Given A Second Chance: Time for Revenge!

Chapter 445: where is the thing

The search finally began, and the first search was Shen Fangbin\'s residence. Shen Fangbin and Zhou Hong lived together in the big mansion where Shen\'s house was in and out.

In order to show fairness, the person in charge of the search was a respected elder in the Shen clan elders.

And now everyone finally understands why Shen Fangbin is unwilling to search.

Standing in the living room, Su Zibao saw a lot of **** toys that were found, and it was very difficult to hold back his laughter. It doesn\'t matter if you find some condoms, there are a large box of **** toys, as well as various aphrodisiac medicines, and a lot of bottles and cans.

This time, everyone looked at Shen Fangbin in a wrong way. I really don\'t see it, Mr. Shen and Mrs. Zhou are so old, in their forties and fifties, and they are still so... old and strong.

These things, the shy Zhou Hong\'s face turned black. But there is no way, in order to pit Shen Xi, they endure.

If these things are found, it will only make them blush, then the boxes of cash, banknotes and gold and silver jewelry found next will raise a subtle atmosphere in the Shen family.

Everyone knew that Shen Fangbin was rich, but when he saw several large boxes of red bills, and those rare antiques of gold bullion and pearl bracelets, there were several large boxes, and no one would be jealous.

"I didn\'t expect Uncle to have such a hobby. He likes to keep so much cash at home and touch it before going to bed?" Shen Xi smiled.

The Shen family members, who were already jealous, said yin and yang, "Maybe they like to play with those **** toys with the banknotes on the bed!"

"Hehe, look at that pearl necklace. I\'ve never seen such a big pearl before. It\'s worth a lot of money. There are two boxes of this kind of jewelry here." Another person also sneered.

If you don\'t see it with your own eyes, few people can know what a hundred million is, but when all this money is piled up in front of you, everyone will think that it is at least one billion.

This is how Shen Fangbin and his wife feel now. They are really rich, very rich and very rich. Although everyone followed him and drank some soup, their meat was more delicious than they thought.

Jealousy is the original sin, and at this moment, many people who supported Shen Fangbin scolded him in their hearts. It seems that everyone lost money in the past, and all the money went into the hands of this old boy. So much money can be piled up in the house, and I don\'t know how much is left in the bank card.

Shen Fangbin\'s eyes were gloomy. His personal hobby was to look at a few boxes of banknotes, and Zhou Hong\'s personal hobby was to touch a few boxes of jewelry.

Forget it, in order to bring down Shen Xi, he went out of his way. Now that the Shen family has opinions on him, as long as Shen Xi is driven away, no one in the Shen family can threaten him. Those people are envious, jealous, and hateful, and they can only stare.

So in such a strange atmosphere, the search finally ended.

"I can search for you now, Shen Xi." Shen Fangbin resisted his anger. If it weren\'t for this kid, could he be forced to search his house? Can revealing so many things affect his prestige in the Shen family? It\'s all because of this stinky boy, not driving him away is not enough to quell his anger.

Shen Xi smiled lightly, "Of course you can."

"But I have to say it first. If the lost patented product is found in Shen Xi\'s room, I will expel Shen Xi from the Shen family, everyone.

Have an objection? "Shen Fangbin glanced around the crowd and said.

Although the Shen family is dissatisfied with him now, his words are reasonable and reasonable, saying, "No objection. Whoever dares to guard himself against theft should be expelled from the house."

So everyone went to Shen Xi\'s courtyard. Compared with Shen Fangbin and his wife, Shen Xi\'s place is very simple. Shen Xi likes this simple and elegant style, but compared with Shen Fangbin\'s, it looks too simple.

In an instant, the Shen family felt that Shen Xi must have been bullied by Shen Fangbin, and that life in the Shen family was very difficult.

Then, a book was thrown out, and a piece of clothing was thrown out, but none of those things were found. Shen Fangbin\'s face was as deep as water, and he hid the things himself, why did they disappear? The people monitoring outside also said that Shen Xi definitely didn\'t go out with the box. Such a behemoth, unless he knows magic, it is impossible for him to disappear in the blink of an eye.

what happened? Could it be that he has found something wrong and found a place to hide?

"Did you search carefully? There might be hidden compartments inside." Shen Fangbin said eagerly.

The Shen family who searched sneered, "You\'re careful enough, why, you still have to dig three feet in the ground. We didn\'t seem to be careful enough to search your house just now, maybe you still have hidden spaces there."

Shen Fangbin was ridiculed, and he didn\'t bother to care about it, so he went in and searched. Looking at the bottom of the bed, it was blank and there was nothing.

The place where Shen Xi lived was an overhead structure made of pure wood, which was also the old house of the Shen family. Then Shen Fangbin really defied all opinions, and regardless, demolished the house where Shen Xi lived in a frenzy. The wall was demolished, the roof was lifted, and the floor was pryed, but Shen Xi didn\'t stop it, and let him toss everything. The Shen family couldn\'t stand it any longer, and they demolished all the houses. Do they have to dig the ground next?

"The place where my uncle and I live has been checked. Should we check other places next? Hey, what about cousin Shen Huan? Didn\'t he come today? His house hasn\'t been searched yet." Shen Xi said.

Shen Fangbin waved his hand lazily, "He likes to cause trouble too much, I let him think about it behind closed doors in the room. He doesn\'t need to be searched."

"Why don\'t you need to search? Is there something similar to yours hidden in his house?" A clan elder choked.

In the end, the group went to Shen Huan\'s house to search. When so many people came, Shen Huan was taken aback. He was thinking about how to cheat, trick Shen Fangbin to sign, and then cooperate with Su Zibao to earn some pocket money. I didn\'t expect to see Shen Fangbin bringing so many people here. He thought that what he had planned with Su Zibao had happened, and he was very frightened.

It was only later that I found out that it was just a house search. He is not as rich as Shen Fangbin. He has been thinking about it behind closed doors for a while, and he is very poor, and people are searched a lot.


"Found a silver leather box!" The searcher dragged out the box that Pei Yi had hidden before.

Shen Fangbin was stunned and couldn\'t believe it. All the way, he wondered why Shen Xi didn\'t take the box, but the box was not in his house, and where did he hide this batch of things.

But now Shen Fangbin understood that the other party was thrown to Shen Huan. But he understood too late.

"Isn\'t this material the alloy box specially used to store technical products in the research room?" Shen Xi squatted down and touched the material of the box. He looked at the crowd and said, "It\'s locked. , with a password."