Given A Second Chance: Time for Revenge!

Chapter 602: I beg Mu Yunlan to stop

"Ling Qingluo, what are you doing on the phone with me! Your sister kicked me out because she talked nonsense in front of my dad. You still have the face to call me?" Mu Huashang cursed at the phone.

Ling Qingluo said with a smile, "Mu Huashang, I just want to inform you about one thing. You live here with Zhu Fuchang, and the Zhu family thinks you are very satisfied with Zhu Fuchang, so now Uncle Mu and Uncle Zhu are already discussing your marriage."

"How could it be so fast, impossible! It\'s only been a few days, when I left Mu\'s house last time, my father didn\'t say that he wanted to get married!" Mu Huashang couldn\'t believe it.

Ling Qingluo said, "Of course it\'s because of your good sister Mu Yunlan. She is fighting with our Ling family. Meco\'s e-commerce is already famous all over the world. Compared to them, although the Ling family is the first to develop in the domestic market, it still cannot stop me. Live on their world-oriented platform. Moreover, Ye Chenxuan suppressed your elder brother Mu Yunting in his official career. Now the Mu family is in a time of internal and external difficulties, and it is more dangerous than the Ling family. "

"The Ling family is only a business family, and we are not only in e-commerce. Even if this battle is lost and our vitality is greatly damaged, the heritage of our century-old family can also be regrouped and transferred to other fields for development. Therefore, it is only temporary. In the past few years, there is no way to cooperate with the Mu family, and there is no way to give your family some help. But in the past few years, the Mu family has not been able to breathe. The Mu family must have a new business family to help, otherwise, the political battle is so dangerous, When you walk down this road, there is no way to retreat, and there is no way to stop. Don\'t you know how dangerous your father, brother, and members of your Mu family are? There are so many people waiting to pull them. Down, as long as there is a chance, the political enemies will have the upper hand. If they have something, it is not as simple as our family turning over. So Uncle Mu can\'t afford to gamble, he will definitely marry and cooperate with the Zhu family as soon as possible, and you He\'s the only daughter he hasn\'t married yet."

Mu Huashang\'s heart cooled down layer by layer. Growing up in a political family, no matter how ignorant she was, she knew that what Ling Qingluo said was correct.

Moreover, after running away from home for the past few days, she already knew very well what the Mu family meant to her. If she wasn\'t the little princess of the Mu family, she wouldn\'t be treated like this. It will be like running out that day, with nothing.

She has now deeply realized what her father meant by that sentence. You enjoy the treatment your family gives you, and you have to give something to protect the family. Otherwise, the family will fall, and there will be no eggs under the nest.

"Could it be that I only have to marry Zhu Fuchang? Can\'t I find anyone other than him? So many families, so many wealthy children, why is he?" Mu Huashang shouted aggrieved.

Ling Qingluo said, "Because of the urgency of time, there is no second family at present. In the current situation, it shows the meaning of marriage. Only the Zhu family. But you are not the only way to marry Zhu Fuchang, there is another way, which is to help me. A favor, but also to help yourself."

"What? Hurry up!" Mu Huashang asked eagerly.

Ling Qingluo said calmly, "Go to Mu Yunlan and ask her to stop. As long as she gives up the fight with the Ling family in the e-commerce market, then the Ling family will be fine. With the Ling family here, Uncle Mu will not be in a hurry. When the Zhu family is married, he will have plenty of time to choose someone who suits your heart for you. And if you help our Ling family, my sister and I will thank you. My sister is your sister-in-law, and she can say anything about your marriage. If you speak, then it will naturally be subject to your request."

"But, will my sister agree to stop?" Mu Huashang was teary-eyed.

Ling Qingluo said, "You are her most beloved younger sister. If you cry a little harder and beg her, there is still a chance. I have already inquired about it. Now the upper management of meco doesn\'t care about anything. The e-commerce market is entirely under the control of Mu Yunlan. Be responsible. As long as she is willing to stop, she can stop! This is your only way out. If you can\'t do it, the Ling family will only withdraw from the e-commerce market, and it will only be a few years back and repair, but you will definitely Marry Zhu Fuchang. You can do it yourself."

After hanging up the phone, Ling Qingluo sighed.

She knew very well that with Mu Yunlan\'s character, she would definitely not agree. Mu Yunlan now has the upper hand, and this battle in the e-commerce market can be seen at a glance by a discerning person.

Surprised by Mu Yunlan\'s methods, as well as meco\'s strength, what is even more shocking is what Mu Yunlan wants to do.

It seems that her goal is not the Ling family at all, but the Mu family!

Mu Huashang hurried out to find Mu Yunlan. She was lucky this time. Mu Yunlan happened to be in the villa and found her right away.

"Sister! Sister, I beg you, stop it? Don\'t target the Ling family again!" Mu Huashang cried.

Mu Yunlan didn\'t know why, looked at Mu Huashang and said, "Huashang, what nonsense are you talking about? When did I target the Ling family?"

"Sister, your e-commerce or something..."

"That\'s a normal business battle. You don\'t understand, I didn\'t target the Ling family. The Ling family is the top five big family in the dignified business world. Even if they quit the e-commerce market completely, they would only lose some money." Mu Yun Lan said slowly.

She is right in what she said. It is impossible for the entire Ling family to be affected by such a business attack, but it will lose a lot of money, making it impossible for the Ling family to cooperate with the Mu family in any business in the next few years. Aspects of the action can only be repaired in situ.

After a few years, they slowed down again. This is the background of the top ten giants in the business world.

Unlike those wealthy families in Haicheng, if they lose any business battle, they will fall completely.

"Yes, I know that even if the Ling family loses, it will be fine, but our Mu family can\'t do without the support of the Ling family. My elder sister also grew up in the family. You should know that once the Ling family loses, the Mu family will be very upset. Dangerous, compared to the political enemy, we have one less strong support. If the political enemy does something at this time, it will be over. The Mu family can\'t be finished, so my father can only marry me to Zhu Fuchang and win over the Zhu family. However, as long as you, sister, If you stop, the Mu family will be fine, and I won\'t have to marry that dead fat man!" Mu Huashang said after passing through Ling Qingluo\'s explanation, now thinking very clearly.

Mu Yunlan smiled slightly, "Hua Chang, you don\'t have to worry. The Zhu family will make a decision so quickly, they will definitely have to wait and see for a while, and during this time, I have already cleaned up the Ling family. When the time comes..."

At that time, with the cooperation of Ye Chenxuan, Mu Yunting will not even think about turning over, she will return to Mu\'s house in an upright manner and take it back to Mu\'s house. Who cares about marriage or not.

However, when she becomes the master of the Mu family and marries the Zhu family, it doesn\'t seem to be a good idea?