Given A Second Chance: Time for Revenge!

Chapter 616: Xinxin has an accident

"Thank you very much for meco\'s final choice is cooperation, otherwise, this time, the Ling family is afraid to withdraw from the e-commerce market." Ling Qingluo looked at Pei Yi and said sincerely, "It\'s just that I didn\'t expect you to choose this way. In fact, directly To win all the markets, isn\'t it maximizing benefits for meco?"

Pei Yi said lightly, "There are two more enemies, and the growth of interests is limited. It is a good deal to give up some interests, but get a partner."

If meco really didn\'t leave any room, then the Ling family would be offended to death, and they would also offend the Mu family.

Let the two super families hate themselves so much, but the benefits they get are not worth offending these two families at all. It is unwise to ignore long-term development for the sake of immediate petty profits.

It\'s just that many people tend to only see the immediate interests and not see the whole big picture. Now working with the Ling family, giving up some of the benefits, but tying the Ling family to the boat.

From the time Su Zibao proposed to let Ling Qingluo join Huading Company, Pei Yi was already thinking about dragging the Ling family into the car.

Of the five giants in the business world, they now account for two. Partners are enough.

And the Mu family should also thank meco this time, otherwise the Ling family would quit, and their situation would be even more difficult than the Ling family. It\'s just that there is no interest relationship, they are not allies, but I believe that the Mu family will give meco as much convenience as possible in the future.

"When we met each other in battle, I didn\'t expect this time, thanks to you. I respect you for this cup." Mu Yunting said to Pei Yi while holding the wine cup.

Ling Yajing also raised her glass and smiled softly, "Thank you, Mr. Pei."

"You two are welcome." Pei Yi had a cup of tea with them.

Compared with Ye Chenxuan, Mu Yunting is the kind of more decent person. Ling Yajing is gentle again, and the couple sincerely thank Pei Yi.

"Qingluo, I want to thank you this time too. Fortunately, you have the foresight to get acquainted with Mr. Pei and the others very early." Mu Yunting looked at Ling Qingluo and said, "This time it also made me clear that although the Zhu family is married to us, But they are no closer than the Ling family. When the situation was volatile a few days ago, they just stood by and watched."

Ling Qingluo smiled playfully, "You are my brother-in-law, and our Ling family will naturally support you with full support. But who knows what Mu Huashang thinks, the Zhu family is always a rudder, and the brother-in-law doesn\'t need to be angry with them."

"Yanzhi, has Zhu Ziqi approached you?" Su Zibao asked Lu Yanzhi, looking at him.

At meco\'s reception, Lu Yanzhi, Song Yingjie, and the others naturally attended. Su Jiaxin went out to shoot an advertisement, so she didn\'t come up with one of Lu Yan.

Su Zibao took this opportunity to ask Lu Yanzhi about the situation.

"Sister, you already know?" Lu Yanzhi asked in surprise. Since marrying Su Jiaxin, he has changed his tune with Xinxin. In fact, he is older than Su Zibao.

Su Zibao frowned, "I\'m really looking for you? I don\'t know the situation, but the Zhu family pressured you to block you, I know about it. So I\'ve been wanting to ask you what\'s going on, is it offending Zhu Ziqi? ?"

"I didn\'t offend her. Why didn\'t my sister tell me about the ban?" Lu Yanzhi gradually realized. Originally, Zhu Ziqi planned to use this method to pressure Lu Yanzhi to find her.

But the emperor didn\'t eat this set at all, which made her plan unsuccessful.

Su Zibao laughed

, "Do we need to tell you what we can solve? It\'s just that I offended the Zhu family, so we should be careful. Tell me carefully, what is going on?"

If Lu Yanzhi was not in the Dijue Company, and the Zhu family put pressure on him, other companies would definitely block it. Who dares to offend the Zhu family?

But the emperor is not afraid. This kind of thing is a matter of course for Su Zibao, so he won\'t tell Lu Yanzhi deliberately, and he didn\'t mention it until now.

But Lu Yanzhi was moved. Pei Yi covered him because the two had known each other for many years and were both subordinates and friends.

Su Zibao protects him because of family affection and family. This feeling is different.

Lu Yanzhi didn\'t want Su Jiaxin to know, for fear that she would be worried, but he said it to Su Zibao completely, and finally said, "Sister, do you think there is any way to make this Zhu Ziqi stop looking for me once and for all."

"I don\'t think it\'s possible. Judging from these things, Zhu Ziqi is not a person who will give up. Ordinary people can\'t imagine how ruthless the tactics behind the rich and famous are." Su Zibao\'s face gradually became serious.

There were Mu Yunlan and Chi Yaoyi in front of them, all of them were wealthy ladies. They have grown up in intrigue battles since they were children, and there are many ways to kill people without blood. If they can\'t maintain their kindness, once they become ruthless, they will naturally be many times more ruthless than ordinary people\'s revenge.

"By the way, Xinxin is going to the company today, right?" Su Zibao felt uneasy when he remembered what Zhu Ziqi said.

Lu Yanzhi said, "Yes. Today, she is going to shoot an advertisement, and she is accompanied by three assistants, two makeup artists, a driver, and the employees of the company. There are at least seven or eight people going with her."

"That\'s good." Su Zibao breathed a sigh of relief, Lu Yanzhi was so familiar, it seemed that he also cared about Su Jiaxin\'s safety, so he remembered the people around her clearly.

"Oh, by the way, what kind of commercial are you shooting? I\'m planning to have Xinxin endorse Yuyanluo\'s Ningxue Cream in two days. The two of you will work together to shoot a promotional advertisement. I will tell Director Lu later and let the planning department Come up with a shooting plan." Su Zibao smiled.

Lu Yanzhi said, "That\'s not bad. It is the most suitable for Xinxin to endorse Ningxue Cream. This is the ancestral secret recipe of the Su family, and you are also the first to use Ningxue Cream, which is more suitable than others. Xinxin\'s advertisement today seems to be It\'s an electrical appliance, and this company has never cooperated with Dijue before, so I\'m not sure."

"Never cooperated?" Su Zibao said to himself. Emperor Jue has a lot of business. Almost every month, companies that have not cooperated with him come to negotiate business. There should be no business, but at this juncture, Su Zibao feels that something is not right.

Lu Yanzhi immediately became nervous, "Sister, is there any problem?"

"No problem, you give Xinxin a call... Oh, I almost forgot, she was turned off during the commercials. You call the assistant who was with her to ask about the progress." Su Zibao said.

Lu Yanzhi quickly took out his mobile phone to dial, but no one answered. Changed Xinxin\'s cell phone, turned it off, and even changed the cell phone of several assistant makeup artists, but no one answered.

"Xinxin seems to have an accident! No one answered the phone!" Lu Yanzhi stood up in a flash, turned and was about to rush out.

Su Zibao held him back, "Don\'t be impulsive, where are you going to find her now?"

"I know where she went! Before they shoot the commercial today, they have to discuss with the people from that company, and the location is in the tea restaurant on Xiaoshan Road." Lu Yanzhi said.