Given A Second Chance: Time for Revenge!

Chapter 448: The wine girl at the next table

Bo Yina and Li Han are small, and they are happy friends with Lei Lie. In addition, they have a bold personality, but their temper is on fire, and they quickly integrate into the small circle of Su Zibao and the others.

The atmosphere in the bar was warm. At this time, all the people present were their own people. Everyone was drinking and dancing. The music was loud and the atmosphere was warm. Su Zibao held up the red wine and shook it in front of Li Han, touched her a glass, and said, "How is it? Is there any progress in the Li family\'s affairs?"

"Mu Zifan is wary of me now, just like a mouse seeing a cat. But I did find some clues. I suspect that my sister should have some evidence, otherwise Mu Zifan would not be sent to a nursing home. But I left for four years. Now, my sister\'s guardian is Mu Zifan, and I can\'t get my sister out." Li Han smiled wryly, because she is not the guardian, and Li Xiyi is now nominally a mental patient.

Su Zibao patted her shoulder in comfort.

"But I can\'t act rashly now. Fortunately, Mu Zifan didn\'t kill his sister for the sake of his own reputation. If I show that I have noticed this now, I\'m worried that he will go to the hospital first to kill a mental patient. Illness is a normal thing. Now at least I can guarantee that the eldest sister will be fine for the time being. And when the time is right, I will definitely pick up my sister." Li Han said, took a deep breath, and raised a bright smile at Su Zibao. , "Don\'t worry about me. I can handle the rest myself."

Li Han didn\'t know yet that Su Zibao had reached a cooperation with Ye Chenxuan. Before the matter was done, Su Zibao did not intend to let Li Han know.

It would be a surprise if it succeeds by then.

"Fortunately, you and Pei Yi are now reconciled. It wasn\'t affected by what happened back then, otherwise I would never feel at ease." Li Han glanced at Pei Yi next to him, and approached Su Zibao\'s ear and said, "You guys are now good at mixing oil with honey. Same, don\'t you tell him everything?"

Su Zibao shook his head slightly, "The timing is not ripe. You know about the construction rights of the five cities right now, right? I doubt that Mu Yunlan will take action. Oh, by the way, have you found any traces of manipulation by other people or forces behind Mu Zifan? ?"

"There is no evidence, but after I came back this time, I do have this feeling." Li Han looked at Su Zibao in surprise, "I only got this little bit after investigating the information and personnel transfer of the Li Group in the past four years. Guess, Bao, you have never dealt with Mu Zifan, how would you know? Could it be because of Mu Yunlan?"

Su Zibao nodded, "Yes, both of them have problems. Now things have become more complicated than I thought before. But it doesn\'t matter, the fox\'s tail will definitely leak out, let\'s wait."

Li Han picked up the red wine glass in front of her and touched her, then nodded earnestly, "Yeah!"

"Why do you two whisper sisters when you meet, walk around and dance?" Lei Lie looked at the two of them and said, just now Su Zibao and Li Han were talking in low voices, and the music in the bar was very loud, even if Lei Lie and the others didn\'t hear him sitting next to him.

And Pei Yi seemed to be playing with the glass in his hand, watching the beauties dancing in the field, and didn\'t care what they said.

At this moment, there was a sudden clang on the table next door, the sound of the wine bottle falling to the ground, and then the scolding voice of a wretched middle-aged man, "Aren\'t you the one to accompany the wine, little bitch? Touch what\'s wrong, give your face shameless!"

"I only sell alcohol! I don\'t sell my body!" a scantily clad liquor girl said angrily.


p; The middle-aged man snorted, "Hey, what a big temper, how did Ah Jin arrange for Ah Jin to come over!"

A young man who looked like a gangster hurried over to apologize and said, "Brother Qun, don\'t be angry, it\'s a small mistake, a small mistake, come and come, Xiao Ye\'er, come and drink with Brother Qun."

"Wait, don\'t just find someone to fool me, Xiao Ye\'er is nothing, I just know that this woman is Pei Qisheng\'s cousin, and I want to **** her. Other women, how can she be precious! Pei\'s woman, hehe, Laozi I\'ve never been to a woman from one of the four richest families!" The middle-aged man sneered, took out a thick wad of money from his arms and smashed it on Ajin\'s face, pointed at the wine girl and said, "In a word, Laozi spends I have the money, can I go in?"

Ah Jin took Qian Xiao\'s eyes and squinted together, and said, "Of course, Brother Qun is bold, she is yours tonight. Brother Qun can play whatever he wants."

"No! You promised me that I would only accompany me as a drinker, and I would not sell my body." Pei Meiyun panicked, pulling on A Jin\'s sleeve and said.

Ah Jin shook her off, "It\'s a blessing for you to be seen by Brother Qun, how long will it take you to sit on the stage to earn such a sum. You and your mother owe us so much money, it\'s only right and proper to pay back the debt!"

"Hmph, don\'t come here for me, I also tasted the rich and powerful women today, what\'s the difference between them and other women." The group of brothers smiled lewdly.

Ah Jin accompanied him with a smile, "What\'s the difference, not all of them have two legs."

"Hey, the four giants, I will go to one today, and the remaining three giants, wait." The man drank too much and said wildly.

The people at his table all laughed, "That\'s it, Brother Qun will go to the four giants in the future, what Pei Lei Su Bai, one by one."

The faces of Su Zibao and Lei Lie at the next table sank at the same time, and Pei Lei Su Bai came one by one with a big tone. Moreover, Pei Meiyun has been reduced to sleeping with the wine, and Pei Qisheng is ruthless and unrighteous enough.

Su Zibao looked at Pei Yi, she was going to give the table next door a good look, let them know what it is, and talk well. But what about Pei Meiyun? When Mr. Pei was still alive, Su Zibao and Pei Yi would meet their mother and daughter every time they went back. They always sneered at Pei Yi and flattered Pei Qisheng.

Pei Yi picked up a beer bottle on the table and covered it directly on the middle-aged man who had just made a rhetoric.

"Who are you, dare to beat our boss!" The gangsters scolded.

It just started like this. In less than three minutes, all seven or eight men at the next table were knocked to the ground. Pei Yi and Lei Lie had no chance at all from Su Zibao.

"You guys are fighting so fast, I haven\'t made a move yet, I didn\'t leave any of them, how come these people are so unbeaten, they all lie down!" Bai Yina kicked a hooligan on the ground and said angrily.

Pei Meiyun looked in shock at the sudden appearance of Pei Yi and others. She never thought that Pei Yi would appear when she was reduced to sleeping with her.

The third cousin, whom she had always looked down on before, came down from the sky to help.

"Who are you? Why did you beat me?" Brother Qun was beaten with a bruised nose and a swollen face. He was the one with the most serious injuries. He really couldn\'t even recognize his mother.

In addition to him, that Ah Jin was also beaten horribly. The others were better, but none of them could get up and lay on the ground.