Given A Second Chance: Time for Revenge!

Chapter 604: Check that there is no such person, secretly arrange

All eyes are on the battle between meco and Lingjia in e-commerce.

The Ling family is the first super family to invest in e-commerce in China. They have deep roots in the e-commerce industry, but meco has specialized in the Internet as early as abroad. Compared with the Ling family, it is more international and globalized. .

The business war began four years ago. Meco\'s domestic e-commerce has grown rapidly from weak at the beginning, while some of the Ling family\'s strategies are backward and sticky, which has resulted in a big drop today after four years.

As soon as they fight now, the defeat of the Ling family follows the wind.

Pei Yi was sitting in the office on the top floor of Century Building, with Xu Fan\'s hands flying like butterflies on the keyboard in front of the computer desk next to him, "Boss, I checked, and there is no such person."

"What do you mean by not checking this person? Didn\'t you hack into the flight booking information system? He flew in from abroad and ran around the country without any trace?" Pei Yi raised his sharp eyebrows slightly.

Xu Fan said, "Yes, there is no trace. I can\'t find any information about him. Judging from the level of confidentiality, it is almost the same as the boss, you and Captain Si Jinjian. If it is not a person from the domestic special department, then it is a foreign boss. "

Although Huangfujing is a foreigner, there are also foreigners in some special departments in China.

"Maybe it\'s from Cass, but shouldn\'t Cass\' people see that we should show our teeth and claws? This one doesn\'t look alike?" Yan Xu stretched and sat down opposite Pei Yi, "What\'s the matter, this person What\'s wrong?"

"Actually, even if you find out who he is, it won\'t have any impact on the current situation. I think of an identity that fits his description very well." Pei Yi\'s narrow eyes narrowed slightly.

Yan Shu asked curiously, "Who?"

"Duke Cass." Pei Yi said lightly.

Bernard said in surprise, "Duke Cass? Why? Boss, why do you think so, it\'s amazing!"

"Although I haven\'t seen him yet, I can know a little from the current route of his actions and some behaviors. First of all, he first appeared in Yangcheng, and the Duke of Cass did appear first in South China. After that, we and Kas Si\'s battle was transferred to the imperial capital, and he appeared in the imperial capital again." Pei Yi analyzed.

Song Yingjie said, "That\'s not right! The first place he went to was Linglong Pavilion, and he was a long-term friend with Lin Laocheng! This is too wrong. Duke Cass is not doing his job, what are you doing at your grandfather\'s house? How can he be so publicized as an undercover agent, his identity is exposed too quickly."

"He went to Linglong Pavilion, and it has nothing to do with me or meco. Ajie, have you forgotten that Linglong Pavilion\'s Linglong Jade was almost deceived four years ago?" Pei Yi asked indifferently.

After such a reminder, Song Yingjie immediately remembered, "I remember this! It seemed that some foreigner came to Linglong Pavilion to deceive jade, but fortunately, boss, you were quick to resolve it."

"At the beginning, Pei Qisheng blackmailed the other party by 2 billion, but he spat it all out. He apologized and broke into a cold sweat. The people on that side came from the Cass consortium." Pei Yi said indifferently, "And the reason why they attacked Linglongyu. , it has nothing to do with meco, just because Duke Cass likes rare and precious treasures, especially antique jade from country Z. Those people want to get exquisite jade to please Duke Cass, because our

Intervene. Later, when Duke Cass appeared, he went to see Linglong Jade first. That\'s what\'s in common. "

Song Yingjie was still a little incredulous, "You said that, it seems like this is the case. But it makes people feel unbelievable. I thought that Duke Cass should be surrounded by a bunch of bodyguards, and they won\'t show up easily. He It\'s really daring to just run around like that."

"The Cass family has the backing, who would dare to offend him. And he just came out to hang out in the open, and the bodyguards in the dark are no less than you think." Yan Xu said, looking at Pei Yi, "But no matter what Huangfujing is It\'s not the Duke of Cass, just like the boss said, it has no impact on the current situation, and what should happen will happen. As long as it is not the forces of other parties. "

Pei Yi said, "How about the e-commerce segment?"

"Basically I figured out Mu Yunlan\'s plan. First attack the Ling family with meco\'s e-commerce industry, and after winning, all transferred to Cass. It was unclear before how Mu Yunlan could successfully take meco\'s e-commerce business. The industry has become owned by Cass. Until this time, the people who were hiding in meco and Mu Yunlan\'s group have all moved. They are really hidden deep enough, if it wasn\'t for the transfer of the e-commerce project this time. Move the whole body, they move by themselves, otherwise we really don\'t know who is Cass\' spies!" Yan Xu said coldly.

Pei Yi raised his eyebrows, this was expected, "What about other trends?"

"No. We have monitored all the political and military families in the imperial capital, and Si Jinjian has also watched all the business giants, but we have not found anyone other than Ye Chenxuan to cooperate with Mu Yunlan. And Ye Chenxuan\'s behavior can be judged as personal behavior. , has nothing to do with the entire Ye family, so it cannot be defined that the Ye family has colluded with Cass." Yan Shu replied.

This was unexpected.

Pei Yi has been holding her back, soothing Mu Yunlan\'s emotions, making her feel that she doesn\'t know anything, or that she knows something but doesn\'t care.

Just to wait for her to do it this time. Mu Yunlan has been planning since four years ago. She will definitely take action against the Ling family. After she is determined to win, she will transfer everything to Cass.

At that time, there must be someone in the meco who will cooperate with her, because she can\'t transfer the project by herself. Pei Yi just waited for these spies to be exposed and caught them all.

In addition, there must be people in the outside world who cooperate with her. Because the person she wants to move is Mu Yunting, and it is not enough to rely on people in the business world, and there must be some big political figures involved. If she wants to bring down Mu Yunting and get the Mu family, she must have the help of a super family in the political world.

Behind Mu Yunlan, who else is related to her interests, and whether it is involved in an illegal and secret case like Mu Zifan, is what Pei Yi\'s superior department wants to know.

"Do we need to stand still and wait for the other side to make a move?" Yan Xu asked.

Pei Yi pursed his lips slightly, "Everything is going on as usual, and the other party will definitely move. Letting Mu Yunlan take control of the Mu family should be a very important move. Cass won\'t stand by and stare."

The imperial capital, a secret villa somewhere.

"Sir, Mu Yunlan said that everything is going well. At this rate, the Ling family will not be able to support it by the end of this month. Then she will transfer everything to Cass." Qin Hexiao looked at the person opposite and bowed slightly. , in a respectful tone.