Given A Second Chance: Time for Revenge!

Chapter 450: Information brought by Pei Meiyun

Seeing that Ah Jin didn\'t speak, Lei Lie kicked him angrily, "What opinion does the person behind you have? Let him come to the Agni Gang, and I will tell him the rules."

As soon as the Fire Gang, the leader of the underground forces in Haicheng came out, Ah Jin immediately nodded, "Yes, yes..."

For these people, the name of the Fire Gang is more effective than any wealthy family, and the black tube is black.

Su Zibao and the others walked out of the bar. They were just about to drive away, but before they went out, Pei Meiyun chased after them again.

"What? You asked Pei Yi for help just now. We did. What else do you want to do?" Su Zibao frowned.

Pei Meiyun said immediately, "There were a lot of people just now, so it\'s inconvenient for me to say. I...I want to exchange something with you."

change something? What?

"Well, can I talk to you alone?" Pei Meiyun looked at Su Zibao and Pei Yi, her eyes swept over to the remaining three people, she didn\'t know what their relationship was with Su Zibao and the others.

Lei Lie waved his hand immediately, "Okay. For the private affairs of the Pei family, let\'s avoid suspicion. Li Han, Bo Yina, let\'s get into the car behind. Wait for them."

The three stood on the grass next to the bar, and Su Zibao asked directly, "What do you want to exchange?"

"I know two things, can I exchange 50 million with you as a condition?" Pei Meiyun said cautiously.

Su Zibao said lightly, "Then you have to let us know first what it is and whether it is worth the price."

"The first one is about Grandpa. The second one is about Yucheng Real Estate\'s current five-city construction rights plan." Pei Meiyun said with a sigh of relief.

Mr. Pei, and the current battle for the construction of the Five Cities.

Su Zibao was stunned for a moment, looked at Pei Yi, but saw that he had a cold face, no expression, and didn\'t know what he was thinking.

"First of all, if it\'s valuable news, you won\'t be ignorant of your fifty million yuan. But if you make up fake news just to get money, you\'ll be embarrassed." Su Zibaodai\'s blue eyebrows were slightly raised.

Pei Meiyun said quickly, "No, no! I won\'t talk nonsense. If it wasn\'t for Pei Qisheng treating us like this, I wouldn\'t betray such news. Of course I believe my cousin and cousin, you were willing to say a word for me just now, When I beg Pei Qisheng like this, he doesn\'t even bother to say a word."

"Let\'s talk about grandpa first." Pei Yi finally spoke, his voice low and hoarse. Grandpa\'s news was much more important to him than the current five-city construction rights.

Pei Meiyun said quickly, "Two days before my grandfather\'s death, I also lived in Pei\'s house. Pei Qisheng went to the study very diligently during that time, as if he was deliberately trying to find out the old man\'s work and rest time. The safe in the grandfather\'s study was originally Neither of us had a key, but... Pei Qisheng had it. He changed his clothes that day, and I... I was courteous, so I took his suit to wash, and found the key in my pocket. Before I could react, Pei Qisheng came and scolded him. After giving me a meal, he told me not to touch his things, and I went out."

"I only glanced at the key and thought it was so familiar, like I\'ve seen it somewhere. I remembered later that it was the key to the safe. Then I couldn\'t sleep that night. When I went out for a walk, I saw a lamp in the study. , there were sounds like arguing or fighting, and grandpa\'s angry shouts. I didn\'t pay attention at that time, I thought that grandpa was teaching someone, and I didn\'t dare to get in trouble, so I went back to sleep.

Well, after a while, the news of Grandpa\'s death came..." Pei Meiyun recalled the events of that night with a horrified expression on her face.

Su Zibao sucked in a breath of cold air. Pei Qisheng had the key to the study. Pei Meiyun saw someone in the study with her own eyes, and heard quarrels and slaps with her ears...

"Why didn\'t you tell me earlier?"

Pei Meiyun\'s face was uglier than she was crying, "How dare I say it, if Pei Qisheng knew it would definitely kill me, I don\'t want to die, it\'s not clear, I didn\'t even dare to say it. But what I said is absolutely true."

Pei Yi didn\'t speak. He had examined his grandfather\'s injury that day. Naturally, he couldn\'t have been injured so badly when he fell. He must have been pushed down violently.

Previously, Xu Fan used probability to calculate that Pei Qisheng did it, but he was not completely sure, but now Pei Meiyun\'s words have just become corroborative evidence, and Pei Yi has been confirmed.

Su Zibao pondered, although he still couldn\'t tell the truth from the fake, but from the description, it was very likely to be true. Then Pei Yi asked a few more questions, basically about the details of that night and the details about the key, so that Su Zibao was basically sure that what Pei Meiyun said was true.

And secretly admired Pei Yi\'s way of asking questions to be a police officer.

"The second piece is a secret message about the construction rights of the five cities. Among the five cities, one is called Quancheng, and the director of the new city construction intends to develop this city into a tourist city. What Pei Qisheng and the others are doing is planning for the construction of tourist cities. "Pei Meiyun said, "When he and Bai Lingxue were talking about this that day, I happened to go to them and heard it at the door."

Su Zibao pondered, "I didn\'t expect Yucheng Real Estate to be so powerful, and they have already found out the tendencies there."

In the same city, people plan to develop it into a tourist city, and Yucheng Real Estate writes a tourist city construction plan, but if you write an industrial city plan, even if it is written in hype, it is not suitable.

"Yes, the remaining four of the five cities have no obvious characteristics, and I don\'t know how to plan the construction. I only know that Quancheng is the most valued and important among the five cities. Then there is the director of the New Urban Construction Bureau, who tends to To develop Quancheng into a tourist city." Pei Meiyun said.

The director of the New Urban Construction Bureau is the director of the New Urban Construction Bureau.

Su Zibao nodded, "I see. This news is useful, and both news are very useful."

With that said, he took out a check from his bag, wrote a check for 50 million, and handed it to Pei Meiyun.

"Thank you for the news. It\'s 50 million. After you pay off the debt, let\'s live a good life with your mother."

Pei Meiyun gratefully accepted the check, at this time she finally breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Thank you, thank you cousin, thank you cousin."

After Pei Meiyun left, Su Zibao looked at Pei Yi, "What do you think of these two news, I don\'t think she lied."

"The news that we gave her 50 million will soon spread. In any case, we will never say the first exchange condition. Pei Meiyun would not dare to reveal it. Tell them directly, the second news that Pei Meiyun said." Pei Yi\'s tone was low.

Su Zibao instantly understood what he meant and said, "Okay. If anyone doubts why we gave Pei Meiyun 50 million, they would not think about the grandfather."