Given A Second Chance: Time for Revenge!

Chapter 637: photo released, cheating

Han Ruoyan also stepped forward and said, "What the **** is going on, let\'s call the police first and then investigate. If you think who shot someone just because someone has a grudge with the Zhu family, then there are a lot of people here who are more likely to do it than Su Zibao. ."

"That\'s right. Zhu Ziqi\'s thinking is confused now, and she will only bite people who have misunderstood her. But why doesn\'t Mr. Zhu Bashan think about it from a long-term perspective? Who is the biggest beneficiary of this matter, right? More suspicious than Miss Su." Ling Qingluo stepped forward and said.

Zhu Bashan has just started, and three of the top ten giants speak for Su Zibao. He thought Su Zibao was a soft persimmon and wanted to push everything on her head to divert his attention, but he didn\'t expect so many people to jump out.

He didn\'t know the grudge between Su Zibao and Zhu Ziqi at all. Rather than thinking that Su Zibao did it, he believed that it was the enemy of the Zhu family. Su Zibao really didn\'t get anything on the bright side.

"I suggest Mr. Zhu to call the police directly. Go check it now, maybe you can find someone. After a while, the evidence will be destroyed, and there will be nowhere to check if you want to." Su Zibao raised his lips slightly. .

Anyway, I\'m not afraid that they will check, they will never find it.

In order to prevent the Zhu family from interrupting the live broadcast, or track down Xu Fan\'s address according to the hacked signal, this time they did not directly invade the Zhu family\'s computer, but obtained the mobile phone number in advance, and then sent the video.

As for what they want to track down, after sending it, Xu Fan has already destroyed all the evidence. They can\'t find anything.

The traces of intrusion into Zhu Ziqi\'s computer were erased on the day the video was obtained.

"I will call the police. If it is really related to you, our Zhu family will not let you go, and we will never let anyone who does this. No matter who it is!" Zhu Bashan only left this scene. Then he looked at everyone and said, "I\'m sorry, there were some accidents at the banquet today. Thank you for your participation. Now everyone, please come back."

If such a thing happened, do you still leave them behind to watch the joke? Naturally, it was immediately driven away.

The matter of Zhu Ziqi has been settled. No matter how the Zhu family struggles afterwards, since then Zhu Ziqi has become famous in the entire celebrity circle, and no one will dare to marry her.

Who wants to be called the green hat king.

The marriage of the Xu family and the Zhu family went to waste.

Su Zibao\'s goals have all been achieved. You can really go now.

"Wait a minute!" At this moment, Mu Yunlan suddenly came over, looked at Zhu Bashan and said, "Mr. Zhu, please wait a moment."

Zhu Bashan\'s face sank, "What do you want to do?"

"I do have something. I originally wanted to ask Su Zibao to give me an accurate word while so many people were there. But I didn\'t expect something to happen to the Zhu family. I don\'t know when the next time, so many people will be able to gather together, so Taking advantage of this rare opportunity, please don\'t worry, Mr. Zhu, I have something to ask Su Zibao." Mu Yunlan looked at Su Zibao coldly.

Originally, she planned to wait for Zhu Ziqi to finish her speech.

She wants to take advantage of the big scene of the Zhu family to make Su Zibao\'s reputation plummet. But she didn\'t expect that the Zhu family had an accident first, and the scene went out of control for a while, almost sabotaging her plan.

Fortunately, only the Xu family left, and everyone else was still there, which was in line with her rationale.

imagined situation.

Zhu Bashan did not speak, but acquiesced. Because he was keenly aware that Mu Yunlan was targeting Su Zibao, not the Zhu family. Now that the Zhu family is on the cusp of a storm, it would be great if one more thing could happen to share the attention of the Zhu family a little.

Su Zibao looked at Mu Yunlan and felt that her visitor was not good.

Since the end of the business war with the Ling family, Pei Yi has completely torn her face with Mu Yunlan, and she has disappeared. Su Zibao knows that people like her will never give up easily. She is here now, what is she trying to do.

"Mr. Zhu, I\'ll take some pictures by borrowing your projector. Don\'t worry, it has nothing to do with the Zhu family." Mu Yunlan looked at Zhu Bashan and said.

Zhu Bashan waved at a waiter, and Mu Yunlan handed the belt in his hand to the waiter. After a while, a set of high-definition photos appeared on the screen.

Although it was a candid shot, the other party\'s angle was grasped so well that the pair of handsome men and beautiful women looked just like the posters of celebrities.

Everyone\'s eyes fell on the screen, and then fell on Su Zibao\'s face.

Obviously, the woman in the photo is Su Zibao, and the man in the photo is not known to many people. But everyone knew that he was not Pei Yi.

This is a foreigner with three-dimensional facial features and typical Western European characteristics. He has blond hair, dark blue eyes, and is wearing a black trench coat. From the photo, he looks handsome 360 ​​degrees without any blind spots.

In this group of photos, the blonde-haired man hugged Su Zibao in his arms, kissed, and entered the sedan chair parked by the road together. The photos were taken in real time with the time shown, and the last few could show them being in the car for a long time before the car drove away.

Intimate photos, hug photos, kiss photos, suspected car shock photos.

"You must be familiar with this group of photos, Su Zibao. These are the real photos that Mu Zifan took when he was monitoring you. But your rhetoric made Pei Yi believe that these photos were synthesized through image processing technology. , so I sent the photos to the most authoritative foreign image testing agency for a comprehensive and precise inspection. The result of the inspection is that these photos are real and have no traces of processing." Mu Yunlan held the projection in his hand. The remote control of the instrument clicked, and there were certificates of authoritative certifications, "Look, this is the certificate of photo certification. You don\'t doubt that these certifications are fake, right?"

"How can the world\'s most authoritative image testing agency be fake." Someone said.

"Then who is the man in this photo? Su Zibao cheated?"

Mu Yunlan walked up to Su Zibao, raised her chin and looked at her proudly and coldly, "Now that the evidence is in front of you, are you still unwilling to admit that you have cheated? Su Zibao, you are taking advantage of the days when Pei Yi went abroad. , colluding with the president of meco to become an adulteress is really impressive."

"Su Zibao! You clearly said you didn\'t like Oppa, you said these photos were fake, you said you loved Pei Yi, you liar! You actually went to bed with my Oppa! You are too much !" When Liang Mixue saw these photos, she froze, rushed over and shoved Su Zibao hard.

Su Zibao was pushed backwards, but fortunately Gu Yian quickly supported her, so he didn\'t fall.

Gu Yian stared at Liang Mixue coldly, "Miss Liang Mixue, show some respect."