Given A Second Chance: Time for Revenge!

Chapter 615: What will happen if you offend me

"What\'s the matter with you?" Zhu Ziqi asked angrily.

In fact, if she hadn\'t been an hour late on purpose, Lu Yanzhi wouldn\'t have been in such a hurry. But she was late on purpose, wasting time, and she didn\'t even apologize for being late, so she let others wait for granted.

If Lu Yanzhi hadn\'t abided by his professional ethics, he would have left long ago.

"I made an appointment with my wife for afternoon tea. The originally reserved meeting time was one and a half hours. We had already made an agreement before meeting." Lu Yanzhi said directly.

They had only been around for an hour and a half.

"Then I didn\'t mean to be late. You must know that people like me are very busy and have a lot of time, so I always take time to see you." Zhu Ziqi said slowly, "Didn\'t you promise to help me design clothes? Then I I don\'t want a coat now, your mission is not completed, you are not allowed to go."

Lu Yanzhi frowned, isn\'t this harassment?

"What style do you want, please make it clear now. I will design it later when I go back, and I will send you an email at that time." Lu Yanzhi said coldly.

Zhu Ziqi looked at Lu Yanzhi\'s indifferent face and wanted to seduce him. She puffed out her chest and said with a wink, "Underwear."

"Sorry, the styles I designed don\'t include this." Lu Yanzhi simply refused.

Zhu Ziqi stood next to him, "Why not include it? You designers still pay attention to this? This is all art!"

"There are designers in the jc studio who do this kind of work. Let me introduce you to one. He is definitely an expert in this field. Sorry, I don\'t take such orders myself." Lu Yan took a step back and said with a frown.

Zhu Ziqi took a step forward and pressed it even tighter, Jiao Di Di said, "Everyone else accepts it, so why don\'t you accept it. Does Mr. Lu think my figure is not good? Why don\'t you measure it?"

"Miss Zhu is self-respecting." Lu Yanzhi took a step back again, but found that he was already against the wall.

Before he could wait for his next step, Zhu Ziqi had already pounced on him, rubbing against him on purpose, and said, "I\'m not heavy, you hug me."

"Get out of the way!" Lu Yanyi pushed Zhu Ziqi away, he didn\'t bother to say polite words, he just picked up his briefcase and left.

Zhu Ziqi grabbed his hand and said angrily, "What are you doing, Lu Yanzhi? You dare to offend me, do you know who I am!"

"I know you are Miss Zhu\'s family, so so what." Lu Yanzhi said coldly, "I don\'t depend on your Zhu family for food, and I don\'t ask your Zhu family. Your status is noble, what does it have to do with me."

It was the first time that Zhu Ziqi was rejected by someone, and she said angrily, "Why did you reject me, how bad am I?"

"Miss Zhu is very good, but I am a married man." Lu Yanzhi said lightly.

Zhu Ziqi said angrily, "I just asked you to make an appointment, and I didn\'t intend to let you abandon your wife. I don\'t think it\'s a loss. What are you afraid of?"

For these rich family daughters, it is extremely common to see whoever wants to open a house, or whoever looks at a small white face. High society looks glamorous, but behind it is extravagant **.

"I already have a family, so I\'m loyal to my wife. And even if I\'m not married, I won\'t have **** with you. Miss Zhu doesn\'t need to think about it." Lu Yanzhi said coldly. He\'s not the same as her at all.

"I hope Miss Zhu doesn\'t have to look for me in the future, and I won\'t come if you look for me."<


Putting this sentence aside, Lu Yanzhi opened the door and left.

Zhu Ziqi hadn\'t recovered, and after a while, he said angrily, "He actually rejected me. There\'s nothing to lose, so why didn\'t he do it. I know, because of his wife. He was afraid that she would be sorry. Come on. Hehe, Lu Yanzhi, just wait."

When she offended the robber in a foreign jewelry store, no one dared to say a word except Lu Yanzhi. Of course, he came forward to calm the robber\'s anger, in fact, he wanted to protect Su Jiaxin in the store.

But such an excellent man immediately caught Zhu Ziqi\'s eye. At that time, Zhu Ziqi looked familiar to Lu Yanzhi, and she occasionally watched TV, and immediately recognized that this was a domestic superstar.

If Lu Yanzhi was the eldest son of a wealthy family, she would have to consider getting married. It\'s a pity that Lu Yanzhi is a man in the entertainment industry. For the Zhu family, such a man is not suitable for marriage, but it is perfect to be a lover.

As for Lu Yanzhi\'s marriage, for Zhu Ziqi, she doesn\'t care at all.

People who only think about themselves and who are willing to be the mistress, how can they care about the thoughts of others\' original spouses, and how can they know that their current behavior is very shameful. She also felt that she didn\'t dislike the loss, and she didn\'t want Lu Yanzhi to support her, but she was much nobler than the average junior.

But the third is the third. Zhu Ziqi didn\'t feel that she was wrong, but Lu Yanzhi knew her thoughts very well and immediately drew a line with her.

Being so polite and polite before is the attitude towards guests, but if the other party wants to destroy his marriage, then there is no need to be polite.

Zhu Ziqi returned to Zhu\'s house angrily, found Zhu Fuchang and said, "Help me arrange it, I\'m going to find someone to turn Su Jiaxin, make a video, and send it to Lu Yanzhi."

"Ah? Who? Who is Su Jiaxin?" Zhu Fuchang didn\'t know why.

Zhu Ziqi said, "It\'s the famous actress in the country now. She belongs to the Su family, but the Su family is not worth mentioning at all. Lu Yanzhi should have been alert to the Zhu family, so you can\'t find someone to come forward with them. It was found that the Zhu family was manipulating it. As for how to ask Su Jiaxin out, and it should be justifiable and not aroused by others, you have rich experience and shouldn\'t need my teaching? "

"Oh, it turns out that an actress offended my sister. Don\'t worry, sister, I\'ll find someone to mess with her right away. By the way, sister, you said this actress, I\'ve seen it on TV, she\'s very beautiful. I don\'t Let it go, hehe." Zhu Fuchang smiled wickedly.

Zhu Ziqi patted him on the shoulder, "If you like it, then have fun. Anyway, I want to shoot a video, you can\'t appear in the video, just find two more people, and make it more exciting, I\'ll be useful. Lu Yanzhi, you If you dare to offend me, I will let you know what will happen if you offend me. When the video is in hand, I will not believe that you will not listen to me. "

"Sister, don\'t worry, it\'s not the first time we\'ve done this, and we guarantee that there will be no mistakes!" Zhu Fuchang smiled wickedly.

Their brothers and sisters are in a mess, and those who offend Zhu Ziqi will end up miserably. This is not the first time, nor will it be the last.

After Lu Yanzhi went back, she was afraid that Su Jiaxin was worried and didn\'t tell her more, but told her not to go out alone recently and pay attention to safety.

The cooperation between the Ling family and meco, one of the top ten giants in the business world, is a major event. Almost all of the receptions they held, except Cass, came.

The Ling family has now handed over e-commerce to Ling Qingluo, because Ling Qingluo is also responsible for the cooperation with Huading Company. So she is simply responsible for all the interactions with meco.

At the reception, Ling Qingluo, who represented the Ling family, and Pei Yi, who represented meco, raised their glasses together to celebrate the cooperation.