Given A Second Chance: Time for Revenge!

Chapter 601: Block her last escape

Imperial City, sea view villa.

Su Zibao flipped through the information in his hand and frowned slightly at Gu Yian, "Behind the Guo family, is the Chi family?"

"Yes. It\'s clear now that Yashi\'s whitening products are aimed at Yu Yanluo. If it is just the Guo family, without the support of funds and contacts, Yashi is just a copycat product of Ningxue Cream, which is nothing to worry about. Even if they are occupied by them A little bit of the market is irrelevant. However, with the Chi family behind it, the meaning will be different. With the Chi family’s connections and channels, Estee whitening products can be promoted nationwide, just like Yuyanluo at the beginning.” Gu Yian said in a deep voice.

Su Zibao closed the documents, nodded and said, "I understand. When we cooperated with the Li family, sales channels were spread all over the country. With Yuyanluo\'s current ability, he can only set up sales channels in South China, but not in other regions. , can do nothing. However, if you want to sell nationwide like Yuyanluo, you must invest a lot of money. The Chi family is indeed rich in assets, but Chi Xihuan should have no way to spend such a large sum of money for market expansion at once. Bar."

"Yes, because of financial constraints, of course, the most important thing is that Chi Xihuan is not sure whether this new Yashi product can be as popular as Yuyanluo in the past. The dumping of poetry in the South China market should be done to see the situation and then wait and see. If Estee is not the opponent of Ningxue Cream at all, no matter how good the channel is, it is useless. And if the sales in South China are hot, we have to be vigilant. Yes." Gu Yian said.

Su Zibao nodded slightly, "According to the data Bai Fangfei gave me, Estee\'s products appeared in the South China market two months ago, and everyone is waiting to see what the specific situation is. Just like the Bai family, the Guo family is a cosmetics research and development company. The production-oriented family company has a good reputation, and it has a small brand like Baixue from the Bai family before."

"The best way to take precautions now is to preemptively spread Yuyanluo\'s national sales market before the Chi family has acted." Gu Yian suggested.

Su Zibao snorted, "Of course I know, but the property of the Li Group has been frozen, and now there is no way to cooperate with the Li family. We can only wait a few months."

"By the way, there is one more thing, the eldest lady must be vigilant, I am afraid that both meco and the Liang family will be affected." Gu Yian added, "At the beginning, Liang Bulian lost a lot of money and then embezzled public funds, as everyone knows. I asked People inquired about the details of the loss at that time and found some loopholes. From these loopholes, it can be seen that if it hadn\'t been for Liang Bulian\'s cooperation, it would have been impossible to lose so much, so I suspect that it was not a loss, but that he used this method to set up a scheme. A huge sum of money, intending to do something else.”

These are some of the details that he asked Xu Jinyao to help inquire about. Besides, Liang Bulian was busy dealing with this huge sum of money and didn\'t have time to pretend to be good in front of the old man.

"If you want to use a commercial trap to make a lot of money, someone must cooperate. With Liang Bu, you can\'t do it alone. The Liang family doesn\'t seem to know the situation. So, who is in trouble with him?" Su Zibao\'s eyes With a little more thought, "I\'an, the news of Liang Bulian is passed on to Pei Yi, let\'s see what he has to say."


Mu Yunlan attacked the Ling family, Ye Chenxuan suppressed Mu Yunting, the Guo family led by Chi Xihuan attacked Yuyanluo, a subsidiary of the Su Group, and the Liang family, who cooperated with meco, was attacked again.

foot. The storm is about to come, and there are many things to do.

"Miss, Mu Huashang has been picked up by Zhu Fuchang for a few days. She doesn\'t seem to have any plans to leave. At first, she ran to Mu Yunlan every day, but she didn\'t see anyone from Mu Yunlan. She couldn\'t bring herself back to Mu Yunlan\'s house. , Zhu Fuchang treated her like a princess, and she didn\'t plan to leave." Gu Yian said again.

Last time, Mu Huashang didn\'t find Mu Yunlan, and when she was tired and hungry, she was discovered by the people of the Zhu family who had been stalking her for a long time. Zhu Fuchang personally drove to pick him up. No matter how much she hated Zhu Fuchang, she still followed him.

When I am hungry and cold, the first thing I think about is not marriage, but the most basic survival.

Su Zibao sneered, "Even if she is kicked out of the Mu family, Mu Huashang can still find a job by herself. She has a good education and holds a diploma from a famous university. With her education, she can easily go to any one, which is not bad. The company, but she is unwilling to support herself, I thought she dared to run away from home, she has a bit of backbone, it seems that I think highly of her."

"Although it is not difficult to find a job with her education, it is absolutely impossible to maintain her previous expenses, and she is used to living a luxurious life. It is understandable that it is difficult to switch from extravagance to thrift. Now the Mu family really intends to let her Marrying Zhu Fuchang. The main reason is that Mu Yunlan acted too fast, the Ling family was in a difficult situation, and Ye Chenxuan added to the flames. Under all kinds of pressure, Mu Qinghui no longer held back, and talked directly with the Zhu family about marriage. Yun Lan should be sure to end the fight before the Zhu family gets involved. Now the Zhu family also understands the situation of the Mu family, and they are still waiting and watching, and they have no intention of intervening." Gu Yian said.

Su Zibao\'s index finger tapped on the edge of the table, "Then let Mu Huashang go to ask Mu Yunlan to stop, as long as Mu Yunlan stops, the crisis of the Ling family is resolved, and the Mu family will not be in a hurry to marry the Zhu family. There is no need to marry Zhu Fuchang. And if Mu Yunlan refuses, it will be her last retreat."

"Didn\'t this hurt Mu Huashang? How do you say it broke Mu Yunlan\'s retreat?" Gu Yian asked in confusion.

"Mu Yunlan thought that the Ling family\'s business in the e-commerce market would be destroyed soon, which is indeed the case, but I will not let the business war end so quickly. So according to the next development of the situation, Mu Yunlan will gradually discover that, It is impossible for her to make a quick decision, and the Zhu family who is in a wait-and-see state may participate at any time. Then she will definitely find a way to prevent Mu Huashang from marrying Zhu Fuchang. If she wants to stop it, she will use Mu Huashang to use her tricks Maybe she really messed up."

"But now she has rejected Mu Huashang, and with Mu Huashang\'s vengeful character, it is impossible for her to take advantage of her. Now Mu Yunlan thinks that she has a chance to win, that she can end it in the shortest time, and doesn\'t care about Mu Huashang\'s affairs at all. Life and death. She can\'t predict what will happen next, but I know what will happen next, and I also know how she will deal with it. Naturally, I have to block the last way for her before she takes action." Su Zibao\'s eyes His eyes gradually became cold, and a sneer appeared on his lips.

If Mu Yunlan still has a trace of affection for her sister and can\'t bear to marry someone who is poor in all aspects except her family background, if she can help a little, then she still has the last way out.

But her character is unfeeling, cold and vicious, and she will do anything to achieve her goals, so how can she care about the happiness of her sister\'s life.

So this last retreat was blocked by herself. Su Zibao just handed the brick to her.