Given A Second Chance: Time for Revenge!

Chapter 603: refuse, no way back

"Sister, stop! If you don\'t push the Ling family like this, the Mu family will not be so dangerous. If the Mu family is not dangerous, I don\'t need to marry the fat fat Zhu family. Sister, please help me. I, please help me. This is the happiness of my life. You have loved me the most since I was a child, so are you willing to marry me to Zhu Fuchang?" Mu Huashang\'s crying pear flowers brought rain, very pitiful.

Mu Yunlan sighed, "Hua Chang, calm down, I said, I will settle the Ling family before the Mu family and the Zhu family get married."

"So what if you solve the Ling family, the Mu family still needs to get married! What you are doing now is like forcing me to marry Zhu Fuchang, you push me into the fire pit! When the Ling family is solved by you, then I will marry Zhu Fuchang It has become a sure thing. As long as you stop now, my father doesn\'t have to force me to marry. Sister, please stop! Now you are a senior executive of meco, with brother Yi, you have everything , why do you have to decide the outcome with the Ling family? Sister, please stop, I beg you!" Mu Huashang cried heartbreakingly, clutching Mu Yunlan\'s wrist tightly, as if Holding on to the last straw.

However, she was destined to be disappointed.

Mu Yunlan would not give up his plans for the sake of her. For her, Mu Huashang\'s happiness has nothing to do with her. She just needs to get what she wants.

"Hua Shang, I hope you can understand that the shopping mall is like a battlefield. Since this battle has started, there is no reason to quit halfway. Therefore, what decision Mu Qinghui makes is his problem. You can blame him if you want to. , has nothing to do with me." Mu Yunlan said coldly.

It is also taboo to call his own father by name.

Mu Huashang said disappointedly, "Sister, what about me, can\'t you think about me?"

"Considering you, have you ever thought about me? You don\'t know what life I\'ve lived, and you don\'t know anything at all. It\'s necessary for me to do all this, and it\'s impossible to back off. You go." Mu Yunlan said lightly. The Mu family would never know what kind of pain they inflicted on her.

She had to take revenge, she had to take revenge.

Mu Huashang was still crying at the door, but Mu Yunlan didn\'t bother to pay attention to her, so she closed the door and went in directly. Mu Huashang was tired from crying before she went back, she was completely desperate. At first, she thought that Mu Yunlan would think about it for her, but she refused without even thinking about it.

Her heart is so cruel, she won\'t stop for anyone.

"Young Master Ye! Young Master Ye!" When Mu Huashang was crying at the door, she saw Ye Chenxuan walking over and immediately shouted, "Young Master Ye, do me a favor! Help me in front of my sister. Say a word and let her stop."

Ye Chenxuan looked at Mu Huashang, whose eyes were red and swollen, so she didn\'t know why, "Huh?"

"To the Ling family, stop!" Mu Huashang said quickly.

Ye Chenxuan shook his head, "You better go back."

"Young Master Ye, I used to help you monitor my sister and deliver news for you. Help me now! Just this time!" Mu Huashang pleaded.

Ye Chenxuan looked at her with a calm tone, "Back then, when you spied on Mu Yunlan, we each took what we needed, and I don\'t owe you anything. And it\'s useless for anyone to say anything about this matter. You\'ve known her for so many years, why don\'t you still think about it? I don\'t know what character your sister is. No one can stop her."

Mu Huashang stared blankly at Ye Chenxuan walking in, tears blurring his vision.


Chen Xuan was right, no matter how much he begged, it was useless. But she really didn\'t have the confidence to run away from home, she couldn\'t leave Mu\'s house.

Half an hour later, the news that Mu Huashang went back crying reached Su Zibao\'s ears. Su Zibao just smiled, very good, Mu Yunlan, you blocked your last escape route.

"I didn\'t say that, Mu Huashang is stubborn and willful. Today, she cried and begged Mu Yunlan, and only returned to Mu\'s house after being rejected. Zhu Fuchang, you can let her be so nonsense!" A slim woman looked at Zhu Fuchang and said.

Zhu Fuchang is fat, bloated, mature, and bald. He looks like he is in his forties, but he is only in his twenties, only two years older than Mu Huashang.

"Sister, isn\'t it normal that she doesn\'t want to marry me? Let her make a fuss, anyway, didn\'t Dad go to talk to the Mu family about marriage?" Zhu Fuchang smiled.

Zhu Ziqi frowned, "But whether or not to marry Mu Huashang depends on the situation. The Mu family\'s situation is not very good now, and they have already married the Ling family. Mu Yunting\'s wife is the eldest Miss Ling family, and they will always be with them. Get closer."

"That won\'t work, I want to marry Mu Huashang!" Zhu Fuchang insisted.

Zhu Ziqi said, "Dad is not very optimistic about such a situation. If you really want to marry Mu Huashang quickly, then cook the raw rice, and the Mu family will rely on you to be responsible, and then there will be no way for your father."

"Huh? That\'s a good idea. But she\'s the little princess of the Mu family, so I..." Zhu Fuchang wanted to attack Mu Huashang for a long time, but he didn\'t dare to act rashly because of the identity of the other party.

Zhu Ziqi giggled, "What are you afraid of, the Mu family wants to marry Mu Huashang to you now, you are helping them by doing so. No one will blame you, you ask Mu Huashang to come out for a drink, have a drink What\'s the matter... just like you, a veteran of Huacong, do you still need my sister to teach you?"

"Hey, sister, when you say that, I feel more relieved. I\'ll find Mu Huashang!" Zhu Fuchang ran out happily.

Zhu Ziqi looked down at his watch and said to the assistant standing next to him, "The gentleman I asked you to invite, has he gone?"

" hasn\'t appeared yet..." the assistant whispered.

Zhu Ziqi was taken aback, "Impossible. At this point, it\'s already my appointment time."

She was deliberately spending time at home, and being a few minutes late showed that she was not waiting for the other party dryly, and that it was rare for her to take time out of her busy schedule to meet him. But she created an atmosphere for a long time, and the other party has not yet appeared.

"Maybe... Maybe it\'s a traffic jam on the road, I haven\'t come yet..." The assistant said embarrassedly, "Actually, when I asked him out, the other party clearly refused. Later, we pressed each other on the basis of identity, and the other party only said that we would meet him when we had time. Come here. He\'s a public figure and must be busy with work."

"Let his company suspend all his work, I don\'t see if he will come to me." Zhu Ziqi said arrogantly.

The assistant was even more embarrassed, "The president of Dijue Media is Pei Yi, and behind Pei Yi is meco, I\'m afraid it won\'t give us this face."

"I tell you to tell me, just go! I don\'t believe it anymore. Pei Yi is going to offend the Zhu family for an artist. Now is the time when meco and the Cass consortium are fighting each other. I don\'t believe he is so irrational." Zhu Ziqi said angrily. .

The assistant had to follow her instructions.