Given A Second Chance: Time for Revenge!

Chapter 600: What is the deep hatred between my family and you?

In the prison, Mu Zifan was wearing a prison uniform, his face was haggard, he was described as haggard, his hair was messy, and his beard was unshaven.

Perfect interpretation of what is called a prisoner.

Li Han accompanied Li Xiyi to the prison, only separated from Mu Zifan by a layer of iron railings.

Mu Zifan obviously did not expect Li Xiyi to appear. When he faced Li Han, he had always had the face of a villain who would be complacent when he died, until he saw the pale-faced Li Xiyi appear, that changed.

From the beginning to the end, Li Xiyi did not feel sorry for him in the slightest. Although he is the married son-in-law, Li Xiyi has a gentle personality and has never bullied him because he is the eldest lady of the Li family.

Apart from the unpleasant reputation of being married, Li Xiyi, like all virtuous wives, treats him without any debt and treats him very well.

She does not have the temperament of a little princess like Mu Huashang, nor is she as cold and strong as Li Han, nor does she have so many calculations and ambitions like Mu Yunlan, she is just a well-bred eldest young lady. Gentle and kind, tender like water, maybe there is not much unforgettable love between them, but she has fulfilled the responsibilities and obligations of a wife to him.

When a big family is married, it is impossible to say that love is dead or alive, but after marriage, they also raise their eyebrows, respect each other like guests, and sympathize with each other.

As a result, Mu Zifan killed her father, drugged her to control her, and finally caused the miscarriage of the fetus in her womb. And because she found out that something was wrong, she was sent to a mental hospital and injected with hallucinogenic drugs every day.

If he didn\'t have those ambitions and was willing to be the son-in-law of the Li family, their first child would be four years old now.

"Mu Zifan, you didn\'t expect me to come to see you for the last time. You are not allowed to be visited, so your parents won\'t come. Neither will Mu Yunlan. I didn\'t want to see you at all. But so Over the years, from knowing you to now, I don\'t know what is wrong with our Li family to treat you, or what is wrong with me, that caused our Li family to suffer such an unwarranted disaster. After we got married, my father paid attention to it. Your talents are entrusted with important tasks. I am also filial to my father-in-law and my mother-in-law. The two elders have never had any opinion on me or the Li family. What kind of hatred does our Li family have with you? I just want to know this. Mu Zifan, our family What\'s wrong with you, you want to kill my father, chase and kill my sister, cause my child to miscarry, destroy the Li family, and destroy the family." Li Xiyi looked at Mu Zifan, his eyes filled with crystal tears, and asked.

Mu Zifan\'s face no longer had the arrogant look on his face. To this woman, no matter what, he couldn\'t be as confident as when facing Li Han.

"There is no hatred, no resentment. It\'s just that the Li family is one of the top ten giants in the business world. By controlling the Li family, you will gain wealth and status."

Li Xiyi burst into tears, "Just for this, you can kill my father, and just for this, you can miscarry our child. Yes, it should be aborted, with a father like you, it doesn\'t deserve it at all. Born into this world! You are right about this. Haha, you are right."

"Sister, don\'t get excited, don\'t get mad at your body. The doctor said that your body is still in the recovery period, you need to rest well, you can\'t be so excited!" Li Han quickly supported Li Xiyi and said worriedly, "You are still with this kind of person. What is there to say, he does bad things, and now is his retribution!"



Li Xiyi took a deep breath, "Li Han, you don\'t understand. I\'ve been wondering if there is some unforgettable hatred between our Li family and him that makes him so cruel. Mu Zifan, do you have no heart? If not The Li family, you are nothing in the Mu family. The Li family let you have everything and let you join the Li family group. How ruthless you have to be in order to start with the family who are opposite each other day and night. What do you mean by marriage? Aren\'t we a family? You attacked our father, and you attacked your own wife and children! Mu Zifan, you never regarded us as your family! So when you raised your butcher knife, Not even a trace of guilt!"

"Family..." Mu Zifan muttered to himself, what an extravagant word. It turned out that he once had such a happy home, admired his husband-in-law, a gentle and virtuous wife, and a child who was about to be born, but he never noticed that he had such a precious thing.

When his eyes were blinded by ambition and Mu Yunlan, he would do anything to achieve his goal. He never thought that he once had such a good and precious happiness that others could not envy.

"Sister, this kind of person doesn\'t know what repentance is. What he likes is Mu Yunlan, and what he wants is the Li family. In his eyes, our family is just a tool." Li Han stared bitterly. Mu Zifan said.

Li Xiyi wiped the tears from her face and cried with a smile, "Yes, the person you like is Mu Yunlan, but you will never get her, this is your retribution. This is the best punishment for you, In this life, you will never get the woman you want. When you become a prisoner and have to wait here to die, and she is still under the body of another man, this is your retribution. Mu Zifan, you deserve what you deserve! "

Mu Zifan stared blankly at Li Xiyi. He had always known that she was a gentle woman who could not speak loudly, but now she could scold him so harshly. This made him realize with hindsight that he had lost a woman who had loved him so much.

What has he gained and what has been lost, and now even himself can\'t tell.

If he could do it all over again, he would still do it, just like that. But when he looked at Li Xiyi at this moment, he felt extremely uncomfortable and blocked.

Li Han helped Li Xiyi out, and took a last look at Mu Zifan.

Since then, the four-year feud has come to an end here.

A few days later, Mu Zifan was shot. The property of the Li Group is still frozen, Li Han and Si Jinjian began to clean up and inspect the people involved in the case, and carry out the finishing work.

It was during this time that Mu Yunlan finally launched an attack on the Ling family. Ye Chenxuan returned to his career and suppressed Mu Yunting.

For a while, Mu Yunlan and Ye Chenxuan had the upper hand, the Ling family was in jeopardy, and the Mu family was in dire straits.

Su Zibao and Pei Yi returned to the imperial capital, but they did not stop Mu Yunlan, and there was indeed no reason to stop it. Today, the domestic e-commerce market is dominated by Lingjia and meco, and many other families have also entered the e-commerce segment, but they are not as big as the two of them.

If Mu Yunlan defeats the Ling family, it means that e-commerce will be dominated by meco in the future. As for what Pei Yi and Su Zibao plan to do next, no one can guess.