Given A Second Chance: Time for Revenge!

Chapter 446: Cooperation, the secret weapon

"The password must be on him, search it quickly!" Without giving Shen Fangbin time to react, the Shen family rushed to arrest Shen Huan, and then successfully found the silver-white key.

When I took out the key, I opened the box, and inside the box were the batch of patented products that were supposed to be in the warehouse, but disappeared.

"How could this happen? I don\'t have anything like this in my house, I didn\'t steal it, I really didn\'t steal it!" Shen Huan immediately shouted, and he was really wronged. He didn\'t know the goods either. He still didn\'t know that this thing appeared in his house.

Shen Fangbin responded quickly and suddenly said loudly, "Huan\'er, tell me, who came to your room today and who framed you?"

"No one\'s been here before..." Shen Huan was helpless. There was really no one, even Su Zibao just stood by his door and didn\'t go in.

As soon as these words came out, Shen Xi said with a smile, "Did the uncle want to use this method to excuse Shen Huan? Will two servants be arranged to admit that they stole it, and frame it and put it in Shen Huan\'s room?"

"How can a servant get this box of things, Shen Huan can\'t get it, the only one who can do this is Shen Fangbin." A certain Shen family elder sneered.

Shen Huan looked at Shen Fangbin in shock and said aggrieved, "Dad, how could you steal something and put it in my house to frame me? I\'m your own son!"

Shen Fangbin almost spit out a mouthful of old blood. With such a pitiful son, he really had eight lifetimes of blood mold, and he did too many wicked things, and he deserved retribution.

"Uncle, I think these things are all a series. It seems that Uncle wants to make an investment recently, but all the investment projects of the Shen family have to be approved by the old Shen family. Uncle took these things without notifying everyone in advance. , let me be a junior, I don\'t know what to say." Shen Xi said.

The Shen family said coldly, "What do you need to say, just follow what Shen Fangbin said just now, and expel their family from the Shen family!"

Shen Fangbin\'s face turned pale.

The things were found in Shen Huan\'s house, the keys were on Shen Huan\'s body, and the physical evidence was complete, and Shen Huan said that he didn\'t know the existence of this batch of things, only his father had the opportunity to get them, and he kept Shen Fangbin dead. Drag into the water.

Although the final result did not really drive Shen Fangbin out of the Shen family, it also relinquished his position as the head of the family and deprived him of the right to decide on the research laboratory\'s patented products.

From now on, Shen Xi has become the head of the Shen family, and the use of the laboratory products only requires the consent of Shen Xi and the Shen family elders.

At noon that day, the power of the Shen family was handed over, and Shen Xi became the new ruler.

The first thing he did when he became the head of the Shen family was to transfer all the construction products that Su Zibao and the others needed, and Su Zibao and the others came up with a cooperation agreement that would definitely make the Shen family make money. In the past, Shen Fangbin earned ** into his own pocket, but now Shen Xi is fair with the clan elders. Everyone found that after Shen Xi came to power, they made more money and shared more profit. .

In the afternoon, the cooperation agreement was reached, and everyone signed a non-disclosure agreement.

That night, Su Zibao and Pei Yi independently registered a small company, and immediately carried out development and research on the patents they obtained to ensure that they could be put into use immediately after winning the right to build a new city.

On the plane, Su Zibao looked at the white clouds floating outside the window. The sky was very blue, like a sky, pure and without a trace of impurities. The sun shines above the clouds, emitting a golden light. Yes

A view that is absolutely impossible to see on the ground.

All the way to the present, I can\'t help feeling emotional. When she stayed in Geas four years ago to look for that thing for Shen Xi, they had agreed that after four years, he would go back in a beautiful and beautiful way and get back what belonged to him. And now, Shen Xi has finally become the head of the Shen family and the absolute controller of the Shen family\'s research laboratory.

Although Shen Fangbin will definitely not be reconciled, there should be some small actions, but I believe that Shen Xi can solve it. She doesn\'t need to worry about the rest, the long-cherished wishes of the year have finally come true one by one.

Shen Xi, who was kicked out by Shen Fangbin at that time, never imagined that there would be a day like this.

Even if it is very difficult and difficult, as long as you go all out to do it, as long as you stick to your own heart, and then put in your efforts, you will definitely be able to achieve it.

Fate has always been fair.

"A Bao, what are you thinking about?" Pei Yi looked at Su Zibao next to her. The sun shone on her face through the window, like a golden light on this peerless face, which was as beautiful as a picture scroll.

Su Zibao turned to look at him, "I was thinking, this time you will definitely win."

"Well, I never lose." Pei Yi\'s thin lips curled up slightly in a slightly upward arc, with a natural tone that was a bit narcissistic.

Su Zibao stretched out his index finger and poked his face, giggling, "Should you be shameless. Pei Yi, don\'t disclose the matter of our cooperation with the Shen family, and we will announce it when the final decision is made."

She was wary of Mu Yunlan.

"That\'s natural." Pei Yi took her fingers, put them on his lips, and kissed them gently, elegant and lazy.

Su Zibao\'s mind moved, and he felt that Pei Yi was wary of Mu Yunlan before. Could it be... Could it be... Now he also has an idea that coincides with his own?

"Why do you think so too?" Su Zibao stared at Pei Yi, his big bright eyes flickering.

Pei Yi Meifeng raised his eyebrows lightly, still in his natural tone, "We were caught off guard by Yucheng Real Estate, in case they know our trump card, they can find countermeasures while there is still enough time to offset our advantages. Patented architectural products , is the secret weapon we planned this time. Before the final confrontation, naturally it cannot be exposed, otherwise why would we sign a non-disclosure agreement with the Shen family."

Well, she really thinks too much.

He thought he was trying to guard against Mu Yunlan, but it turned out that he was guarding Yucheng Real Estate. Forget it, no matter what, the secrecy has achieved its purpose.

Next, Mu Yunlan, will you take action again in this incident? Well, the first step, what are you going to do.

Haicheng, Mu Yunlan looked at Mu Zifan in front of him, and said lightly, "You can just pass on these words to them just now, word for word."

"Yun Lan, do you want to drive Su Zibao away so much? Don\'t hesitate to use their power. But these are not in conflict with what you are doing now." Mu Zifan frowned, "Or are you just doing it for your own selfishness?"

Mu Yunlan glanced at him, and said slowly, "selfishness or publicity, it\'s not your turn to question. All you have to do is tell them, I\'m not suitable for direct contact with them now. You should also be careful recently, don\'t get caught Grab the handle."

"Hey, it\'s rare, you actually care about me. Well, don\'t worry, when did I go wrong with the things you explained."

A dense web, woven silently, just waiting for the prey to appear.