Given A Second Chance: Time for Revenge!

Chapter 447: Pei's family is in trouble again

After flying back to Haicheng from the imperial capital, everything was calm, no different from before.

The relocation of the head of the Shen family in the imperial capital made the wealthy families in Haicheng gasp in admiration. The imperial capital is really a turbulent place. Shen Xi, who was once kicked out of the house, became the new owner of the Shen family. Those who have a good relationship with Shen Xi have also risen.

There are many people who regret that Su Zibao broke the engagement with Shen Xi, otherwise she is now the mistress of the Shen family. But compared to Pei Yi\'s current status as the head of the Asian region, it seems that each has its own advantages and disadvantages?

In order to win the construction rights of the five cities this time, the Century Consortium and Yucheng Real Estate have all made great efforts to show their magical powers.

At this moment, a small incident in the Pei family did not attract everyone\'s attention, but only became a topic of conversation for ordinary people after dinner. Pei Tianyou\'s younger sister, Pei Fenfen, divorced her husband at an early age, and brought her a daughter, Pei Meiyun.

As a result, a little lover kept by Pei Fenfen swept away a lot of her property, and also used the real estate in her name to gamble and owe a lot of usury.

Under the man\'s design, Pei Fenfen is now penniless and owes a lot of usury.

In desperation, she could only ask Pei Tianyou for help. But Pei Tianyou didn\'t care about her family, didn\'t care about her at all, and swept her and her daughter Pei Meiyun out of the house.

"Second cousin, please save us. Mom owes a lot of usury loans. If you don\'t pay back the money, those people will arrest me and my mom to sell our bodies to pay back the money, and then we will lose the face of the Pei family. Second Cousin, please help!" Pei Meiyun burst into tears.

But Pei Qisheng just glanced at her indifferently and said, "Father said that the aunt\'s own troubles and cleaning up the mess by herself has nothing to do with us."

"Second cousin, you can\'t be so cruel, and you don\'t have a lot of money, just 50 million, just 50 million." Pei Meiyun prayed.

Bai Lingxue smirked, "Cousin, 50 million, don\'t even think that if we throw away 50 million now, you won\'t end up earning it all your life. Isn\'t that throwing money away? Don\'t worry, Qi Sheng won\'t be so heartless, He has sent someone to find the **** who ran away with the money, as long as you find it, you will be saved."

"It\'s impossible to find him with 50 million, and my mother\'s name is on the list of debtors." Pei Meiyun clenched her fists, trembling all over. Fifty million is an astronomical sum for them now, but the Pei family must be able to come up with it.

Absolutely get it.

Fifty million is not much for the Pei family. For Pei Qisheng himself, it\'s not too much. But for him, money is used to generate money, and giving it to Pei Meiyun is obviously losing money.

Don\'t expect to get it back.

"Cousin, you should go back, maybe you can think of other ways." Bai Lingxue smiled.

Pei Meiyun roared, "Pei Qisheng, how can you be so cruel, we are a family! You don\'t even help us."

"Don\'t think that I should help you if your surname is Pei. Pei Yi is also surnamed Pei. Compared with him, we are more kind to your family. We will solve the troubles that aunt has encountered these years. Your mother and daughter can live through it. So comfortable and spending money like soil, also rely on the Pei family. It has been so many years, and now you still rely on the Pei family, and you still rely on yourself in case of trouble." Pei Qisheng said coldly.

Pei Meiyun\'s heart was ashes. Yes, Pei Yi is also surnamed Pei, and Pei\'s family in Yangcheng is also surnamed Pei. If you want to impress them with family affection, there is no way. <b


But benefits? She didn\'t. effect? She was useless.

"Okay, cousin, don\'t cry, you can go first, we have to receive guests here later, so it\'s not convenient to entertain you." Bai Lingxue turned her face and drove away.

Pei Meiyun still refused to leave, crying and begging, and was finally thrown out by the servant.

"Qi Sheng, in fact, 50 million, if you buy the reputation of the Pei family, it will be worth the cost. What\'s more, Pei Fenfen and Pei Meiyun are Pei family members after all, and they were really dragged to be the young lady on the stage, so we\'ll be ashamed. I think. I want someone to point a finger and say this is Qi Sheng\'s cousin, this is Qi Sheng\'s aunt, it\'s disgusting." Bai Lingxue said with a look of disgust.

She wanted to help Pei Meiyun, of course, not for family affection, but for the reputation of the Pei family and their own reputation.

"I don\'t know, this is what Dad explained, and he must not help them." Pei Qisheng frowned and pondered for a while, then said, "Auntie and the others have been relying on the Pei family for so many years, and Dad treats them so leniently, originally to show others Pei. The family\'s affection, the reputation of the Pei family. But what we are doing now is completely different from before. This decision may be the idea of ​​that Mr. Qin. "

Qin Hexiao. Agent of the Cass consortium.

Bai Lingxue and Pei Qisheng looked at each other, both of them are smart people, they know what the meaning is probably hidden in it, but at this time they don\'t know what the Cass consortium wants to do.

But for them, if they don\'t help, they don\'t help, and they save a fortune by the way, so Pei Qisheng will not question his father\'s decision for the sake of two worthless relatives.

Riley is out of the hospital! Originally, the doctor said that he would have to lie down for at least two months, but this guy is probably used to being beaten since he was a child, and he recovered in half a month. The doctor concluded that this is due to the fact that the body\'s self-healing ability is three times faster than that of ordinary people due to years of beating.

Such a conclusion made Bai Yina, who had been worried about his condition, couldn\'t help laughing.

When Lei Lie was discharged from the hospital, the first thing he did was to go to Cangxi with Bo Yina to clean up Chen Ding. Now that the Chen family has collapsed, there is no pressure to bully him. As long as he doesn\'t kill him, Lei Lie takes advantage of the Bai family\'s power and "bully people" once.

He flew back to Haicheng that night to celebrate his discharge from the hospital. The location was chosen at the most luxurious bar in Haicheng. Su Zibao, Pei Yi, and even Li Han from the imperial capital flew back to celebrate.

They have not been reunited like this for a long time. The last time was four years ago.

"I named him a duel, and after a few moments he passed out. With such a little bit of resistance to beatings, I still want to pick up Bo Yina. To be honest, I think even if he is really hooked, it will take a few days if he can\'t be saved. He was beaten to death." Lei Lie slapped his mouth, obviously although he tortured Chen Ding, it wasn\'t enough to let this young Lei out.

Bai Yina shoveled over, "What are you doing to kill Chen Ding and pull me!"

"No, no, I sincerely suggest you to find someone with strong resistance to beatings in the future." Lei Lieqiang smirked.

Li Han chuckled, "When it comes to being able to resist beatings, who can compare to you, Lei Shao. Even other doctors say that because of frequent beatings, the body\'s self-healing ability is three times faster than that of ordinary people. To be discharged so quickly, or for this reason, really shocked me and stunned me."

"Master Lei has a good way of teaching his son." Su Zibao laughed and teased.

The three girls united to bully Lei Lie, while Pei Yi stood by the side with an expression of watching a play, slowly took a sip of red wine.