Given A Second Chance: Time for Revenge!

Chapter 617: must be in time

"Calm down, if it\'s really Zhu Ziqi\'s conspiracy against Xinxin, do you think Xinxin is still in that place? It must have been transferred." Su Zibao said, "I will immediately ask the company\'s people to investigate the company\'s information. , Cha Xinxin\'s whereabouts!"

Lu Yanzhi said, "Okay. Sister, you check first, I\'ll go to the tea restaurant first! Keep in touch!"

"Okay. Then be careful on the road, you are so anxious, you are not allowed to drive." Su Zibao said, looking at Gu Yian behind him, "Yian, arrange a driver for him, be careful on the road."

Gu Yian bowed slightly and took Lu Yanzhi out.

Su Zibao was already in a state of turmoil. Even though she was calm in front of Lu Yanzhi, her hands were shaking uncontrollably. Su Zibao couldn\'t imagine what would happen if Xinxin fell into Zhu Ziqi\'s hands, what would happen to her.

Thinking of this, she wanted to cry anxiously, but she had to force herself to calm down. Xinxin will not have an accident, definitely not! Certainly not.

Must be in time!

After dialing the phone number at Emperor Jue\'s headquarters, Su Zibao said, "Immediately investigate the information about the company Su Jiaxin is shooting an advertisement for today, and send someone to Xiaoshan Road Tea Restaurant to check the news. They may have an accident."

"Yes, Director Su, please wait a moment!" As soon as Lu Xinlei received the call, she immediately began to act.

Pei Yi came over and said, "What happened, the banquet went out in a hurry, and your face is not very good."

"Pei Yi, something may have happened to Xinxin." Su Zibao\'s eyes quickly filled with tears, clenching his fists, he couldn\'t hide his unease and worry.

Pei Yi\'s face instantly turned cold, "Who dares to attack her?"

"Zhu Ziqi! I suspect it\'s Zhu Ziqi! But now we can\'t even be sure where Xinxin is. When did something happen to her, how long ago, we all don\'t know, if it happens, what if Xinxin really has something..." Su Zibao couldn\'t go on.

She was afraid. Xinxin is her only younger sister, she is innocent and lively, well protected, and doesn\'t understand those dark things at all.

Thinking about the methods those people used to deal with her back then, aphrodisiac, rape, **** photos... Fortunately, she avoided it completely, but this time Xinxin, thinking of this, Su Zibao shuddered.

With Xinxin\'s character, if something really happened, she might not have the courage to live.

"Don\'t worry, Abao, don\'t be afraid. There is no accident yet, so don\'t scare yourself first. As long as we speed up, we can avoid all this. Don\'t be afraid, it will be in time." Pei Yi took her into his words, whispered.

He didn\'t say the rest, for fear that Su Zibao would be sad.

If it\'s too late, he will definitely make the Zhu family pay back a hundredfold!

"Well, it\'s definitely too late, definitely." Su Zibao bit his lip, thinking silently in his heart, Xinxin, you have to wait for your sister to come to you.

You will be fine.

Within three minutes, Lv Xinlei\'s call came back, "Director Su, the company we have cooperated with this time is the first time we have cooperated with Dijue, and it is called Guangming Electric Co., Ltd. This time, they are for the company\'s upcoming new electric appliance. Refrigerator, looking for Xinxin to shoot the advertisement. They are in a hurry and the price is generous. Yesterday, the contract was negotiated. Today, we will rush to shoot, but before shooting, we need to meet Miss Su Jiaxin to discuss some details of the advertisement, so today Su Jiaxin They went to discuss. In addition to Su Jiaxin, assistant makeup artist, etc., there were also two colleagues from the planning department, and three members of the director team, a total of about ten people went."


sp;Ten people are too many, and it is safe to say, but Xinxin is turned off, and no one answers the calls of others, so there is a great possibility of an accident.

At this moment, Lu Yanzhi called, and his voice changed his tone anxiously, "Except Xinxin, everyone else was tied up. They said that when they arrived at the agreed box, they were **** by a group of people wearing masks. They were also taken away."

"When did you take it away? Do you know what car you were in?" Su Zibao asked immediately.

Lu Yanzhi said, "It wasn\'t long before I left, but I don\'t know where I went or what car I was in."

"Immediately adjust the surveillance video in front of the tea restaurant, and we\'ll rush over immediately." Su Zibao said.

In a secret private villa in Zhu Fuchang, three or four men dragged Su Jiaxin, who was bound, from the car and carried them into the villa.

"Who are you? What do you want to do? I don\'t know you, and I have never offended you." Su Jiaxin\'s eyes were covered with a black cloth, and she struggled to say who these people were.

One of the men said, "You didn\'t offend us, but you offended someone you can\'t afford to offend. Zhu Shao, I only saw this **** TV before, but I didn\'t expect it to look better in reality than on TV."

"Yeah, I can\'t help but be swaying now." Another man said slyly.

Zhu Fuchang\'s eyes were full of lust, "I\'ll come first, and you all have a share. My sister said she wanted to **** her video, and then everyone can enjoy it."

"Who the **** are you! Don\'t come here, you dare to touch me... My sister won\'t let you go!" Su Jiaxin heard their conversation, her face paled with fright, but she said stubbornly.

Zhu Fuchang laughed, "Your sister won\'t let me go? Your sister is also a beautiful woman, haha, I still want her to let me go."

"Bastard! Disgusting!" Su Jiaxin scolded, "Who the **** are you?"

"I want you to know who it is, so you won\'t be blindfolded." Zhu Fuchang sneered, "Come on, you two help and tear her clothes off."

After the video comes out, he threatens Lu Yanzhi with the video. At that time, Lu Yanzhi thinks that the video was made by Zhu Ziqi, and Zhu Ziqi can push it on others, just say it was bought.

Anyway, as long as there is no direct evidence to prove that they are related to the Zhu family, no matter how Su Jiaxin appeals, it is impossible to involve the Zhu family.

If it wasn\'t for Zhu Fuchang wanting to have a good time, it\'s just those thugs who have nothing to do with the Zhu family, and now they don\'t even need to be blinded by black cloth.

Anyway, everyone knows that the Zhu family did it, but as long as there is no direct evidence, they are not afraid.

"Don\'t touch me! Get out of the way! Don\'t touch me!" Su Jiaxin tried her best to dodge, but she couldn\'t struggle because they were holding on tightly.

The "Tear" jacket was torn off, the cold air suddenly, and a layer of skin bumps suddenly appeared on the arm.

Su Jiaxin felt despair in her heart, and she had no idea why such a thing happened. She has always had no grievances with others, and she doesn\'t know who wants to hurt her like this.

On the Panshan Highway on the outskirts of the city, a car is driving fast on the highway. Lu Yanzhi was in a hurry, holding a tablet in his hand with a red route on it. This is the route that was formulated based on the surveillance records of the car after finding the car that took Su Jiaxin away from the surveillance video.

However, the other party got off the road on this road, got out of the monitoring range, and did not know where he went.