skinned? It doesn\'t seem to be, it\'s like he has a firm belief in his heart, so no matter how others see him, he is not afraid.

A birthday party came to an end, and two news became the hottest news in the circle.

The first is that Zhu Ziqi\'s ** video revealed that the marriage between the Zhu family and the Xu family fell through. Zhu Ziqi is now the most notorious lady in the circle, no, she has already dubbed her a famous prostitute, and she is not worthy of being a lady at all.

Fortunately, Xu Peisheng of the Xu family was not engaged to her, otherwise the first green hat of the imperial capital would have been put on his head.

Now these videos are still circulating in the circle, and the Zhu family has lost a big face.

The second thing is quite controversial. Su Zibao took advantage of Pei Yi\'s work abroad to hook up with his husband\'s boss, the president of meco. The photos were circulated everywhere, and the test results of the photos had already come out. There are also people who don\'t believe in evil and go to the test again, and the results are the same.

These photos have no trace of tampering.

Mu Yunlan deliberately made the topic hot, and the Zhu family also hoped to use this incident to suppress the limelight of the Zhu Ziqi incident and fuel the hype, so that even though the Zhu Ziqi incident was relatively hot, the most talked about in the circle is now the Pei Su couple and meco The president\'s love triangle.

Su Zibao\'s reputation has always been good, but after this incident, it plummeted.

"Miss, I don\'t know why there are so many media outlets, and they insist on interviewing you. I have driven them all away, and blocked all inquiries from the outside world. But Uncle Su, Auntie, and Father Lin called successively to inquire. The situation, the family is very worried about your situation." Gu Yian said.

Su Zibao rubbed his temples and felt a pain in his forehead, "What else?"

"Others are fine, but Emperor Jue is an entertainment company. Second Miss, they are public figures and inevitably have to deal with the media. Those reporters don\'t know who they were bribed. They took advantage of the meeting between Emperor Jue\'s artists and the media. At the time, every time I asked about the eldest miss and Mr. Pei. At first, everyone avoided talking about it. When the second lady attended the meeting of the new movie this morning, the unscrupulous media repeated the old words, and the second lady was angry. I dropped the microphone. But the PR of the Emperor will handle it..."

Su Zibao was lying on the tatami, hugging the pillow, "Let Xinxin bear it. No matter how difficult the public figures are in the face of the media, they should not lose their composure. Let Dijue\'s teacher teach her well."

"Miss, if it was against the second lady, the second lady would definitely not be so rude. The reason for this is because the second lady will never allow anyone to insult the eldest lady. So in this situation, does the eldest lady not need to publish a statement? Affirm, explain?" Gu Yian asked.