Given A Second Chance: Time for Revenge!

Chapter 449: give her a hand

"My surname is Pei." Pei Yi glanced at him coldly, his eyes like a knife.

Su Zibao walked over and kicked him, sneering at him, "My surname is Su."

"And me." Lei Lie also made a stern shot, "I see clearly, your uncle\'s surname is Lei."

This time, the entire venue was quiet as if a needle could be heard. When there was a fight here just now, the music stopped, and all the people around gathered around to watch the fun.

The four giants of Haicheng, it is not the turn of some people to insult.

Brother Qun is really going to cry now, his uncle, how can he be so cheap, and the bragging has been heard by the righteous master.

Some of the onlookers didn\'t know the truth, and those sitting at the table next to them heard clearly what the group of brothers said, and they all answered their doubts.

"Just that idiot. He made a big promise to sleep all over the four giants of Pei Lei Subai, but at the table next to him, there were three people from the giants."

"He really bragged about not paying taxes, how dare you say that?"

"Hey, look at the liquor girl next to her, that\'s Pei Meiyun from the Pei family. If it wasn\'t for them, he would be able to sleep in one tonight."

"I heard that the current head of the Pei family, Pei Tianyou, is ruthless and unscrupulous. The old man drove away a son as soon as he died. When he was fighting for the family property, he also drove his own brother to Yangcheng. Now his own sister owes usurious loans. , let my sister, mother and daughter be reduced to sleeping with alcohol, tsk tsk, really heartless."

"I drank too much, I was bragging, I was cheap, I was talking nonsense!" Brother Qun slapped himself a few times with a slap in the face. He attacked hard enough, with absolute sincerity, and begged for mercy, "I really don\'t have that idea. , I\'m just bragging! I\'m just a cheap talker! Several gentlemen and young ladies just pretended they didn\'t hear what I said."

Lei Lie looked at his cowardly look with disdain, and said, "Hey, even if you have this idea, you still think you have this ability."

"I don\'t dare, I really don\'t dare..." Brother Qun really cried now, and a big old man cried with snot and tears.

It really wasn\'t him who was cowardly. The four major families of Pei Lei and Su Bai could kill him with a single move of a finger, but now he has offended several families at once.

As for Pei Meiyun, he is not afraid, because since Pei Fenfen went to Pei Tianyou to ask for money, but he couldn\'t get it, he was splashing at Pei\'s house. It is said that his nails were scratched on Pei Tianyou\'s face, and he scolded him from beginning to end. In a fit of anger, Pei Tianyou completely cut off relations with Pei Fenfen\'s mother and daughter.

In other words, it doesn\'t matter how you play with Pei Fenfen and Pei Meiyun now, the Pei family doesn\'t recognize them. But he couldn\'t afford to offend anyone other than these two.

"Don\'t cry, it\'s so ugly!" Bo Yina said in disgust.

Su Zibao looked at Pei Yi, "How to deal with it?"

These people don\'t have any serious sins, they just say a few ugly words and teach them a lesson. The key is how Pei Meiyun handles it.

"Cousin..." Pei Meiyun looked at Pei Yi with tears in her eyes.

Pei Yi glanced at her. He only had hatred for Pei Tianyou. At the beginning, Pei Qisheng, Pei Yingyu, including Pei Meiyun were not in the scope of his revenge at all, but some people wanted to come out to deal with him.

Pei Meiyun\'s cold eyes and sarcasm towards him, apart from that, did not

If he did other things to frame him, he was just trying to gain momentum, and he wouldn\'t target him for that.

But it doesn\'t help either. I just happened to meet it today, and when I met it, I saved it once.

Hearing Pei Meiyun calling out this apparently nasty and extravagant male cousin, all the thugs lying on the ground were upset.

It\'s over.

"Whatever you want." Pei Yi ignored Pei Meiyun and said to Su Zibao.

Su Zibao probably understood what he meant, swept the mess on the ground, and said coldly, "Get out of here."

"Yes, yes..." Now those talents let out a sigh of relief and ran away one by one.

Bai Yina tutted, "I didn\'t want to get up just now, but now I say let them run away so fast one by one. Really, a group of people has ruined our mood, why don\'t we go to continue the stall?"

"Go, go to my place, heaven and earth." Lei Lie agreed.

Seeing that Su Zibao and the others were leaving, Pei Meiyun grabbed Pei Yi\'s sleeve and said, "Wait, cousin, help me, please help me, 50 million, only 50 million will do."

The onlookers who listened to the sentence took a breath, 50 million, I have never seen so much money in my life, and now they say that it is only 50 million, as long as this word is really vivid enough.

"Pei Meiyun, you know exactly how you treated us Pei Yi in the past. This time, because of the surname of Pei Yi, Pei Yi took action, but why do you think he wants to help you. 50 million, if you really did If you take him as your cousin, 50 million, give it. But you didn\'t take Pei Yi as your cousin at all, do you have the face to ask for this money?" Su Zibao sneered, put his arms around Pei Yi\'s arm, and shook off Pei Meiyun\'s. hand.

She has always disliked anyone bullying Pei Yi the most, it feels worse than bullying herself. Thinking about Pei Yi\'s treatment of Pei Shishi, let alone fifty million, Pei Yi can give as much as she wants. But Pei Meiyun, who is also a cousin, is too different.

Pei Yi is not a bad guy who repays his grievances with virtue.

"It was all my fault before, and it was all my bad. It was me who gained power, and I wanted to flatter Pei Qisheng. My mother and I were eating when Pei Qisheng looked at Pei\'s family. If Pei Qisheng had any opinion on us, we would hang out at Pei\'s house. If I don\'t go down, I can only do this. I didn\'t mean it myself, I really didn\'t mean to offend my cousin." Pei Meiyun\'s crying pear blossoms were raining, but this time she was holding on to Su Zibao\'s sleeves and didn\'t let go.

She found that Su Zibao\'s attitude now is her cousin\'s attitude.

"We already know that Pei Qisheng is ruthless and unjust, and I don\'t blame you if you don\'t borrow money, cousin, but please, please tell the boss of Ah Jin and the others, and let my mother and I work every month to earn money to repay the loan. No, don\'t let us go out and sit on the stage, my mother is so old." Pei Meiyun also understood that she had offended Pei Yi before, and now she can only take the next step, she knelt on the ground and cried, " We really know we\'re wrong now, please, just say a word, just say a word and you\'re done."

If Pei Meiyun insisted that Pei Yi give 50 million, Su Zibao would ignore her at all. Since she has self-awareness and knows how to judge the situation, she still remembers her mother at this time, she is not too bad, Su Zibao glanced at Pei Yi, and said to Ah Jin, who didn\'t dare to walk and was still lying on the ground: "Did you hear them? The money you owe will be paid by working every month. First, you are not allowed to force them to sell themselves. Second, you know that your loan sharks are very serious. Today, 50 million will get 100 million every day. From now on, 50 million is not allowed. rise."