Given A Second Chance: Time for Revenge!

Chapter 451: Bring your own show of love

Haicheng, the top floor of Century Building.

Su Zibao flipped through the information in Quancheng and leaned halfway on Pei Yi\'s shoulder, while Pei Yi was peeling walnuts. Others have to use pliers to pinch, he just needs to put it in the palm of his hand and squeeze it hard, and the walnut shell will crack.

The slender fingers peeling the walnut shell are as pleasing to the eye as art.

After peeling a walnut, remove the residue from the broken shell, and then feed it to Su Zibao\'s mouth. Su Zibao only needs to open his mouth to eat fresh walnut kernels.

The intimacy between the two made the opposite single dog Yan Xu and Bernard sigh silently, and then the two took out a pair of sunglasses from their coat pockets at the same time and put them on.

Xiao Xiaodai walked in from the kitchen pushing the cut fruit plate dining cart, and placed the prepared fruit plate on the glass table. Seeing Yan Xu and Bernard, she couldn\'t help laughing, "What are you two doing? What sunglasses are you wearing in the house during the day? ."

"I\'ve been blinded by the other side, lightning of 100,000 volts!" Yan Xu smiled.

Bernard raised his hand in agreement, "Yes, biubiu, lightning!"

Xiao Xiaodai laughed and turned to look at the Pei Su couple next to her. Pei Yi just happened to feed Su Zibao a whole walnut kernel, and Su Zibao\'s eyes were still on the document, and he tacitly picked up the walnut and ate it.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Xiaodai lowered her head silently, then took out a pair of sunglasses from her pocket and put it on, then sat beside Yan Xu.

"Since the two of them reconciled, they have shown their love every day. In a radius of ten miles, it is difficult for dogs to survive." Yan Xu picked up a cantaloupe and said teasingly.

Bernard said in non-standard Mandarin, "Must have equipment, sunglasses!"

"Well... why do you want to fall in love for no reason?" Xiao Xiaodai looked at the pair opposite and sighed.

Yan said, "That\'s what\'s scary about them. This kind of unidentified magnetic wave fluctuation, like the collision of two positive and negative electrons, resonates with the human brain\'s adrenal hormones, stimulates the production of hormones, and makes dogs want to get along with each other. They\'re on the same swing."

"Speak human words." Xiao Xiaodai rolled her eyes, showing off her knowledge.

Bernard said immediately, "I understand! It\'s normal for a single dog to want to fall in love with such injuries. Miss Xiao, just fall in love, I smell the smell of spring!"

"Strange, why is your Chinese better than mine?" Xiao Xiaodai rubbed her chin and said to herself, "Could it be that my Chinese ability has deteriorated?"

Su Zibao, who was looking at the materials, finally couldn\'t bear the stupidity of the three living treasures. He raised his head and said, "Hey, three, the news has been passed on to you, how do you come up with an idea?

"Don\'t the director of the New Construction Bureau just like to build Quancheng into a tourist and cultural city? Let\'s follow his ideas. I checked, and there are not many tourism elements in Quancheng, but the good thing is that this is the hometown of celebrities. If you are traveling, you can only focus on this." Yan Xu said.

Xiao Xiaodai said while eating the fruit, "Well, I have seen the landscape pictures of Quancheng. The natural scenery is okay, but it is better than the beautiful scenery. The main focus is on a famous hometown, and it should be good to do a good job of greening and maintain the original ecology. It is true that Quancheng is Among the five cities, the city has the best geographical location, the largest area and the most development value.”

"However, if you are traveling, it always feels a bit..." Su Zibao put down the information in his hand and looked at the person next to him.

Pei Yi didn\'t say the rest.

Four years ago, the tourist town of Geas in Western Europe was built by Su Zibao. She can\'t get in on the construction of other cities, but she has the most say in building a tourist city.

Pei Yi also looked at her, his narrow eyes blinked slightly, and he fed her the walnut kernels in his hand.

Do you feel the same way as me?

Afterwards, Mu Yunlan and Song Yingjie came one after another, and this time all the people involved in the five-city construction planning were here. Su Zibao repeated the news he got from Pei Meiyun. Now everyone basically understands that the director of the New Urban Construction Bureau wants to develop Quancheng into a tourist city.

The construction of this city is also the most important of these cities.

"Then write a planning case according to the planning of the tourist city." Mu Yunlan said.

Yan Xu said, "Well, Quancheng is the most important, but other cities can\'t relax, why don\'t we divide the labor?"

"Yanxu, Bernard, Xiao Xiaodai, Song Yingjie, you are responsible for the planning of the remaining four cities except Quancheng, and Quancheng will be handed over to Mu Yunlan..." Pei Yi reached out and put his hand around Su Zibao\'s shoulder, raising a touch of laziness with a smile, "and Bao."

Yan Xu and the others looked at each other, boss, are you serious? Make sure you put your current wife and ex-girlfriend in the same group.

"Then leave the planning of Spring City to Miss Mu to write." Su Zibao handed over his power lightly.

Mu Yunlan smiled and said humbly, "Miss Su has the successful case of Geas Town, and I will definitely do my part in other urban construction. But writing tourism city planning is far inferior to Miss Su, so please ask Miss Su. Start writing."

"Miss Mu means that you think your tourism city planning is not as good as mine, so let me write it?" Su Zibao spoke very straightly, without showing any emotion, a sarcastic smile on his lips, "If that\'s the case, I think you don\'t have to participate in this planning, Miss Mu. It\'s enough to have me."

The atmosphere suddenly stiffened.

Yan Xu has always been a gentleman, and he said, "Miss Mu is actually very experienced in urban planning, and she is also an expert in this field..."

"Then ask Miss Mu to write." Su Zibao blocked the rest of the words.

A trace of displeasure flashed in Mu Yunlan\'s eyes, and Su Zibao was too aggressive, as if she was her immediate boss and assigned her tasks. Su Zibao was arrogant, and Mu Yunlan instantly turned into a little white flower swaying in the wind, and said softly, "Then what is Miss Su doing?"

I write urban planning, what are you doing? Although the tone is soft, but the counterattack is precise.

"Didn\'t you just say that you think your planning is not as good as mine, after all, I have four years of experience with Geas. How can an imperfect tourism plan with loopholes appear in the New Urban Construction Bureau? I\'m in the office, so of course my task is to see if there are any problems with your plan." Su Zibao turned his nose up, looked at Mu Yunlan with a natural tone, and said with a smile, "Help you fix it so you can get For progress, Miss Mu doesn\'t have to thank me, who told you that you are Pei Yi\'s good friend, and you should impart some experience. What\'s more, with my experience, it\'s just a hands-on effort."

As soon as these words came out, Mu Yunlan felt as if he had stepped on dog feces, an indescribable discomfort.

Why since Su Zibao came back, she felt aggrieved and panicked!